So Busy!

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I hate my life so much right now, it's so annoying!

I have had no time to relax and I have been so stressed too, it's unreal.

I had an resit exam this morning for my BTEC in Sport and guess when I got told? Monday morning FFS!

I swear to god if that ever happens again, I will lose my nut. Everyone else had months and weeks to revise but I had 1 hour to.

I couldn't do any Monday night as I had French to do, and then last night, I had counselling, open evening at the college I'm going to and revision for the exam. However in the end, it wasn't as bad as I thought.

I did get a McDonalds out of it though, so that was an added bonus.

I also have more mock exams next week so that means more revision for me to do, so yeah no free time for me this weekend.

CANNOT WAIT NOT P to the I to the T to the fucking W!

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