I'm Fucked (My Schedule For This Week)

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So, I was all happy and stressed until about 2 hours ago.

And now I'm fucked dude.

So, remember me telling you yesterday that I have loads of shit this week coming? This is my week plan:
Monday - College interview at 9:45, hand in BTEC PE coursework and miss 2 hours of school, and have German speaking exam at 1:30.
So that's what I thought was going to happen, but it's not now. My USB that I've got all my coursework on decided to corrupt the files of the things I needed to do for my PE, and so I'm fucked, as I miss my 2 hours of PE tomorrow so I'll have to wait till Wednesday to copy the files to it again. I don't know the fuck why my teachers gave us coursework to do in the middle of mocks, and I had one less lesson then others in my class, as I had an exam the day we got given it, and then the next day I was in Germany, when I would have done it that weekend. This meant I spent about an hour of time trying to get the files back, but I couldn't, and I could've used it to revise my German, which I've hardly learnt yet. Yes, I am top of my year and school for the subject, but yet I'm fucked.

Tuesday - Resit History exam you missed to go to Germany and spend a weekend eating chocolate and killing yourself by climbing 520 steps up the cathedral when you have asthma, well done Eoin you idiot!
I was in Calais by the time the exam had started, but my friend told me one of the questions yesterday when I didn't ask for it, and now my mum jokes that I'm cheating, but I didn't ask for it, so deal with it!
Wednesday - Sit through an assembly lasting 90 minutes, and then miss the French speaking exam that you and a friend can't do, while the rest of your class does, as you've already done one this week already.
Yep, me and my friend have the exact same classes, apart from me being in top Maths, and him in second, so as we would've already done our German, we don't do our French until January. Lol.
Thursday - Do the FOURTH Science exam of your mocks, and fucking fail.
So last year, as my o.d teacher went to have her baby, my current teacher toke my old class over and we had to do an unit again, so we missed one out, and they are both in paper 4 on Thursday.
Friday - Play football for a hour, watch a film in History, then party in tutor until 12. Leave school, walk home via the local fish and chips shop to buy chips for lunch, then game on an all nighter until Saturday morning downstairs on the big TV.
Last day of term Friday, so I am doing fuck all and I'll have time to maybe do a chapter for 'His Return', I don't know. If so, I'll do it on the laptop, and add a cast, with actors playing each character, which I think will be cool.

So, I better go and get some sleep ahead of my interview tomorrow, as I think I might not get any with my anxiety problems, so I'll tell you how it went tomorrow.

And for now, it's peace!!!

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