"The meeting"

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It was night at about 11 pm she drove herself to her apartment located in a posh area of kansas city. She was still wearing the same clothes as morning but they were crumpled enough, her hair was still tied but disorderly and her eyes were still the same, pale and gloomy just as in the morning, yesrerday and every day of her life. She stepped her foot inside the building.

Emma pov
I am so tired today, I'll just go take a nice warm shower and hit the sack. I need to wake up early tomorrow as I am supposed to assist Dr Adam in the surgery.
I made my way to the elavator and pressed "2nd floor". My head is hurting like hell. Finally I reached my floor and was successfully able to find the keys of the apartment in my bag. As I entered my place I frustratingly threw my black handbag on the floor, untied my hair and tied them again into a rough bun and made my way straight to the fridge...I need it now, right now.

I fished out a can of chilled beer from the fridge and gulped it in one go and in no time sleep took over me.

It was a lavish, fully equipped one bedroom apartment with a balcony, a big living room with blue sofas, a brown coffee table surrounded by white chiffon curtains by the balcony, loads of sceneries on the walls and a blue clock with needles pointing on six and 12, it was 6 am!

She was asleep on her living room couch, her head was balanced irregularly on the square cushion beside the arm rest while her body rested on the sofa and her legs were still hanging down the sofa. She was cuddling another blue cushion in her both hands innocently when the alarm fired at her and she woke up after the alarm in her phone rang for the third time. She opened her eyes and kept on staring the table in front of her for about 10 mins without showing any facial expression.

She jumped up from the sofa and gazed at her reflection in the mirror at the back, on the wall. Disordered hair,smuged black eyes, creased shirt and a beer can in her hand ...she let out shy smile
"What on earth will my interns think of me if they see me like this." she whispered to herself and dispersed towards her bedroom.

It was 7:45 am when she entered the hospital building dressed in a purple top with light blue jeans and above all she wore a spotless white lab coat with hair tied in a high pony tail. She was busy scrolling Facebook newsfeed on her phone when she banged into a guy wearing a blue shirt.

"Watch out young lady!" that guy said.
"I am really sorr....argh its you Eric. "She replied laughing at him.
"Good morning Emma." he replied with a laugh.
"To you to." she said.
"I heard that you are assisting Dr Adam in that surgery, good luck." he added giving her a thumbs up.
"Thankyou. It means alot." she said with a big smile.

Eric was another doctor from the hospital specialised in cardiology and a very good friend of Emma.

Dr Emma made her way to the cabin of Dr Adam to discuss the final details of the case.

"Hey." she greeted him as she moved inside the cabin.
"Hi, I was just expecting you." he replied plainly.
"Hmm." she said and took the chair opposite to Dr Adam.
"In about three hours we will start the surgery I want you to personally keep a check on the patient and report me in the room by 10." he told in a row.
"Ok. I will." she nodded.

Emma pov
I took an elavator to reach the room where the patient, Sam Athens was staying. It was the first room on the left. I knocked softly at the door but as I recieved no reply so after waiting for few seconds I bluntly entered the room.

I scanned the room and saw him. He was sleeping peacefully while still in the sitting position. He had an oval shaped, clean shaved face with light brown complextion and jet black wavy hair that playfully fell on his forehead making him look extremely handsome.

I made slow steps towards his bed so that it won't wake him up and picked up his file from the bedside table to read through. There was pin drop silence in the room just then suddenly my phone vibrated, scaring the hell out of me, the file slipped from my hand and my hand slipped onto his hand.

To my surprise as soon as my hand touched his, he opened his eyes staring at me awkardly. His brown intense eyes were staring at me deeply. As his gaze followed mine I could feel myself warming up. Immediately I moved my hand away from his hand, awkwardly and introduced myself to him as one of his doctors. I took his file and abrubtly left the room because I was so embarrassed and my face had turned scarlet red!

Sam pov
I felt dizzy due to the drugs given to me so I decided to take a small nap but something woke me, it was a touch that made my heart skip a beat. After a really long time something made me alive. When I opened my eyes to see, I saw a girl wearing a white coat, I don't know if she was my Dr or not because all the time she was talking to me, I couldn't even understand a word because I was way to engrossed in her eyes. She was super cute with a round face flushed with redness maybe because of the embarrassment and her deep black eyes were mesmerising. I miss her already.

Soon after the surgery was conducted by Dr Emma and Dr Adam, it lasted about two hours and now Sam was doing fine but the doctors had to wait for few more hours to assure, if he is going to survive or not.

Emma pov
"Well done Dr , you were briliant throughout the surgery." Dr Adam praised Emma while presenting his hand for a handshake to me.
"Thankyou Dr." I replied while shaking hand with him.
"I need a favour from you." he asked in a soft tone.
"Sure." I replied
"I have to reach somewhere very urgently, I need you to discuss his case with his parents." he told me.
"Okay I'll do it." I said while nodding again.
"They are waiting for you in my cabin." he told me while taking his car keys from his pocket and running towards the exit.
"I'll get to it." I replied patiently. I gathered up all the Sam's reports and sealed them in the file. Then I picked up the file and moved towards the door exiting the room.

"Good morning." I said loud and clear while entering Dr Adam's cabin.
There were two people seated in that room, facing the table the man looked aged about fifty years and the women looked around forty years. The man had a grey bearded face with moderate complextion and was dressed in a pair of grey dress pants, a brown coat and the woman had grey shoulder length curly hair, nicely clipped with hair pins, wrinkled face of morderate complextion, she wore a creme long dress that fell long to her calfs.

I turned my face towards them to talk. The moment I looked at them, I realized something. I could feel my heart beating going twice as fast and blood in my veins boiling with anger, I held my fists tight with aggression and left the room banging the door barging towards the locker room.

Hey readers, so what do you people think, why Emma behaved this way???

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