Fire Lightning Dragon Roar

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So this last week, I have pretty much grounded out just under 100 episodes of Fairy Tail, catching up from the start of the Nervana arc, to the Keys Under The Starry Skies, or the clock pieces part, which is episode 134 from 53 at the start of last week.

I mean, come on, the S Class trials and Hades arc was beautifully written and animated, and is still confusing me over the 7 year pause, which makes them all around 15 for Wendy, 20 for the others, and 88 for Makarov, who reminds me of this guy whenever mentioned.

Otherwise, I've been grinding out the new Alpha packs system on R6S and FIFA Pro Clubs, which has been fun these last couple of weeks, even if I have been up till 1-3am every morning and then waking up at midday, my latest being 1:30 yesterday either on Xbox or watching FT.

And I am in a real big dilemma with what to do in terms of getting a better gaming PC that will help to kickstart my YouTube ventures again. I don't know whether to buy a new processor, graphics card and more RAM separate, or a custom built one which will cost the same in the long run. I like the look of this one here, and this does come without a graphics, but for £50ish more, I can get a Nvidia 1050Ti and a better case, as well as a new mouse, keyboard and headset. They both have built in i7 7700 Quads btw so to get one with everything for a little more, or buy the i7 by itself for £300, the 1050Ti for £100 and the RAM for something idk for sure, and not have space in my current case, which I don't think I have, and to have four fans instead of one big one, and to be able to have a max process speed of 4.2Ghz when the PC needs it. Hmm? 🤔

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