Chapter 11

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 I flipped through the pages before finding the name I was looking for, one Mr.Ford. I didn't babysit for a lot of my clients, 'special' or not. There just weren't enough hours in the week. I still got paid however every Sunday from the families who paid me side money to keep my mouth shut about certain things. I placed their names in my pink notebook and they sent the money through PayMe. If they forgot, I sent them reminders through text and the money would be sent to me within minutes. I had five 'special' clients and altogether it was two thousand dollars I received from them a month. I hated being paid through PayMe because it left a trail but a girl had to do what a girl had to do.

I made a little over a thousand dollars from babysitting normally. It seems like a lot of money depending on who you ask. Three grand a month but I had tuition, bills to help with, a credit card bill, a phone bill, groceries, and whatever else I wanted just for pleasure. Three grand wasn't much when everything added up at the end. I didn't include the money I got from writing papers because I didn't do it consistently. I sometimes got too busy or sometimes business would be slow. I considered my writing papers money to just be extra. If I only had extra money when I really needed it. When she needed it the most, I thought to myself. I let out a shaky breath. Stop, it's in the past. There's nothing you can do now. Nothing but fight for what you want and take a little more.

Now back to Mr.Ford. He is a married man who sold cars for a living. He lives in a four-bedroom house near Marietta. He lives with his loving wife and their two daughters, Carla and Carly. I forget the wife's name. Anyhow, long story short one day I was babysitting and I find a receipt in the trash for a gay bar. It didn't take me long to put two and two together. I was getting vibes from Mr.Ford for weeks but I've been wrong before. I wasn't wrong this time.

I should feel ashamed for taking such sensitive information and using it to my advantage but this is the twenty-first century. Mr.Ford should be ashamed for hiding in the first place. If he got out of the closet I wouldn't be blackmailing him. I dialed Mr.Ford's number. It rang twice before he picked up.

"It isn't Sunday, why are you calling?" Mr.Ford answered quite sourly but who could blame him.

"I know the days of the week and I'm not calling for that. I'm in the market for a car. I'm not spending more than five grand. Help a girl out?"

"Five grand? Ha! The cars I sell are worth twenty grand and up. You'll have to look-"

I sucked some air in-between my lips. "I'm sorry. Did I phrase that like a question? I meant you will be helping me out. Five grand for a nice car, emphasis on nice or else I'll blow your marriage and you'll be wishing you had just taken my money."

I listened patiently to Mr.Ford breathing on the other side of the phone, "Fuck!" He whispered. "Come now. I have one car I can sell you below the price."

'I'll be there and it'll be all cash, Mr.Ford."

I liked it. I loved it! The car was a 2010 Mini Cooper. It was painted pink with daffodils. The inside had black car seats and mats with a brand new radio.

"You like it? Five grand. You get the title, registration, bill of sale and keys, today. You'll need insurance. Do you have it?"

I didn't want to look too excited though, a girl had to keep a hard facade in this world. "It's alright. I guess it'll do. My mom is going to put me on her car insurance. She'll be here any minute."

I had called my mom from the Lyft here. It would be too expensive to get car insurance in my own name but if I got it in my mom's name and mine it would be a lot cheaper. It would also not allow my mom to screw me over and try to take my car. She would do that. Trust.

My mom came in less than five minutes in her own car. She and I both signed the title and insurance. I paid Mr.Ford the money and I had my very own car in less than an hour. My mom walked me to my new car. "So one hundred, you're going to send it through PayMe?" My mom asked, referring to our earlier deal. In exchange, for her helping me get my car I owed her one hundred dollars. She'd no doubt buy weed and hopefully, that would be it.

"Already sent," I answered putting my keys into the car. The car purred alive, putting a grin onto my face. My mother kissed my cheek and got back into her own black car. I let out a huff of angry air. Love you. . .or not.

"Mi'a! Mi'a Davidson!" Ugh, high, shrill voice, and orchid perfume. I was already getting a migraine.

"Aurora Lionel. Tell me, why isn't this a pleasure?" I cooed at my archnemesis. Aurora Lionel. She was the daughter of Mrs.Lionel who owned SitForMe. The company I worked for. Aurora was her mothers' carbon copy with pale skin, blond hair, and brown eyes. She could actually be Sleeping Beauty. Now I just wish she'd be cursed to sleep for several years.

"Oh, I don't know. It could be the fact that I'm the best babysitter-"

"Because your mom owns the company not because you're actually good," I interrupted.

"Or it could be because I'm going to be an amazing journalist which you wish you could do instead of being a boring, old nurse." That right bitch!

"Journalist, is that what you had to settle for after mommy passed you up and gave her company to Sophia?" I said hitting a nerve. Aurora's face turned a bright, cherry red. I smirked. We both knew just the buttons to push to upset the other and we pressed them every time we saw one another.

"Do you think I care about that? Ask me what I do care about?" Aurora tempted me.

"Well, I actually would have to care to ask wouldn't I?" I said with another devilish smirk. I loved nothing more than a snarky comment to an enemy.

"How much my car was. That's what I care about. I said it didn't matter too much and it's a good thing because I'm pretty sure you didn't have much to offer." Aurora replied.

My shocked physiognomy gave Aurora the ammunition she needed to fire one last shot and kill me. This was her car. Her old car.

"Well, a hand me down car for a hand me down you. See you Sunday, Mi'a."

If it wasn't obvious, I hated that bitch. 

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