My Year In Review (2016)

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God, oh god. What a year this has been for me. It's been full of ups and downs, and I've met some incredible people via loads of different sites.

January was when I started my YouTube channel, and it's been good. I had a weekly Q&A series going for about 2 months from April till July, and it was fun to do. I've had fun doing it, although I sometimes haven't had the motivation or equipment to properly do it with, as well as taking a lot of stick from friends and others at school over it, including being told to kill myself by some viewer, which I toke with a little too much pain.

March was my birthday, and I probably had one of the best parties ever, as I went paintballing for the first time, even though it cost my parents a ton, although I was really grateful for it. I also got Facebook and have strengthened friendships on there, as well as being a victim of cyber bullying. I know a couple of people from school who read this, so if you guys think I mean you, I really don't, I'm just saying it can be anyone to face it.

This was also the time at which I started to get into Amourshipping more, and started to read fanfiction. I've read some of the best and I wanted to be like them. Yes, others at school again started to take the piss, but I feel free on here. I can write what I want, and I don't give a damn about what people call me, because I am who I am.

April is when I started to get my first real crush on a girl, and then this was another thing on which people would say stuff, and it kind of make me want to feel upset. There's been times this year where I've been so depressed that I've wanted to hurt, or even kill myself. People may not see it on the outside, but on the inside, without knowing what some people go through and can take, they can whittle people's self esteem and confidence to almost nothing. I'm not afraid to say I've been bullied in the past, and I honestly just think that people need to own up to say if they've said something about someone, or did something to them. I'm not afraid to admit that out of anger due to being constantly picked that I told a friend to go die of cancer. But that's how some people feel sometimes, and others should try to keep an eye out for them. But then all the stuff with the crush died down once she moved away and said she hated me. 

April is also when I found out I have a half sister, a niece and her then fiancé. That was hard to take as it was the reason why my parents were arguing a lot at the start of the year, and sometimes I thought they were got got spilt up, and then divorce. But as a family, we got through it together. I have a strong bond with my half sister, brother in law and niece now, and look forward to strengthening it into the future.

Then at the end of May is when I started my first fanfic, 'Secondary Shipping'? It used to be called 'Amourshipping Secondary', I think from memory, but then in August, even after having a month's break for exams, is when I hit 1k views on it, and I was so proud. I decided to change up how the plot went, and tried to include more in each chapter, which is how by the time I started Year 11 in September, I had made just over another 1.2k views, taking me to 2.2k. Since then I've had so much more support and fun, even though at times I haven't had the motivation nor will to write. Being at just under 4.6k at the minute is one of my proudest achievements in life, and I still have more to come in the future.

Then the start of October is when I started this book, which allows me to relieve the stress of life and the other parts and have fun. I like to do tags as it can be really good sometimes, and also interacting with other authors and people who I might have never met if I didn't join this site. I really don't know how people can understand the way I live and put up with me, but because you have, I thank you for that.

At the start of this month, I also started to write 'His Return', which has been my biggest growing book to date. It involves so many of my favourite things which I enjoy to talk and write about, and I have so much fun doing it.

This year has also allowed me to do other things I've never done before. For example, 4 weeks ago, I went abroad for the first time in 5 1/2 years to a new country, which was fun. I've also been able to experience college in the UK, and get my place for next year, and the next exciting part of my life. Then after that, I don't where life is going to take me. Whether it be my dream, which is to live in the US and work as either a teacher teaching computing and/or history, or working for a video games company, to have a nice, loyal and beautiful wife and kids who I hope follow my legacy onwards into the future.

But all of this must come with consequences. This year has been hard on me. I've lost some family members and relationships have broken down with some friends, stuff has happened that I never thought would, but it has sometimes bitten me from behind. But, as people say, take life at the fullest.

So, my New Year's revolutions are a couple of things. The first is to start to lose a lot of weight, as I want to show others that I can do stuff, and that I'm not weak anymore like I used to be. And the second is to do well in my GCSEs, and be able to create a better future for myself, even with Brexit playing dangerously with our young lives. The third is to stop playing so many video games. I think I could call myself an addict, as there are some games which I like to play, but spend so much time playing them, that it's now affecting my schoolwork, when I'm one of the smartest in my year, which I'm annoyed at myself for and for good reason, as I know I can do better. Also the Internet takes it up, and having a lack of motivation to do homework and work is really annoying both me and my parents. And finally, the last one is to stop bickering with my younger sisters so much. I do love them, but when I'm also double the age of the elder one, and I'm the only male child, it really pisses me off when they do stuff to wind me up, and say they know about what I'm saying when they don't, so I'm going to try and put it to one side and crack on with life.

I have met some people on here who I want to consider friends now, even though I can be shy and quite an introvert, as well as have anxiety problems and social communication delay, which makes it harder for me to make friends, and to understand what is just banter and jokes, and what is bullying and taking it too far.

So over this next year, I hope to meet more incredible people, both here on Wattpad and the Internet, and in real life. I hope you read through to the end and enjoyed. I wouldn't mind if people were to comment and say what they like about me maybe, or what they are looking forward to. I hope people do call me a friend, as I always like to have new friends. Bug for now,it's peace guys!!!

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