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Chapter | Twelve

The next day, I hadn't heard from Taron at all. I tried not to think too much of it, but maybe he didn't reach out because I didn't bring him back into my apartment last night?

I don't know.

Though when the evening came, I didn't know what to believe. I could've easily walked next door, but I feared what I would be met with.

Tomorrow night I had to go back to work at the club. So for now, I got as much editing work done as possible.

I was cuddled up on my couch with blankets and my laptop, my glasses secured on my nose as I read sentence after sentence. Page after page.

My energy surge hit me at nine, then I read faster than ever and left feedback notes. I was dying to finish this piece.

Though when I was in the middle of a feedback note, multiple knocks down the hallway got my attention. It was so loud, I almost thought it was my door.

I got up as curiosity got the best of me, they say curiosity killed the cat, but fuck it. I leaned my ear against the door and listened for a bit.

I heard hushed voices and so I slowly opened the door a bit without making any noise. I'm so curious, I need help.

"Why would you be so careless? Are you stupid?" A girl hissed, my brows furrowed when I recognized that voice. Clara?

"I didn't mean for anyone to know! Maybe I was just that stupid, I didn't mean for anyone to find out. It's not easy to keep from her!" That was unmistakably Taron's voice.

A pit grew in my stomach as I didn't know what to make of the things they were saying. "I'm gonna make sure she doesn't see it, but I'm not doing it for you" Clara retorted harshly.

"Thank you," Taron said quietly. "I've been trying to get rid of everything all day, so she doesn't find out," Taron added.

I scoffed soundlessly and closed the door without a sound. What the hell were they talking about?

Obviously me, but what the hell?

Why would Clara go behind my back with whatever they were talking about? I didn't understand. I glared at the door, hoping they would somehow sense my anger. But of course, they didn't.

The next day, Taron knocked on my door, but I pretended to not be home. Then he called and texted, but I didn't respond.

I tried to wrap my head around what could possibly be going on without my knowledge. No way Clara was sleeping with Taron, right?

No way. Or.. I don't know.

I kept myself busy and managed to avoid Taron for the entire day. I didn't hear from Clara either, which was probably a good thing since I would've just burst out on her, when I didn't know shit about what was going on.

It kept coming back to me, what could possibly be going on for Clara to come to Taron's apartment? If they weren't sleeping together on the side, then what for?

When it was finally thursday, I hated to admit that I was happier than ever to go to the club to work. I needed to get out.

Once again I had succeeded in getting out without Taron hearing or knowing. I successfully made it to work without trouble.

I greeted Diego as usual and headed behind the bar, I got everything ready and an hour later Clara showed up. When she greeted me I just sent a nod her way.

She raised her brow in confusion, but didn't question it. "Are we ready for tonight?" Clara asked me and I nodded my head before lifting another box of vodka up from the storage.

"Are you okay?" Clara asked confused as I passed her, without another word again. "I'm fine" I said and shrugged as I finally looked up at her. I knew I couldn't sulk around all night, I had to talk to her.

But maybe I wasn't ready for the possibility of my best friend and Taron to be together without my knowledge to be spoken out. I do admit, I was maybe starting to like Taron.

Okay, maybe I wasn't just starting to. I did like him. I do like him.

Clara shot me with worried looks for half of the night and when we finally hit the more calm time of the night, she blocked me from escaping and confronted me. "Alright, what did I do?" She asked with her hands on her hips. "Nothing" I said and shrugged a little with a small smile on my face.

Though she knew I hid the truth, she shot me a sharp look and I sighed and rolled my eyes a little before dumping the hand towel on the counter.

"Are you fucking Taron while I'm dating him?" I asked her, I felt bad for asking. But I really didn't know what else to make of what I heard the other day. Her eyes widened and she began laughing. "Jesus–dear god no! He's all yours babe" Clara said and wiped her tears away from laughing so much.

But when she realized I didn't look relieved she grew worried again. "Then why were you at his apartment? I heard you two–I live next door for christ sake" I said helplessly.

"Oh–OH! Babe, I'm sorry, we weren't sneaking around behind your back or something. How much did you hear?" She asked me with a wince.

"Something with how stupid he was and that he said it wasn't easy keeping something from me and he spent all day covering it up and whatever" I retorted and sighed in annoyance. Just then Clara could see how worked up I had been because of it.

"Babe, I-I was planning your birthday celebration, I asked Taron if the dates matched him and he texted me about the dates for your birthday plan, when you were on the date. That's why I got mad at him for being so stupid and that's what he kept from you, now don't make me say anything else or it will ruin it more than it already has" Clara begged me and batted her eyelashes.

"Fine" I said and she pulled me into a hug. "I would never sleep with Taron when I know how whipped you are for him" I gasped in offense and pulled slightly away.

"Am not!" I retorted. "You so are" She snorted and pulled me back into a hug.

"Hey! You two lesbians got a second to get me and my boys some drinks or what?" A guy shouted. Both Clara and I turned to glare at him and whistled to Diego and nodded our heads at the idiot. He was immediately removed from the club.

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