~Human Emotions~

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(Mature language and I changed Zakhar's name to Sergei)

"Fuck you! You fucking left me in the Exibit!" Sergei yelled standing above me. "And you're going to expect me to join you like we're best friends?"

"Well, yeah. That's why I came all the way back to Earth looking for you. Humans can join the Crystal Gems too. Since you were so quick to leave your home I thought why not join us?" You say, missing the reason why he was angry.

"Oh, so do these Crystal Gems leave each other and then ask for huge favors?" Sergei asked. "How did you even find me?"

"You humans always post everything online. Russian boy broke into Gem Exibit in New Jersey Wednesday night. The article tells all," you say, grabbing his hand. "So are ya coming or not?"

Sergei shook his head. "I need to go back to Russia, my parents are prob-"

"But you're the one that left then in the first place! You didn't even know who I was when I was about to warp away. You didn't know who I was and yet you still cane along with me. You trusted me, right? So why can't you trust me now?"

Sergei rolled his eyes before closing the door in your face. You stomp your foot and look around. The long hallway in the building had many other rooms, and vents. Which lead to rooms. You walk on the wall and touch one of the events, freezing it and breaking it with your fist. You climb through the little vent and use your future vision to see which way you should go. You finally find the way and punch through the vent, breaking it, and landing on something soft.

Whatever you landed on made a oof. You look down and see Sergei under you, catching his breath from you landing right chest. "You can't escape me Sergei!" You hope off of him and explore the little room. "This place sucks. It's so small! Even Rubies have bigger places."

Sergei caught his breath and stood up from the ground. "Well, that's what happens when you're a run away," he brushed himself off and walked towards the door, opening it for you. "Now, I'd really like you to go. I already have enough problems."

"Be quiet, you're just mad at me because of all your human testosterones," you jump on the kitchen table. "Well guess what! I'm a run away too, just like you. And you'd rather life here than with me on Homeworld with other people?"

Sergei slammed it shut understanding you would've leave without him. "Seriously? Just because I want to run away from Russia doesn't mean I wanna run away from Earth."

"Don't have to. The Crystal Gems are mainly stationed here anyways. They protected Earth, the reason you're still here," you say.


"Look! I got a new recruit!" You shove Sergei to Ruby whose obiously much smaller than him.

Ruby looked up. "...already? How?"

"I really had no choice," Sergei mumbled.

Ruby walked around the boy. "Hm, he looks like more of a spy."

"I'm Sorry a wa-"

"Perfect!" You punch his leg causing him to gasp. "You get to soy on Homeworld! ...But what about me? You never gave me a job yet."

Ruby shrugged. "Oh, I don't give out jobs I just say what ya look like. Lapis Lazuli does though."

You cross your arms, remembering her. "Is she in charge?"

"She very well is. But Jade made her her helper. I don't know why since she hates Lazuli's guts. I think it's to help Peridot," Ruby whispered.

As the three of you walked to Lapis, a few gems glared at Sergei as you all walked passed. Sergei didn't seem to notice though. Maybe it was a mistake bringing him, you thought. But where else was he supposed to go? There are humans here like Sergei who just wanna leave their problems behind. But you couldn't understand, you were a gem.

"Again?" Lapis said when you all finally met her. She was in the woods with Amethyst and Peridot, both examining her gem on her forehead.

"Hello!" Peridot jumped up and down and hugged Sergei tight. "I looooove hoomans!"

"G-great!" Sergei escaped Peridot's grasp and stepped back. "So like... you all just hide out here?"

"Welcome back Peach," Amethyst says to you. "Brought a friend?"

You nod, you open your mouth to say something but the ground shakes beneath you.

"What the-"

A strong white beam glared into your eyes as something big and White emerged into the forest. Gems screamed and ran away, carrying others or trampling over them through the forest.

"Oh Sapphire? Are you in here?" White Diamond said, stomping on gems, shattering them. "Come here Starlight! It's your turn!" She glared at you. Her eyes bloodshot and her mouth cut open like before. She reached down for you and grabbed you with her fist.

"Hey! Let her go!" Amethyst summoned her whip and jumped in the air, lashing it at the giant Diamond.

White Diamond laughed. "Ha! You think you can hurt me?" Then she looked around below her. "Oh, I'm in the Crystal Gem lair aren't I? Didn't mean to break the peace between us, but I need to borrow one of your gems," she pointed to you and a thick red thin slid down her cheekbone.

Before you could react, she crushes you with her giant hand.

(Hello lovely readers! 💖

I need help making a new story cover for this book. I'm a terrible artist 😂

So if you'd like to make a cover for me just send me a message (private please) and I'll give you the info!)

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