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"What the hell do you think you are doing??" Sam blurted out while stably seated as Emma was racing around the empty roads of the city at speed above 100km/s wearing a cunning plus naughty smile. Her hands were tightly clutching the steering wheel and her eyes were positioned on the wind screen as she took steep turns around the roads.

Sam didn't liked speeding or to be more precise was least comfortable during speeding. As Emma was driving around the roads, his heart beat rose immensely high with tiny droplets of sweat sliding down his forehead and his breathing rate increasing along with the car speedometer. He was literally freaking out.

"Emma you'll get us killed today!" He almost shouted.
"Come on, atleast learn to have some fun boy." She replied with a slight smirk on her face.
Emma took a sharp turn from the signal, at that moment they swinged along the car towards the right and he spoke "woah....Emma....."
"Its just the beginning." She smiled winking playfully at him.

Sam pov
The very moment she said "Its just the beginning." my gaze caught her.
She was laughing cheerfully, with her mouth wide open.
Strands from her dark brown hair which were tied up in a bun were dancing with the wind rushing by, her black bold eyes were sparkling with ethuasium and those big shiny loops hanging from her ears were swinging around her ear. She did not looked like an elegant lady but a carefree women.

Her breathtaking look took away all my fear and my lips curved into a sweet smile mesmerising her face. She was a fun loving person. I kept staring at her like this as I was totally lost in her until she pushed brakes and we came to halt.

She stopped the car, finally! As it stopped both of us glanced at each other for few seconds and broke up into laughing until our belly started to hurt.
"What had gone into you today?" I asked her.
"I don't know but I am feeling so high today." She replied while controlling her laugh.
I was looking at her red face trying to read her face, her eyes and specifically her.
"I love you." I spoke in a burst looking straight into her eyes.

She looked at me silently. There was pindrop silence in the car for almost a minute but then she smiled as if she was truly happy and replied "I love you too."
With her eyes directed into mine.
I took her hand which was still on the gear, into mine, her fingers intertwined with my fingers and squeezed it. She replied it by gripping my hand back. Her fragile fingers with nails smoothly covered in red nail paint, braided around mine. She made me feel complete.

"The best feeling in the world is being loved by the person you love."

We were engrossed into each other's eyes as our hands were interlaced together but a sound took us back to reality. It was Dave's call. He is such an idiot.
I excused her and casually my phone on speaker.

"Where are you Sam? It's been more than 1 hour, I am waiting for you!" Dave yelled.
"I am coming, just half an hour more." I answered him out of embarrassment.
"Where the hell are you?" He growled.
"I am coming. Stay calm." I tried to convince him.
"Hurry up." He commanded.
I hung up the call. As I turned to Emma, she was whooping with laughter. I joined her aswell!

Soon she moved her gaze away from me on the road, clutching the steering wheel in her both hands and added
"Don't do this, don't hurt your family...please for my sake."

"The greatest truth is honesty , and the greatest falsehood is dishonesty"

The door knob turned and Ria was woken by squeaking sound of the door. Emma entered smiling with messy hair.
"I am sorry." Emma broke the silence holding her ears giving a pleading look.
"Fineeeeee. But for last time." Ria answered while hugging her.
"What took you so long? "Ria asked.

Emma briefed her the whole incident from hospital parking till the confession and Dave's call.
"Finally....." Ria shouted with excitement.
"I am hungry." Emma announced.
"Pizza." Both of them shouted at once laughing along.

After few days.
"It was a hectic day." Emma replied to Sam on phone while walking into the cafeteria.
"I just entered my place." He said while chuckling as he put down the glass of juice on the table.
"Btw whose number are you calling me from, it isn't yours." She asked.
"It's Simon's. I left my phone at home, she was with me so I called from her number." He replied.

Sam turned towards the stairs to get to his room when Albert appeared out of his study looking extremely solemn.
"Sam I need to talk to you." Albert addressed him pointing towards his study.
"After you dad." He answered obediently.
"I'll call you back Emma."
He apparently disconnected the call and followed Albert into the study .

"I want you to leave that girl, Emma." He said in his authoritative voice as he stood with his back facing Sam.
"How do you know about her, dad." He asked him and Albert turned towards him, pulling a phone from his pocket.

He threw Sam's phone in his face.
"You left it at home, right. I read all your messages and I know who the hell she is,"
"I don't want to see that cunning girl around you anymore." He warned him
"Okay." He replied nodding like an obedient son.

She disconnected the call!

"Life is unpredictable. Be grateful for every moment."

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