Chapter 3

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 I was wearing my gray, baggy sweatpants and a white shirt with three yellow flowers going across the breast area. I wasn’t a tomboy, but I certainly don't dress girly either. My fashion choice was simple but cute. Comfy meets pretty is what I called it. I looked at my smartwatch, and yes, you guessed it. It's a Samsung smartwatch. It was seven in the morning, and I needed to hurry if I was going to catch the one ninety-six. 

 I placed my turkey sausages next to the waffles and kiwi on my plate. My cup of chocolate almond milk is sitting at my spot of choice on the table. I was allergic to milk, which I found out recently after doing it for years. I still ate ice cream and consumed products that contained milk in them but in my defense. My doctor said, "No more milk." Not no more milk and anything that contains milk.

 The house was relatively quiet. Brayden and Courtney were up, no doubt getting Amarah ready for school. She rode the bus, and it was nice because our house was conveniently located right next to the bus stop. "Good morning Mi'a." Brayden said. 

 "Morning," I replied. I finished my milk and cleaned my dishes, unlike Trick, who left his dishes for the next person to clean. 

 I grabbed my bag from the couch, checked my reflection one more time in the mirror. My Hershey’s chocolate complexion was staring back at me. My naturally sleek eyebrows, small nose, and dimples were highlighting my face. The five acne bumps on my slightly prominent forehead not so much. I ruffled and patted at my mini afro. My hair is the biggest challenge on my body. 

 Beep. Beep. Beep. The alarm going off on my watch reminded me I had a bus to catch. I dashed out the door and down the street. The January breeze gently swayed this morning. I relished in the cool air as the morning sun beat down against the back of my neck. I barely made it to the bus. I tapped my card two dollars and fifty cents automatically deducted. I took in the scene of the bus spotting two empty seats. I claimed the one by the window.

I placed my eardrums in and scrolled to one of my favorite songs. The lyrics make my head bop and my foot swing. I liked to do two things on the bus. One listen to music, and two observe people. Many people ride the bus. It can be summed up into one category, broke people, and then broken down even further. There were the parents single or together within kids most of the time multiple with no car. College students. Middle-class workers from fast food to nurses and people who were just going to point A to point B to point C or further. Those people could be tourists because Marta did go to the airport or just people going a bit further like myself. 

 I took the one ninety-six to the College Park Station, then caught the train that brought me to Peachtree University Station. It took me less than five minutes to get to campus once I was at the Peachtree University Station. The whole process, however, was about an hour and thirty minutes. Yup, it was a lot, but for ten bucks a day, I couldn't complain. 

 At the train station, I helped an old lady with her luggage down some steps. She thanked me furiously as I managed just to catch my train as the doors were closing. I took an empty seat close to the door. My earbuds are still in as a song from Ella Mai played. The same black man who looked to be in his thirties was selling headphones and gloves for five dollars. It made me think of my grandma. "If i can work at seventy then these young-ins need to get a real job." 

 "Peachtree University Station." The train announcer said. I stood up to take my leave. I put my hand in my pocket, lightly touching the breeze card safely located in there. I deposited money on it at the College Park Station and tapped it. The double doors leading to the exit opening.  

 The bright rays of the sun hit me directly. A new Subway resided across from the station and a MetroPCS. There was a bank of America right beside the station. I walked the sidewalk in the direction of my school. A Walgreens was placed between a park and the street that was on the same side as the Subway. I crossed the street, walking past the Walgreens and the fancy little cafe, A Petite. I never ate there, but I heard it was good. The school bus roared past me driving students to their next spot on campus. The campus was huge, but first-year students mostly got classes that were close to each other. 

 The buildings of Peachtree University were sleek and some new. On-campus there was a state of the art recreation center with a sauna and Jacuzzis. There was a movie theater with a concession stand and fast-food restaurants scattered around campus. My first class, math 1101, was simple enough and located on the third floor of Magnolia Hall. I had two classes on campus and two online. I went to class Monday and Wednesdays and worked every other day.. I waited outside the door to my class. The teacher, Mr.Chai of some African heritage, was always late. He was a good teacher, however, and him being late meant I could get business done. 

 "Mi'a, are you done with the paper?" Jasmine, a girl in my class, asked. 

 "Of course. Do you have my payments?" I answered while reaching into my bag for her paper. 

 "Yup. You are a lifesaver! I have been getting As on all my papers. My dad is so proud. He bought me a new phone and sent me shopping money." Jasmine said with glee. She was a skinny, white girl with pretty features whose dad had money, just like eighty percent of the kids who went to Peachtree University. I was among the few students who were here on a scholarship or had to take out loans. The fifty dollars Jasmine gave me helped pay for my expenses- food high on that list. Speaking of which-

 "Aren't you forgetting something?" I stated my palm out. Jasmine looked at me with a befuddled expression before realization dawned on her facial features. Jasmine reached into her expensive bag, which I could care less for, and pulled out the rest of my payment. The small, brown paper bag with the name of the bakery Belle's Pies labeled neatly in cursive. I could smell the cinnamon and brown sugar wafting from the pack. Apple pie from Belle's was unbeatable. The price, however, for one slice. One single, nicely portioned, but still, one piece was ten dollars. I was not going to pay the price of a fast-food meal for a slice of dessert, so I included it in my payments. "Nice doing business."

 "I have another paper due this Friday. Here's the syllabus. " Jasmine whispered as we both entered the math class. 

 I took my regular seat near Mr.Chai as my classmates filled the seats around me. I didn't consider anyone in the class, my friend but then again I wasn't the friendliest of people. 

 "Okay, class, take out some paper and your writing utensils, and let's begin." Mr.Chai instructed, scribbling sloppily onto the board. 

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