Chapter 7

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Adrien cried endlessly as his arranged girlfriend patted his back and shoulders while she was looking at him compassionately, showing him more affection as the rest of the day went by and went out to help her parents. Nathaniel walked inside of Marinette's parent's bakery only to run up the stairs, finding Marinette's room empty and her parents crying as they relentlessly filled in orders for the customers while Marinette was helping but fell over as always.

The next day, Natalie checked out her daily to-do list for the next delivery of designs while preparing for the next trip Gabriel was taking, without any further information from Adrien. Cat Noir jumped over a rooftop just to stumble upon someone familiar related to Marinette, her grandfather and grandmother walking together, he walked towards them but they were much faster than him as caught up with them.

The cat-like superheroine did feel like he was going to lose a race to  Dupains, the elders of the family that he helped Ladybug defeat once. He felt like he was getting laughed at when they get home from their race with one another, he had a good feeling that he could get along with her family members as he took her grandfather back to his house while her grandmother just went on her motorcycle and got home.

Cat Noir on the other hand, had carry her grandfather on his back to take him to his house while he stumbled back onto a rooftop waiting for Ladybug to come and patrol by her side. Ten minutes later, Ladybug appears and greets Cat Noir as their usual fist bump as they both patrolled together, another akuma flew in from the opposite direction of the heroine's patrol area.

A familiar woman that was around the same age as both teens, was akumatized as Risk Taker and she wasn't feeling good today so she started terriozing the entire city as she made people feel her pain. Ladybug and Cat Noir had fight Randy, but there was a problem, she had an ally on her side, Masked Disaster.

As the familiar villian and her accomplice wait for their next attack, Cat Noir and Ladybug hid and detransformed into hidden sections of the city but had a huge question riddling their minds:

Who is that guy who's right beside Risk Taker? Is he an accomplice or just a bystander?

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