I Have A Question

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Got called that on Xbox recently, it kinda help my German vocabulary a little!! XD

Now this is mostly aimed at my readers from the US, but if anyone has been on one, please could you tell me how? Thanks.

Anyway, back to my main part.

So I had a careers appointment the week before I broke up for half term at school. It was basically where I spoke to someone about my plans for college, and then if I wanted to go to university, which I'd like to do, and then my job plans.

My job plans are either to become a video game programmer, or a maths or history teacher, as they are my favourite subjects at school. And my other ambition is to move and work in America hopefully, if everything goes well in these next few years.

And my careers advisor told me to have a look online at summer camps in the US, so I have experience for if I was to go back when I'm older. So I went on the links she gave, and they were all to do with helping out, and not actually being one of the campers, which annoys me a little. And I can't do it till I'm 18, so it's a bit annoying in that aspect as well.

So I looked for camps for international campers, and I found this website which has loads scattered all over the US. But that is the only one I've found yet. I haven't showed my parents yet, but I've found this camp in Maine that is for campers aged 13-17. And as I will be 16 next summer, I think it would be cool to do. But it depends when I finished school and the day that results are released for me GCSEs you know mate. But these are some screenshots I took from the website:

If I do go, the activities I would do are all the water sports, all the adventure ones apart from hiking, tennis, football (the soccer option), basketball, ultimate frisbee, maybe the boot camp and video making. But then I looked at the dates.

If I was able to go, I would go from July 23rd to August 12th, as I guarantee I would've finished school by then. But the major setback is the price, which in pounds is £3444.84, at current rate of $1 = £0.8199. Totally just didn't use a currency converter as I'm writing this. XD

As my dad is 50 in 2018, I was telling my mum that we should go on holiday somewhere for it, but now I've seen this, that might not happen. It depends on if my mum gets a pay rise at work for doing more hours, and if we can do something else as well.

But my question to you guys is that do you know of any websites that help international campers, like me, to try and find camps to go on. I honestly don't mind where in the US it is, along as I can have no problem with it.

Thanks guys for 100 views as well, I honestly don't know how any of you guys can be bothered to take a look at my life. But I need to sleep as I have school in just over 6 hours. I'll be back tomorrow, so I'll see you guys then.

So peace for now!!!

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