Valentine's Day

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First thing, my friend randomnessblob is in a nationwide basketball competition in the US, and she need our votes. Go vote for Chloe and let's help her win! I'm putting directions down below on how to do it. The website is btw.

So, happy Valentine's Day for people with boyfriends or girlfriends, hope you all had a good day with one another, and had a better day than me.

Me is a mingling single 15 year old lad who has 34 days until his birthday and is feeling a bit down in the dumps.

I've had a shit day, and seeing my friends with the people they love made it a bit worst, as I wish I had some girl like that.

But instead, my friend said she doesn't want to talk to me for a while because she is depressed about our friendship. The reason why is because we've been talking pretty every day for the last week and a bit, and she doesn't know what to do. I don't 'like' her like that, it's the same for her with me.

But the hurtful thing is that she tried to tell me through my friends instead of personally. I get her point, but it still doesn't make it better.

I feel like shit as I've done nothing to her all day, and we've not spoken either all day, and then this happened, and I just don't know what to do.

So I suppose I'll just sit in bed playing Pokemon Y for a little bit, while listening to my playlist and eating sherbet lemons, which are the bae.

I also feel like getting no chapters out this week, but I'll do one for each book next week, as I'm of for half term.

I also have a French writing exam and a basketball game tomorrow against our neighbours Crookhorn, so we have a bit of a derby.

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