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Maro was sentenced to fifteen years imprisonment for confining his fellow human. He was to spend his days in a filthy cell, eating undercooked food and being haunted by his jail mates. The police continuously tortured him to reveal who his crime partner was until finally with blood gurgling from his split lips, he confessed.

He said that Tami was the one that initiated the whole plan. She'd contacted him that she had a deal for him and needed his cunning mind to execute it. At first, he'd been hesitant, he barely knew the girl and they could easily be caught in the act.

But with her sweet tongue, she convinced him and they met to discuss in detail the operation. Tami wanted a huge sum of money from Dami to start building up her estate in town while Maro hated Dami's guts even though he chatted and laughed with him. Not knowing he was the devil in disguise.

Maro was envious of Dami's wealth and the way girls were easily attracted to him. He was handsome too but he didn't get half as much attention. He knew his father was into estate management and had handed him a club to run. Dami spewed the words to him on a drunken night out and made him swear to keep it a secret.

But of course, a secret didn't always stay a secret. So, Maro paid some street boys to rob the place. That was the night one of them was caught and two others escaped. Maro was annoyed that Dami caught on so fast, it was at the time Tami came up to him with the offer. He took it, seeing it as a means of payback.

Tami was arrested while chilling in her condo at Ozuoba. She was taken in for questioning but since she refused to talk, her sentence was much graver. Fifteen years with hard labor.
Tami realized she was doomed for and that she'd lost her hold over Dami if he were to find out.

She couldn't bear the thought of Dami turning his back on her because of her salient betrayal. She stole a gun from one of the officers on duty and shot herself in the head.


                                 *  *  *

Ore fumbled with her heavy luggages as she retreated down the steps. She wanted to leave her boxes in a corner and call a cab from the junction. She wiped sweat from her brow and was about heaving one of her bags when a wide palm closed over hers.

Ore jolted and turned to glare at the intruder. She was surprised to see the dude from the hospital in an open collared shirt. She had once been a sucker for such but not anymore.

"What the hell are you doing here? I thought I told you to stay away from me?!"

Ore's hand bunched into a fist and Philip had to step back.

"I just wanted to see you to know how you are doing. Mercy told me you were traveling today."

"So?" Ore quizzed with a frown. "I don't know who the heck you are. Back off dude."

"The thing is . . ." Philip rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "I have been liking you for quite a while and I think it's time to back off. I don't want to come off as being obsessive or something of the sort."

"Well, you already are," Ore stated sharply. Philip nodded his head, hurt flashing in his eyes.

He stepped forward challengingly but Ore stood her ground not flinching. She didn't say anything, she merely watched Philip cautiously.

"What the fuck do . . ." The rest of Ore's words were halted by a hot, demanding kiss from Philip. When he finally pulled back out of breath, he raced to his car embarrassed. Before he got in the driver's seat, he took one good look at the puzzled expression on Ore's face and smiled.

It was then her brain clicked. But she wasn't able to utter a word as he was already driving away.

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