"The hangover"

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Emma pov
I woke up to the sound of very familiar sound, the doorbell. I stood up trying to ensure my balance and floundered towards the door holding my heavy heading my palms, on my way to the door I tried to remember
what happened last night?..where was I?...how did I get here? Because I don't remember a thing after I left the hospital.

I opened the door to reveal that it was Ria, my best friend.

"Good morning." she said smiling cheerfully at me.
"Hi." I replied rubbing my temples as I turned around leaving the door to her.
"Bad hangover?"she asked as she locked the door and made her way through the apartment.
"How the hell do you know this???" I questioned her in a confused state of mind as I followed her instinctively through the apartment.

"Oh so you think you magically got back at your apartment." she replied with a grin on her face as she turned around.
I was looking at her face plainly questioning her.

"Let me clear that to you. I called you but your phone was switched off so I called at the hospital, they told me you left earlier. I tracked you with the help of that app in your phone and found you drunk asleep in your car......you know the rest." She sighed.

I took a seat on the couch with my head loosely hanging down and hands crossed on my knees. She came to me, cupped my face and asked me
"Why do you drink too much, you know its dangerous? What happened that made you do this?"

I tried hard to control the outburst of my emotions but I couldn't hold it for any longer and broke down sobbing to which she hugged me really tight. I narrated her the whole story as she already knew each and every thing about my past or present. She was the only person who knew it by now. I revealed to her that Sam was my father's brother, Albert's son.

Then she calmed me down made me breakfast, chocolate pancakes topped with fresh strawberries and fresh creams. Then I had a warm shower, dressed up because she insisted on going out for lunch to make me feel better.

Before doing anything else I made sure to call Dr Adam to inform him about yesterday, he was kind of fine with that and prescribed me to take the day off but join for night duty at the hospital. The whole day was soothing enough, Ria made me feel better. She was one really good friend of mine who always stood by me whenever I needed her.

Sam pov
I guess I am saved though I was not much hopeful about it. It's been few hours I woke up, doctors came to check me but she didn't came, I don't know why I was expecting her but I missed her. I heard doctors say I'll have to stay here for atleast 2 months, my university reunion is next month, I can't miss it.

Two days passed that incident apparently everything came back to normal including Dr Emma. She somehow managed to convince Dr Adam not to allocate Sam's case to her.

On the other hand fate had planned something else and Dr Adam had a minor car accident and had to take a few days off.  So being the most senior doctor next to him she was forced to take Sam's case till he gets better.

As usual she had to go to Sam's room for routine check up so she went there after spending minutes outside the room to gather up the courage to face him again. She was embarrassed to face him again but somehow managed to gather the confidence to overcome the stupidity she did last time.

Few days later

Sam pov
"What should I do Dave? I asked my friend Dave on call as the nurse left the room after giving me a dose of medication.
"Listen bro if you think this is important for you ask her before it's too late." he replied in a serious tone.
"What if she refuses?" I asked sheepishly staring at the plain white ceiling.
"Come on buddy you can do this, make her fall for you." he said while laughing.

I was talking to Dave on phone when I heard a knock on the door I immediately disconnected the phone as I didn't wanted anyone in the hospital to take notice of my escape plan. I turned my head towards the door and to my surprise it was her.

"Hello Mr Sam." she greeted me with an expressionless face.
"Hi." I replied back staring at her subconsciously.
"I hope I didn't disturbed you, I just came for the routine check up, I will not take much of your time." she said plainly in one go and I nodded calmly.

Emma pov
I tried my level best not to make any eye contact with him but I couldn't fight the urge to look into his deep olive brown eyes. I better focus on the check up.
I was going through his his file when he said in a low voice will you ..?"

"Sorry I didn't get you." I replied instantly while turning the pages.
"Will you go out with me?" he said in a loud clear voice while his gaze piercing through me.
"WHAT??" I replied almost screaming in shock with my eyes wide open.

"Life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we react to it."


Hello people, well done for surviving another whole chapter :D. Have a great day.

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