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Chapter | Four

I couldn't sleep, not after the whole Michael and Pedro Pascal look-alike incident. I sat on my balcony for hours after the party ended. I didn't even care.

How did I not see that Michael had a fiancé?

He had made time to see me three to four times a week and stayed over, we went out often. How did he pull it off? Had he been a genius of cheating or was it me?

Was it me who was stupid and blind? Probably.

"Shit.." I cursed under my breath as the whole situation made me see how fucked it was. The door on the opposite balcony opened and I froze, hoping he wouldn't see me since I was sitting on an outdoor couch.

He closed the zipper of his jeans and was once again shirtless, lipstick marks were all over his neck and chest. This time he had a cigarette in between his lips, he inhaled the smoke and exhaled.

I grimaced at the sight and kept quiet. If he didn't bother me, I wouldn't bother him.

Though it was clear to me what he had been doing before coming out here, he probably had a few women in there. He's a pig. That's what he is.

I bit my lip as I continued to look ahead of me, the slow streets at this time of the morning. It gave some sort of peace. Despite the tornado on the balcony next to me.

"Isobel! Oh I almost didn't see you there" Taron's voice made me jump in my seat but I ignored him. "Oh come on, don't be like that" Taron cooed.

He finished his cigarette and put it in a pot of flowers before leaning over the rail of his own balcony to get my attention.

"Is it our thing now? Meeting out here after we have sex?" Taron retorted with a laugh. Though his comment wasn't funny. I had made a mistake, doing what I had done with Michael.

"Hellooo?" Taron called out amused once more. He sighed when I didn't answer once again. He turned away and for a second I was relieved when I thought he walked back in, but suddenly he jumped over on my balcony.

My eyes were wide in surprise of how he made that jump without falling. Our balconies were not that close. I was surprised as hell.

"Now, tell me what's going on. You got me feeling worried" Taron said as he walked over to me and sat down way too close for my liking.

"I'm tired, I'm only twenty-six. Yet I've been cheated on, lied to and hurt more times than I can count. I'm just tired, okay?" I said, trying to get him to leave.

He looked at me and I looked away, his eyes making me squirm under them. It was intense, like they were working through every wall in my body.

"Hey, look at me" Taron beckoned, the amusement in his voice and on his face was gone. He was dead serious, his hand lifted my chin up and I glared at him as he forced our eyes to lock.

"What?" I retort with a bit of attitude. "I get it, I was in a relationship for six years and had my heart broken. Now i'm just living life, hell, there's nothing I would rather want than to settle down with the woman of my dreams, but life just isn't that way" Taron said.

His eyes showed how genuine he was and I hated that. His words shouldn't bring me comfort. Yet they did.

"A woman like you can have anyone you want, believe me. You had a lot of guys last night at your feet, you just walked away" Taron said, his lip curved up in amusement and I rolled my eyes and moved my head out of his gentle hold.

"Come on, take it from me. The neighbor you hate, you'll find your man. He's right here" Taron said and stood up, spreading his arms to make his point clear that he thought he was the man for me.

"Please, you couldn't handle me if you tried, Taron" I retorted with a snort and stood up as well. "Try me" He retorts with a cocky smirk, I walk up to him without another word.

Letting the silence add to the tension as I approach him, mere inches between our faces as he looks down at me, his pupils dilated as he watches me and I smirk a little.

I lean up to his ear and take a slow breath, seeing the hairs on his neck rise. "Get off my balcony, Taron" I said and pushed him back. "Oh fucking hell" Taron cursed as he realized I played him.

I shoot him a wink before opening the door to my apartment, I close the glassdoor after me and lock it. Making it clear to Taron that he will never get in.

He grins and shows his hands in surrender before backing up. He shoots me a wink before walking towards the edge and then he gets up on the railing and jumps over on his own balcony.

I chuckle a little as I make my way to my bed, throwing myself in it. I pull the sheets over my body and let sleep take me over. Whatever bullshit Taron had said, it had calmed my mind a little, enough for me to get some sleep at least.

Hours later I woke up, by thunderous knocks on my door. I groaned a little before pulling myself out of my bed.

I walked out to my door and opened it. I should've looked in the peephole. It was Michael. His hand pressed against the door as soon as I opened it and he walked in without a word.

"Michael? Get the fuck out of my apartment" I snap at him. He had no right coming here. "You can't deny what we had was good, don't end it like this" Michael begged me, he was angry and he was loud.

"Don't end it? Are you sick? You're engaged you fucking prick?" I retort with a scoff. He grabs my arms and I try to pull out of his hold.

"Don't pretend like you didn't need someone who had a hobby on the side! You never had time for a real boyfriend, I was perfect for you" Michael replied with a scoff.

"A hobby? What the fuck–you're engaged you maniac?!" I shout at him, the look in his eyes scare me, how could a sane man call his home life and fiancé a hobby?

"Don't call me a maniac" He snarled at me and wrapped his hand around my throat. "We're not done, we can work it out," Michael assured me.

I tried to peel his hand off of my throat, but he was stronger than me. "M-Michael, let go of me" I gasp and hit his arm. He doesn't even loosen his grip a bit.

I kick my leg between his legs with force and he instantly releases my throat as my knee makes brutal contact with his groin.

I start coughing for air as he falls to his knees. Suddenly Taron runs in, towards me. His fist implants on Michael's face knocking him out and he doesn't let it slow him down, he comes right to my side.

He pushes me back away from Michael as he puts his hands gently on each side of my jaw and he looks at my throat. "You okay?" He asks me while panting a bit.

I nod my head and cough one more time before swallowing deeply. "He barged in, I didn't think he would come here" I say and Taron nods before looking back at Michael who was now conscious and stood up.

"You–are you fucking him now?" Michael spat with a painful groan. "Sadly no, not yet" Taron retorted with a smirk.

"Fuck you" Michael snarled and Taron titled his head as a warning when he stood slightly in front of me. I tensed as I saw how his back muscles flexed, he wanted a fight.

"Get out of here before I call the cops on you, Michael" I threatened, Taron looked down at me as I still stood slightly behind him.

"Fine. We're done!" Michael shouted and Taron snorted. "Do you really want to test me right now?" Michael snarled at Taron.

"I kinda do, Iz is so much better off without you, shit I'm proud of her for dumping your ass and handling it like a boss last night" Taron retorted amused. I hit his back, I didn't want him to provoke him even more, I just wanted him gone.

"Be a good boy and get the fuck out of the building, yeah?" Taron said in a suggestive tone, Michael clenched his jaw but backed off and slammed the door after him.

Taron followed in the same direction, locking my door behind Michael as he had finally left my apartment. I took a deep shaky breath and wiped the tears away.

"Hey, I'm sorry for sneaking in, I just heard shouting" Taron apologized as he walked back up to me. "Thank you" I half whispered.

He gave me a small smile and nodded his head, I took a deep breath and Taron rubbed my back. "Breathe, just breathe. He's gone now" Taron muttered softly in my ear, he turned me around to face him and he pulled me into a hug.

I needed it. I needed a pair of strong arms to hold me together, just for a few minutes, so that I wouldn't shatter when he left too.

More tears escaped my eyes and Taron hugged me closer. I could feel his abs through his t-shirt, my hands on his back felt his back muscles as well. Fuck he was well built.

His hand rested on the back of my neck while the other remained around my waist, he held me for a good ten minutes before I was able to pull myself together.

"You got it?" Taron asked as I began to pull away, I chuckled a little and nodded my head, I slid my hands onto his shoulders and I took a deep shaky breath.

"I told you I'm unlucky" I retorted and Taron shoots me a small grin and shakes his head. "We'll change that, don't worry" He replied and shot me a wink.

Right, he seemed to think he was the right man for me.

"Whatever you say, Edwards" I retorted with a small laugh and pulled away fully. "Edwards? Oh, yeah, well you know me" Taron stated, confused at first, but then his eyes widened in realization and he nodded his head and laughed it off.

I narrowed my eyes at him. He sure was a weird guy. "I'll see you tomorrow" Taron called out and saluted me before unlocking my door and leaving. "Bye" I muttered as I watched him leave.

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