"Just drive"

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"It's ok mom, I'll do it. please don't cry." Simon heard Sam consoling his mom, standing outside her bedroom.

"Mom you need to eat." Simon said facing her mom.
"Simon take mom." Sam told her.
"What about you?" Simon asked Sam.
"I am not hungry." He answered.

Soon Simon walked out of the room with Nina. He moved to the cupboard in Albert and Nina's bedroom. He opened the drawer and took the revolver. It was Albert's, he kept it for his safety but now Sam feared it. He was afraid that his mom might use it as she was really disturbed so he decided to take it into his care.

He walked to his room, took his sweater off and threw it on the floor, kept that revolver into his drawer and laid on his bed with his legs still dangling from the bed and went to sleep.

Emma pov
Last night Simon informed me about the funeral of Albert Athens.
As I entered the graveyard, I quickly found Simon, Miss Nina and Sam. I joined Simon. I could see Sam pretending and trying not to meet my eyes. He was fighting deep inside, a deadly fight between his heart and mind. It was tough for him.

After the funeral, I greeted Simon and moved out without seeing him. But as I reached the road, a car similar to Sam's car stopped blocking my way.

Sam ushered pass me and said facing me "Come with me."
And sat on the front passenger seat of the car. I was standing there confused when his driver stood out from the car, moved to me and gave me the car keys.

I immediately sat on the driver's seat, with confused mind. I tried to speak but he cut me.
"Drive." He said.
"Where to?" I asked.
"I'll tell." He replied with his gaze fixed on the front screen. His eyes were swollem red probably because of crying hard. His face looked pale as if he had not eaten well in a while. He was looking really down.

I drove following his directions but slamed hit the brakes when I noticed the area.
"Sam..!" I spoke.
"Just drive." He cut me rudely.

I had no choice but to move on, so I drove him to his desired destination. The car stopped in front of a house with name plate   "Anna Athens".

He stepped out, rang the bell and introduced himself to her maid. He was looking at me awkardly, he was signaling me to step out of the car and join him. We walked to mom's living room.
We were seated there waiting for her. I could already smell some disaster approaching.

After few minutes Anna came down and not completely applauded seeing Emma.
Sam stood up and began
"Maam, my name is Sam Athens, son of Nina and Albert Athens,"

Her eyes widened in anger.
He continued" I know dad has not been in well terms with you, but he died last night. Before it, he was sorry for what he did hence he returned you that sum through Emma."
"What sum? What is it Emma?" Anna asked out of confusion.

Sam was quite shocked though he handled it. He was surprised to know that Emma didn't informed her about the will and even about Albert's death!

"Those are with me." Sam handed her the papers.
"Last night my mom confessed something. Mom and Dad loved each other but mom was greedy for more. She had her eyes on your husband's share so she back bitted against your husband to dad. She convinced him that his brother was about to betray him by showing fake agreements, fake witnesses.....finally he out of anger and revenge murdered his brother making it look like a suicide. Now she is guilty but couldn't bare to confess this to you so she asked me to do so. We are sorry for everything...." Sam stopped with his head bowed as he was trying to absorb his guilt.

Anna stood rugged as a rock, completely expressionless and said "Please leave Mr Sam Athens."
Sam nodded and giving a slight glare to Emma, left the room and soon the house.

Emma moved forward towards Anna and hugged her into a consoling hug.
Anna broke down crying badly. Emma hugged her tightly and this time she replied back by hugging her deeply.

Emma left as Anna calmed down. Sam was already resided on the driver's seat this time. Emma joined him with her eyes on the screen.
"You didn't tell her!" He barged.
"Yes." She answered while staring the screen.
"Why?" He asked.
She didn't answered .
"I said Why!" He shouted.
"because she hates me." she shouted back.

He was staring her with a questioning face while she was dodging her gaze from his.

"The way you are feeling right now is hurting you right? I have felt more than this my whole life. You know why? She believes, I am the reason my dad died....he filed against his brother for my sake...and he did died for my sake." She stopped taking a deep breath.

Sam slowly moved his left arm around her and she hid herself in his arms crying. Sam could feel her tears dripping on his jacket. Sam cupped her face in his hands and laid a small kiss on her forehead.

Silence took over them, Sam took hold of the steering wheel this time, turned the engine on and started to drive on the smooth road with sharp rays of sunlight blocking their sights. Both of them didn't communicated through out the journey. After a span of 20 mins Sam pushed the breaks bringing Emma out of her thoughts. They had reached Emma's apartment, she went out of the car and he left.

Sam pov
I horned at the main gate of my residence and it opened within few seconds. I stepped out of the car and forwarded the keys to my driver.
"Take the car inside, I'll take a walk." I ordered the driver.
"Ok sir." He answered while taking the keys from me.

I tucked my hands in my jeans pockets and started to walk as if I could free myself from all my issues. I took off my shoes and placed my feet on wet ground. I was gazing at the green grass of the lawn while laying my feet on it trying to relieve my stress. I ran my fingers through my hair, helding them tight in my fist to somehow make me feel better or I can say to reduce the amount of pain I was going though.

I let go of my hair and laid down on the wet grass with my hands let loose on the grass and my head towards the wide blue sky burning with the sunlight.

*"The way you are feeling right now is hurting you right? I have felt more than this my whole life. You know why? Emma shouted........."You are such an obedient son." Nina said while carassing his hair......."Don't do this, don't hurt your family...please for my sake." She pleaded him......."From the first time I saw you till last time we met I have loved you." He told her. *

These words were going all in my mind making it unbearable for me to take it's load and decide my next step. I closed my eyes with my  intention to medidate.

"The loneliest moment in someone's life is when they are watching their whole world fall apart and all they can do is stare blankly."

A voice woke me up, I don't know for how long I was there.
"Sam." Dave called him as he locked his car.
"Hi." I answered him while standing up.

He moved towards me and hugged me tightly, tight enough to sooth my heart, my conflicts and majorly me.

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