Part 3: Rage 2

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Get ready for some craziness, major character death and gore.

Note: I'm not going to solely update this frequency cause I have other works to work on and complete. 

When the explosion happened, the Louds stared at each other with tear streaks on their faces. What was that? Did something happened? They each thought before Lori gasped when she realized where it occurred. 

"Lori? What's w...." Rita started to say before Lori spoke up. 

"T...That explosion. Doesn't it look like it came from our house?" Lori asked. When she did, the rest of her family's faces started to grow pale. Did it happen at their house? They didn't want that thought to be true. They had just lost Lola and now...their house? In the back of their minds, they blamed Lincoln for this....though he was no where to be seen.

"We need to check and be sure. If it's true then..." Lynn Sr. started to say before they all rushed out of the hospital room. As they did so, they didn't notice the spirit looking at them with a smirk before saying:

That's what you guys get for treating Lincoln like this.

Back with the Louds, they rushed to get home....or the small crater that used to be their home. Rita couldn't help herself from collapsing on the ground as the house full of memories was still burning to the ground. Lynn Senior stared at it with rage and rushed to the backyard where his jinx of a son was supposed to be. Keywords being supposed to be. He wasn't there which only made his blood boil more in rage. 

"Dad?" Lynn Jr. asked when she placed her hand on her father's shoulder. He turned around and calmed down from seeing his daughter's face. They were his treasures and together...they will rebuild their home and hopefully punish his no good son. 

"It'll be okay, Lynn. We'll rebuild and...." He started to say before police sirens started to come to the scene along with fire trucks. Those sirens filled him with hope that his son will be punished for destroying their home. Only for those hopes to dash when the officers placed handcuffs on his wrist and said:

Lynn Loud Senior and Rita Loud, you are under arrest for child abuse and neglect.

At the same time, Lincoln heard the explosion from his motel room and wondered what was going on. In his confusion, he knocked down the bag that his sister gave him revealing a paper written by his sister.

"A letter from Lola?" He asked to himself before reading it. It told him that she would probably be in the hospital by this time due to the stress given by the others. That's why she prepared a bag for him in case their family did something crazy like kick him out of the house. She also....

Lincoln's hands started to shake when he finished that sentence. She didn't. She wouldn't. A few tears started to pool under his eyes when she revealed a detonator that was connected to her heart beats. If it stopped then a series of bombs that she hid around the house would explode. Which meant....she was gone. He couldn't help himself from crying over her death and vowed to live each day with her in his heart. Never aware that her spirit was watching over him and the others. 

Back with the other Louds, the kids were looking at the scene with shock. Why were their parents being arrested? Shouldn't their brother be the one being punished?

"Hey! Why are you arresting our Mom and Dad?" Lori yelled.

"Yeah. You should be after our brother who...." Lynn Jr. said before the police officer interrupted.

"Your parents are getting arrested for kicking out a minor and reports of neglect. As for the matter with your brother being the one who caused your house to need to have solid proof to show that he is at fault." The officer said which caused Lori and Lynn to glare at the officer.

"That's not fair. He..." Lori said before the officer sighed.

"We can continue the matter after you're all taken to Juvie." The officer said.

"Juvie? Why should we go? We should be looking for the one who destroyed our house!" Lori exclaimed.

"You are being detained in order for us to evaluate your involvement in your parent's house. Besides, we just arrived here and haven't started the investigation into who made your house explode or how it happened. So I suggest that you all quietly go to the juvie center and wait for the results." The officer said. This still didn't please Lori and Lynn, but they quickly climbed into the van close by. 

This will all be cleared up soon and Lincoln will be punished for what he did. However, fate will not be so kind to them after their arrival to the center.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter...Bye 👋

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