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Hi, first of all thankyou for liking my story and for supporting me as it's my very first story. Honestly I wasn't expecting this much views. So once again thankyou, keep reading and HAPPY NEW YEAR...!!!

It's been a lot of days since Emma has been ignoring Sam. It was 6 am, Emma had just woken up and was going through some patient's files while relaxing on her living room couch. Apparently she was engaged in files but Sam was all over her mind.

She was playing with corner of a page with her blue pen held in her mouth, the door bell rang. She ushered herself to the door and was not surprised at all. It was Sam. She greeted him with nothing
but a fake smile and moved inside expecting him to follow her.

"Emma." He called out.
She pretended to be deaf.
"Emma, why in this world you are not taking my calls?" He asked her, grabbing her by her left arm.
"I was busy." She said, pushing him aside giving an annoyed expression.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" He asked her plainly.
"Do you even care, you are about to leave me, right. Then what are you waiting for?" She added on while staring him furiously.
"No, who told you that." He asked her.
"Let me start from the beginning, that day you forgot to disconnect the call and I heard you and your fathers conversation." She stopped.

"No you didn't heard the full conversation, I did said it but I hadn't finished it yet," He summarised.
He continued" I proposed him to return your father's share to you." "LIAR!" She shouted on his face.

He sat down on the sofa with his head held in both his hands out of frustration as she moved pass him towards the kitchen.

She moved towards the shelf, poured a glass of apple nectar from the bottle and took a nice sip of it.
while he was seated on the sofa. She took another long sip and walked to him.
He moved his gaze to her wondering what she was upto.

She spoke "you know what, being cousins, we share the same genetic makeup. Now I will play this game your way Mr Sam Athens, like you played with me!"

Sam stood up, now he was fuming with anger, he held his fists tight to engulf Emma's sharp words. "What game?" He asked sharply.

"You along with your father used me to get any evidence regarding that case." She shouted.
"I loved you Emma and you are blaming me." He said coldly.
"Obviously that was part of your plan, isn't it!" She chuckled and settled by the wall near the window.

He turned to her with his right hand on the wall opposite Emma. " Emma your problem is that you live in your delusions."
He turned around to leave " I know one day you will come back regretting." he said barging the door.
As he was moving to the door he saw Emma's reflection in the mirror and left with a heavy heart.
Flashback over

Emma pov
Shoot. What have I done? He was speaking truth all that time and I said those harsh words to him. I insulted him alot. What if he left me for real, I love him, I can't even bare to imagine living without him. Please Sam don't go, I am sorry.

I took out my phone and dialed Sam's number. His phone was switched off.
I dialed again, this time Simon's number.
"Hello." Simon answered on call.
"Simon, please give the phone to Sam." I spitted out.
"I am afraid he hasn't came back, he left early today. Is everything alright?" She replied.
"Any idea, where he could be?" I said in a go.
"Today he had taken a leave from his job so he can only be with Dave, I'll msg you his address." She told me.
I cut the call without bothering to reply her.

I informed the hospital administration that it's an emergency so I have to leave.
I started my car and rushed my way to Dave's. It was a small house near Sam's residence.

"Hi Dave, I need to talk to Sam." I said as Dave opened the door.
"He's not here Emma, why are you so tensed? Come in." Dave replied.
I entered his house, he came back with glass of water and asked me to sit.

"What happened Emma?"he asked me.
I narrarated him the whole story, at first he proposed that I should wait for sometime but I insisted so he decided to accompany me looking for Sam at expected places like some restaurants, librarys etc.

Emma entered her apartment when the clock on the opposite wall of her living room struck 10 pm. She went straight to her bedroom, threw her bag on the bed and headed to the bathroom. She opened the tap staring her face into the mirror which looked pale and redness had appeared on her cheeks and nose which clearly symbolised that she had been crying.
She splashed ice cold water on her face, closed the tap and started to wipe her face with her bare hands. She moved with heavy steps to the fridge, hunted for beer, took out few cans . She returned back to her room, sat down on the floor and curled herself up like a frightened kitten. She held her arms tightly around herself in order to calm her increasing anxiety coupled with severe headache.

She opened a can and started drinking until her eyes felt tired and finally closed. Her face, her eyes clearly showed that she had lost another battle of her life.

From the moment she opened her eyes to the world, she kept losing! At a young age she lost her father, then at eighteen she lost her mother, which made her lose her confidence and trust on people and now today she lost him. The only person she believed feared losing her.

She now understood her story. Maybe she was not meant to be loved but suffer. Sam was a good person who loved her but she disgraced him. She never valued his love so obviously he had to move on like he did. She kept on thinking all this until she dozed off on the floor of her bedroom. She was now sure, she lost him forever.

"Life is too short to wake up      
  with regrets so love the people  
who treat you right. Everything happens for a reason.
If you get a chance, take it. If it changes your life, let it.
Nobody said life would be easy, they just promised it would most likely be worth it."

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