The Tags

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So, leading up to this morning, I had never got tagged for a challenge or something like that, but I woke up to find two, which I'm thankful for. I've been wanting to do these for ages.

So the first tag was by NonProGaming, for the Thanksgiving challenge, where I have to name 10 things I'm grateful for.

So those ten things are as follow:
1) Having my friends and family with me to support me through tough times
2) Having a roof over my head
3) Having a bed to sleep in at night
4) Having food and drink to get me through my life
5) Having you guys enjoy my content and giving me praise, which is really nice
6) Be there for my friends when they need my help
7) Having free healthcare so if I get ill, I can get well.
8) Being able to have a free education and learn
9) Being able to help others in need
10) Being able to have a freedom of speech to voice my own opinions.

Then, I was also tagged by LTShipper, who gave me this.

By the way, who ever I tag must do both challenges. Thought I would be a little mean to have some fun.

Anyway, let's do this. Who dares wins! (SAS motto for those who don't know it)
1) I'm in my last year of school in the UK
2) My name origin is from Ireland, where my mum's family is from
3) I'm a player in my school's basketball team
4) I have a niece, a half sister, a brother-in-law and two other sisters. I'm the oldest in my biological family
5) I have a YouTube channel, which is xOx LEG4CY xOx. So check it out of you want to. I'll put one of my vlogs in the banner.
6) I'm predicted straight A's in my GCSEs, which is based on my test results from when I was 11. I'm most probably not going to get one in PE, Science and possibly English.
7) I started to write fanfiction because I was inspired by others, and it has helped to boost my English grade.
8) My dad could be in the Royal Navy right now, but he skipped school the day he was due to sign up
9) The subjects I learn at school for my GCSEs are: Maths, English Language, English Literature, Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Computer Science, History, BTEC Sport, French and German
10) I'm off to Cologne next week with my school for a trip to the Christmas markets. It's mainly aimed at helping my class learn more about Germany. And there's only 13 of us in our year who do it, but 7 are going, including myself.
11) I'm in the middle social group at school. There is three groups. The popular lot are the hot girls and sporty boys, the middle lot, who are friends with people in both groups, and the nerds.
12) I only came across Pokemon thanks to Netflix recommending the Black and White anime to me. So thanks Netflix for changing my life.
13) Me, my best friend Sam and my half sister Amy all have the same birthday. March 20th.

So in the end I tag:
NonProGaming (retagging you mate)
LTShipper (same for you too bro(:)))
Grace_Everdeen (for when you get back)
And finally Jackie_Sparks.

Jesus fam, I'm actually done.

From now on, please don't be afraid to tag me in a challenge. I love doing them so it is going to be fun to see your guys' responses. I'm needing to revise for a Maths exam tomorrow, so I need to go. Peace!!!

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