So, You Know That...

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Life since the end of May:

Failing both math papers I had to sit at college

Finish college for the year

Do a week's work experience at the company my dad works for in their IT department (literally hacking computers and fixing them for a week was quite fun)

One season ticket for next season sorted

Blow £205 off my credit card in just under 3 weeks

Watching the World Cup: England done fucking amazing for once (even though it didn't come home), Germany had a shocker, France won the entire thing, which they deserved, and  VAR is controversial.

MW3 is now backwards compatible on Xbox, been playing it a lot recently

Writers Block is a big fat annoying thing to combat

I've done none of the projects I have to do over the summer

Anime and Netflix is the best relaxing thing to watch in the summer

England is enjoying the most lovely yet enduring heatwave (literally has not been less then 22 degrees Celsius since the middle of June, nor rained in that time)

LeBron got swept, so jumped ship to LA

Trump has been and gone from the UK, bummed Kim and then licked out Putin

Alcohol can go suck one a lot of the time

And why am I not asleep at 3am. Please help me ahahaha.

And now, time for my meme dump for you lot :) :

This guy got us to the WC semis

From this lad's beautiful cross

Caption says it all

When the Germans see England get to the semis of the WC

One month's worth of Siege grinding ya know. From Bronze 1 to Plat 3 in 4 weeks

And just remember Deku is the Japanese Black Panther

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