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(Some mature language in this chapter)

"Enough with that thing!" A Jasper standing by our side shoved an Amethyst. "They aren't going to call you back!"

"I have to try!" The Amethyst said, fiddling with something in her big hands.

You have never been here before. Your 'kind' called it The Lower Valley. Basically any gem below a Peridot, the ones who don't see the Diamonds and aren't praised for what they do. Peridots just hit the mark of Middle Class because of their intelligence. Though you, are High Class.

Suddenly something sharp hit the side of your head.


"I-I didn't mean it!"

You look over and see the Jasper and Amethyst arguing. You look down and notice it's a Diamond Communticator. You quickly snatch it. "What were you two doing with a Diamond Communicator? This isn't for you!" You hand it to Yellow Pearl, to bubble away of course. "Who are your Diamonds?"

The Jasper and Amethyst look sick to their stomachs. "P-please we didn't mean any harm!" Amethyst says.

"Who are your Diamonds!" You shout.

The both take a deep breath. "Pink Diamind."

"...Pink...?" Sapphire reads your mind.

"Impossible!" Yellow Pearl snaps angrily. "You two aren't supposed to be Pink Diamond's until she reforms!"

The two Quartz look at each other in confusion. "But we got a report saying we are to dress for Pink Diamond court. You didn't hear? She did reform!" The Jasper said.

The Amethyst jumped in front of her. "And that's why we have that Communicator... m'lady!" She playing with her shirt collar. "We wanted to finally speak with Pink Diamond after so long!"

Yellow Pearl leaned close to me. "This doesn't make sense. Why weren't we formed about this?"

"I predict that two Quartz will tell us Pink Diamond has reformed! Horray!" The other Sapphire jumped in the air.

"I'm sorry, who is she?" Blue Pearl said, giving her a nudge as she walks closer to you. "She's wrong."

"She was a Crystal Gem before you killed Steven," Sapphire says. "You don't remember though, I don't think you were made yet then."

Blue Pearl rolls her eyes. "I have told that... that Pink Diamond didn't die."

Sapphire moved her hair out of her face. "Because of what Homeworld did to Steven, I'm not Purple anymore."

Yellow Pearl noticed my confused look. "She means Garnet. Red and Blue make Purple."

Sapphire snorted angrily and speed walked away, her heavy dress bouncing up and down.

"She doesn't like saying or hearing Garnet anymore I'm guessing," Yellow Pearl filled in. "She said it's called being heartbroken. Whatever. Time fixes all wounds. Let's get out of here."

"Why are we here anyways? I was told High Class wasn't supposed to be in the Low Class," you say, remembering the long speech White Diamond gave you thirty years after you were made.

"Yes, but this is the only way to Emerald. Even the Diamonds have to come down here. We had this conversation while you were outside of the palanquin. Emerald was the only gem who was with the Crystal Gems and Homeworld. Crazy huh?" Blue Pearl said, walking past you to catch up with Sapphire, like she's the leader.

"Let's just hurry, we don't want our Diamonds to realize we didn't follow orders and left," Yellow Pearl said. "C'mon padparadscha."

After a few moments, she followed Yellow Pearl and you did too. Staying behind everyone.


"Blue Pearl! Haha! How are you!" A green gem jumped over a desk top and patted Blue Pearl on the back. "How are ya fellow?"

Blue Pearl sighed as she looked around the small area. "Still holding onto the Earth things?"

You noticed Emerald's smile was fake. "Of course..." she turns around and you see her gem on her back. "How could I not? People are the most interesting creatures. The way they do things are magnificent!"

Blue Pearl sat down. "I remember this couch, you stole it with that group you were with... what were they called..."

"Payday Gang," Emerald sat next to her. "That was so long ago..."

You see Emerald's eyes so glassy and you change the subject. "We wanted to ask you about the Crystal Gems. I was informed you were with both?"

"Correct. Homeworld and the Crystal Gems. Of course the Diamonds don't know that. But it was so much fun. What do you wanna know?"

I opened my mouth to speak but Yellow Pearl stood ahead. "Tell us about them. Were they vicious?"

Emerald smiled wickedly. "My type of vicious is much different from your view."

"We mean... nasty? Like fight each other all the time?"

Emerald took a sip of something from Earth. "Yeah."

You look around. "How long have you been here?"

Emerald crossed her legs. "Its the under part of bridge. Ever since we got caught and had to hide for a millio- I mean... until they all passed of course. Which was only sixty five years."

"So ever since Pink Diamond was punished?" Sapphire asked, even though she properly already knew.

"No. Way after that. Maybe six years after?" She took another sip. "But really, let's cut to the shit, why are you really here?"

"We already told you," Yellow Pearl said.

"Just tell us, did Rose Quartz lie? Was her group not really as wonderful and nice as she said? Did she lie because she didn't want everyone to think the Crystal Gems were some vicious physcopaths?" You took it back as soon as you said it. Based on Emerald features, she looked like the kind of Gem that would beat the crap out of you instead of reporting you. She wore nothinf you've ever seen before, saggy shirt and black pants. She pulled something over her head, like a hood.

"There were thousands of gems in the beginning before they were all corrupted. You're trying to tell me every single one of them got along?" Emerald asked. "I know for a fact not everyone on Homeworld gets along..." she stared right at Blue and Yellow Pearl.

"...True. But a Ruby-"

"Exactly. A Ruby. Not a group of them, not even a group of different gems. It was only one gem that..." she wanted me to finish.

"Punched me-"

Emerald laughed so loudly it rung my ears. "Get over it lad!" She stood up and past back and forth like she was looking for something. "Awwwww poor lil' Sapphire got hit. You most likely pissed her off hun. Listen, the Crystal Gems is a group where they don't care where you're from, what gem you are, it all doesn't matter. You piss one off they aren't afraid of getting  in trouble because you're higher than them. Just walk away."

You roll your eyes. "Obiously. I can tell you aren't Homeworld material?"

Emerald gave me a look. "No. And I learned that when I came here. I loved Rose Quartz, I really did. Even when I found out she was really Pink Diamond all this time, how could I even hate her? That women changed my life."

"Get on with it..." Yellow Pearl said. "Before our Diamonds find put we're gone."

Emerald smiled like a cat. "Oh- hahaha! You ran away from your post? What rebels you are hehe!" She threw something at Blue Pearl I didn't quiet see. "They're just like you guys. Don't report them, serious shit will go down because of you pussies."

I went to walk away and end it at that, but Blue Pearl stepped in. "Excuse me? We are the Highest Class on Homeworld and that's how you think you can treat us?" Blue Pearl stomped up to her, but Emerald just slightly turned her back to see her better. "We are the Diamonds Pearls! We cannot call us pussies for working our asses off and doing as we're told 24/7! I wasn't a Pearl as long as White and Yellow, but damn do I do a good job! And do I get credit? NO! I've known you for a long time, Emerald!" Then she took a deep breath. "Listen, I know that you helped me be with the Diamonds... giving you a chance to... be yourself. But we need your help, we need you to tell us about the Crystal Gems. I know they're hiding something."

There was a long pause before Emerald turned around on her heels. "No. Wrong. It's Homeworld that's hiding something. Pink Diamond didn't reform and they tell nobody?"

"Actually, she just reformed," you say, Yellow Pearl giving you a worried look. You suddenly seeing the web get thousands of extra strings, every one with anger.

"And why wasn't anyone told?" Emerald almost whispered. "I mean, hell I'm hiding, but everyone else? I live under a bridge for god sakes but everyone else-" She points a finger to the scattered cried of useless wrong gems, or just low class gems. "They deserve to know. And I know for a fucking fact none of them know."

"They do. A Jasper and an Amethyst told us as we walked here," you say, beginning to give up. "We must leave now."

You left, seeing some strings turning more into peace than fighting.

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