One More Exam

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Holy Fuck.

After tomorrow morning at 10:30 am, I never have to sit another GCSE exam, unless I fail that is, which I dot think I have done.

Although tomorrow is a killer. Physics isn't my strongest science, that's Chemistry, but there's a whole module on the paper that my class and I haven't learnt. That's 25 out of 85 marks that we have basically no understanding about.

It was the same yesterday with the second Chemistry paper. We hadn't completely learnt 2 modules, but we all scrapped through somehow.

I just hope the logic gate questions and stuff about motors aren't too hard, as I'm dreading it.

Doesn't help where this week, I haven't been asleep until around 2am every morning due to it being minimum 25 degrees Celsius during the night and reaching 30 degrees every day.

Dehydration happened to me this afternoon when walking home at 1pm in 28 degrees temps with a black bag on my back made out of the worst material in hot weather and no drink till I made the 1.7 mile walk home.

In other news, I have 8 days left of school until I finish it forever, and we, as in my family, have a new house to move into at the start of August, which is situated on the main road from Pompey to London and is closer to college and my sisters' school, as well as most of my friends, and thank the Lord that I'm going to have an ensuite in this weather if it persists for the next four months 😑🔫

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