An Accidental Oneshot

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So my English class have been covering writing to describe this last couple of weeks and on Tuesday my teacher gave us an influence, which was a picture of a mirror, and he said use it carefully. Me being me, I decided to do something different to everyone else, and decided to do mine from a POV of a female. I honestly didn't expect to come out like this but I did get the best mark in the class, and I also got a lot of respect for it, which was quite nice.

Anyway, why I say it's an accidental oneshot is because of the plot, and so I thought that would share it with you guys on here. :)

Pearlshipping - Mirror

The darkness around me made me shine like a light on the reflective glass in front of me. The low light from the kitchen glimmered slightly in the corner of the mirror, as if a spirit with a spiritual candle was making its way down the stairs. My face was the full attention, as I stood there nervously, waiting for something to happen.

Soon enough, a faint touch moved my long, curly midnight blue locks, as dark as the deepest oceans, to one side as the other arm wrapped itself around my waist, pulling me towards the culprit. I squealed in laughter as my pastel mint dress was moved to one side also. A burning sensation placed itself on my collarbone, and moved up and down my neck. My natural instinct of opening up for more access made the short and sweet kisses much more frequent and luxurious for both me and the culprit. It was like I was being cooked, but all of the passion and love that went into it was all the same.

That was 4 years ago now on our first date, and yet whenever I look into a mirror similar to it, I always blush a deep red and am left with a sweet and gentle smile on my face, remembering all of the time we've spent together. Through it all, we've had hard, rough and tough moments, along with those ones that want to make you squeal in cuteness and shout 'kawaii' like many people do.

And today is one of those days. I can still picture myself looking into that mirror, but this time, it's much different. The mint dress was swapped with a beautiful ivory gown, complete with veil and train. Those luscious midnight blue locks, they're still here, and are as long and curly as ever. Next to me are my precious twins, my son and daughter, each in their respective tux and dress, smiling with the velvet red cushions in their hands. And standing opposite me is the man who I've crafted all of these moments with. His smile, his spiky raven hair and the faded lightning bolt birthmarks underneath his eyes, along with his delicate touch of skin. And his best feature: his eyes. The chocolate irises that are so intoxicating and addictive, and what I wish that I can live with for the rest of my life. And it's happening right now.

"And do you, Dawn Berlitz, take Ashton Ketchum to be your lawfully wedded husband?" The priest asked me as I started to nod frantically with tears flooding down my eyes.

"And now I pronounce you husband and wife." He smiled. "You may kiss the bride." And that was when those burning lips melted mine once again.

That is it then. I would have wrote loads more if I had more then 40 minutes to write in. It's probably one of the best bits of work I've done at school, and I didn't even deliberately try to make it Ash and Dawn, I was running low on time, and those features were the first thing that went into my head at the time. I did change some stuff around while typing it up, but my teacher said if I had typed it, it would have been perfect. Down below, I'm going to put the original copy of it with my teacher's comments on it, and until next time, it's peace!!!

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