Chapter 8

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Warning: Mention of physical abuse and swear words.

Ore had lost concentration on what the physics lecturer was saying mid-way into the lecture. The large hall was unusually silent as the crowd of students dully payed rapt attention and jotted in their notebooks. Ore fiddled with her phone, her head slightly bent and her gaze focused on the trees that were swaying fiercely in the wind outside.

The sky was gray and pregnant with heavy rain that threatened to flood the earth. Thunderclaps resounded in the distance and Ore involuntarily gasped, earning her a hard stare from the dark skinned girl sitting close to her.

Ore glared back at her. She hated cloudy mornings. She sighed as she toyed with an idea to deduce a reasonable explanation for the motion of particles in air.

She angled her head, studying the small lettering on the white board as she massaged her temples. Ore couldn't understand what was being taught as the lecturer began to read from a big textbook he brought. The words floated in the air and passed through one ear and out the next before vanishing into steam evaporating from it.

As she fumbled with her pen to scribble something on her notebook, her phone shrilly rang out and the lecturer took off his glasses and angrily perused through rows of seats in search for the owner. Ore hissed as she was hurriedly reaching for the phone by the side of her bag. It mistakenly slipped from her grasp to the floor.

Unfortunately for her, the Techno phone didn't go off as most did when it crashed on a hard surface and Ore froze as the staunch man's gaze landed on her. He stood askance with a hand on his robust waist and the microphone too close to his mouth.

"I thought I told everyone to switch off their phones during the lecture," The lecturer, Mr Adebayi deadpanned with a frown on his face.

"Now, come hand me that phone," he snapped his fingers and the whole class turned to stare at her with piercing eyes. Ore gulped before turning to another direction trying to deflect the embarrassment.

"Aren't you hearing me?" By this time, the auditorium had started to get rowdy with hushed whispers. "Hand it over!"

Ore with tears in her eyes squatted to collect the now silent phone and shuffled her feet to get up.

"Please be fast about it, I don't have all day," The deep voice boomed.

Ore wiped her salty tears quickly with the back of her hand as she made a beeline for the passageway. This was the only phone she had ever used since the ending of her secondary school year and she hadn't even enjoyed it to the fullest before the lecturer was taking it away from her. Forever, she thought sadly.

After the terrible event at class, Ore hastily made her way up a flight of stairs to the last floor where Mr Adebayi's office was situated. She weaved her way in between the horde of students coming out from a chemistry laboratory and fumbled in her steps here and there because of her frayed nerve endings.

The lecturer had strictly warned her not to come knocking at his office for her phone but it was all she got and there was no way she wasn't going to put up a fight for it. Her only prayer was that it should be worth it. Ore heaved a deep sigh as she rounded a corner and knocked on a huge mahogany door.

She furtively counted her heartbeat and strapped her bag to the side. There was a low shuffle behind the door but there was no indication for her to go in. Ore sucked in a breath and knocked again. This time she rapped noisily on the door. Then, it was flung open and a short fair girl who was adjusting her shirt button came rushing out.

Ore stared at her retreating back with stark horror as she made her way into the fully air conditioned office. She stopped short as she saw the lecturer secretly zipping his trouser and taking a seat. She visibly shivered and took a seat opposite the middle aged man across the desk.

"I thought I told you not to come knocking at my office door for your phone," Mr Adebayi shouted banging his knuckles on the table. Ore jolted. Her gaze strayed from the deep clutter of files on the desk to the man's contorted face.

"Sir, please," she begged. "The phone is all I have." She made a small pout and rubbed her palms together in a plea. Ore could note something perculiar flicker in the lecturer's eyes and she inched backward. Mr Adebayi got up from his seat and rounded his table to perch on the edge of it, too uncomfortably close to Ore.

Ore took in the way the man loosened his tie and flashed his brown teeth in a wide grin. "There's only one way to advert the curse you have brought upon yourself now."

Ore's hands shook in trepidation. "What do you mean by that sir?" She croaked.

"What I mean?" The man asked folding his arms across his chest. "It's simple, make out with me right here or fail your course for the semester."

Ore whipped her head up with a growing fear clawing her insides. "I thought this was about my phone sir, I don't understand why all of a sudden this changed to my result."

Mr Adebayi smirked at her accusatory tone. "So, how do you want it, short or long?"

"What?" Ore almost screamed. "I can't have sex with you for my grades sir, that's not possible."

"What's not possible?" The man asked implanting himself in the space between them, his breath caressing Ore's face. Ore realized his shirt stank of tobacco and his smile was crooked.

"I said I can't do sex for grades, I just want my phone back," Ore tried to keep her tone of voice even so the man wouldn't suspect that she was scared shitless.

"You can't have either if I don't have you," Mr Adebayi concluded, trailing his fingertips in the parting of her breast. Ore tried to scamper away but the bulky man held her down and forcefully placed his lips on hers. Ore writhed in her seat and kicked her leg against the man's groin in the process.

He jolted back, clashing against his desk and Ore bolted for the door. She ran the length of the hallway and whisked down the stairs, colliding into a group of students who were idly chatting. They stared at her wildly and rained curses on her as she hurried down the last steps.

She crouched, pausing to calm her erratic heartbeat before heading to the hall for her next class.

Ore sat cross legged on her bed with hands on her jaw. The day had proved entirely too long for her to get home and lick her wounds. The rest of her classes were dull and uneventful as the first and as soon as she was done with her lectures, she didn't wait to sign off a few forms at her department and hurried to the bus park.

The rain had let off a bit but slight drizzles touched her long braid. The harsh wind picked up pieces of paper, food wraps, and blew it in the air along with some particles of dirt. As soon as Ore stepped foot in her room, she hurried to have a cold bath amidst the chilly weather and scrub her body. She felt dirty and used, never had she felt so violated in her teenage life.

Ore shivered and rubbed her bare arms as salty tears cascaded down her cheek. She rocked herself back and forth and nursed her running nose with a hand towel.

The room door creaked open and Martha tiredly stepped in, subconsciously dropping her leather bag on the floor and rushing over to Ore's side. She pulled her in for a hug and patted her back in a bid to comfort her.

No words or further exchanges were needed.

Author's note: Waoh, Ore was violated against her wish. What a terrible experience to go through and still lose her phone in the process.

Side note: I cried while writing this chapter because it's so close to my heart.

Hope you enjoyed reading ❤️

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