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Chapter | Eighteen

Torrance and Clara took me to the emergency room, seeing as blood was everywhere. I needed mere five stitches on my back as the shattered glass bottles had cut me when I stumbled back.

The guy's ring had cut my cheek and my cheekbone and eye was now turning dark and red already. Torrance, the owner of the club was with me, telling me that he wanted me to press charges against the guy, he knew him and he had caused trouble a million times.

He had my back, if I decided to press charges. Which I did, I didn't care at all. He was getting what was coming to him. Clara had gotten Thomas to take over at the club as he miraculously walked in after the incident.

"I don't even understand how he came back in" Clara said for the millionth time. Diego and Trev always handle guests and remember when they get thrown out. Neither knew how they got back in.

"Do you want me to call Taron?" Clara asked me as she turned to me. I shoot my head no. "He doesn't need to worry about me, I'll tell him when he gets back" I tell her.

She shoots me a look of disapproval, she knows I won't tell him. "It'll be fine, thank you guys, for coming with me" I tell the two.

"Of course, you could barely see anything for the blood, idiot" Clara retorted and I smiled a little at her, grateful for her.

"Anything for my favorite bartender," Torrance said with a wink and a smile. "In all seriousness though, I'll make sure this won't happen again. I don't know what went wrong between Trev and Diego, but I'll sort it out. Take the weekend off and update me on how you feel about work next weekend when you know" Torrance said and I nodded my head gratefully.

Torrance was a man in his mid thirties, very much gay even though he didn't show it, if you didn't know it, you wouldn't know it. He was the best boss anyone could ever ask for.

"You're ready to go, no concussion or anything. Just stay calm the next week or so, the wounds will heal and you'll be as good as new" The nurse told me. Both Clara and Torrance sighed in relief,

"Thank you" I told her and she shot me a smile before letting me put on my jacket and get my things. I hopped off of the hospital bed and glanced at the time on my phone.

It was two in the morning. I mentally groaned in annoyance at the late hour. "I'll drive you home and take Clara back to the club" Torrance said to us and we nodded our heads.

I was quiet the entire ride, which was unusual for me. Clara kept glancing back at me as I sat curled up in the backseat. Torrance drove his expensive McLaren focused, he arrived at my apartment building and I eyed it.

It was dark, not many lights were on. Yet my eyes stared at Taron's windows. Black and empty, he wasn't home. My heart yearned for his presence at this moment.

"Thanks guys, I'll call you" I said, directing it to both of them. I would call Clara tomorrow and Torrance when I had made up my mind about next weekend.

"Be safe, babe" Clara called out and squeezed my hand in hers before I exited the car. I waved at both of them as I walked into the building.

Only when the lights in my bedroom lit up, I heard the familiar McLaren take off. Torrance and Clara had waited till I was safely inside my apartment.

I smiled a little as I pulled the curtains down, to shield me from the world. I stripped out of my clothes and glanced at my phone, Taron had called twice and texted a few times.

I just didn't have any energy to answer him. I dropped into my bed and fell asleep instantly. It sucked, everything sucked when Taron wasn't here.

Fuck, I would ditch my job here and go with him anywhere he went if I had the chance. Though I'm sure his boss wouldn't appreciate that, along with the numerous hickeys I would be tempted to give him.

Hours passed and I wasn't feeling anymore energized as I should. I felt drained and I was in pain. I rolled out of my bed and saw a little blood on my pillow, knowing it was the cut on my cheek that had reopened a bit during my tossing and turning.

I sighed and walked out to my bathroom, I peed and as I washed my hands, I looked up into the mirror. A very beaten and bruised face was staring back at me, I frowned a little and turned sideways, to get a glimpse of the stitches on my back.

They were still intact, though I would have trouble explaining this to Taron when we would facetime next time. Hell the guy loved facetiming me whenever he wasn't home.

I dried my hands and exited the bathroom, I went to my kitchen and opened the drawers, looking for painkillers to take some of the worst pain.

When I finally succeeded, I downed two and made some easy breakfast before going back to bed. I grabbed my phone and sighed when I saw Taron had texted at least ten messages and called ten times as well.

I decided to open the messages and I scrolled to the very top to be sure of what he was freaking out about.

Taron Edwards:

Are you home? How was work?

How about now?

Baby, I miss you, please call me when you get off work.

I don't care how late it is, call meee.

I'm getting worried it's 4AM...

I just saw an article about an assault at the club, please call me. "Image attached"

Baby, please call me back. I need to know that you're okay..

Baby, it says it was a bartender, one of the three women...

Please confirm you're okay.

Isobel. Please, I'm losing my mind.

I'm sending Richard over, Clara isn't answering either.

The last message was an hour ago, which made me panic a little. I quickly put on some clothes and right as I hurried into my living room I was about to call Taron back– a few knocks on the door interrupted me.

"Fuck" I cursed before heading to the door. I looked through the peephole and saw Richard standing there, worried and all.

"I'm fine, Richard. Just go home" It was a cheap shot, there was probably about 10% chance that he would say 'okay, see ya' and leave.

That wasn't the case of course. "Iz, open up. Taron won't leave me alone unless I see you're physically fine" Richard called out with a whiny tone.

"Fuck" I cursed under my breath. "What's going?" He called out and knocked on the door again, he tried the doorknob and I sighed in defeat. I had no choice.

I opened the door and pulled him in and slammed the door behind him. His eyes widened and a shocked girlish gasp escaped his throat.

"Don't tell Taron. Please, it's handled, I don't want him to worry. He won't be home for another week, please it'll kill him to know this happened and he won't be able to be here" I beg him desperately, trying to use his best friend's natural instincts against him.

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