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           Striker an Xvan just stood there staring at each other before hearing Emar chuckle.  The two snapped out of their trance-like state.  Xvan turned his attention to his adoptive mother and Striker moved her head to look at Emar.

         "I see you two are shocked." she said as she walked Xvan closer to Striker.  "This is the young girl I found in the escape pod that crashed about 3 miles away." The girl, also known as Striker looked at her supposed bunk mate.  She was slightly nervous.

       "Well, hello.  I'm Xvan Tran.  Emar is my adoptive mother.  I assume she is now yours as well." He greeted as he slowly lifted his hand and held it up to her.  She was hesitant but then shook his hand firmly. 

       "You are right about that.  I'm Striker Sol'ar." She said as she smiled slightly. Xvan smiled and then turned toward Emar.

       "Well you two, good to see that you are getting along." She said with a slight smile.  "But Xvan, you and I are gonna have a conversation about that fight." Xvan looked away and brought a hand up to his neck. 

      "Sorry about that.  Should we head to my quarters?" He asked.

     Emar nodded and Striker hummed in agreement.  Striker and Xvan walked infront of Emar.  Unlike Striker, he had a pattern to his steps.  She tried to memorize it so she wouldn't get scared when he suddenly appeared out of no where.  The walked and finally got to Xvan's bunk room.  He punched in the 6-digit code and watched the door open with a hiss.  As the three walked in, Striker broke off and went to go look around the room.  There's wasn't much but it was still really interesting to her. 

       "Striker dear, this is your bunk." Emar said as she patted the top bunk.  She already knew her son had the bottom bunk taken for himself.  She watched as he daughter turned and went back toward them.  She climbed up the ladder and sat on the bed.  Striker winced slightly from her wound but ignored it.  Xvan sat on the edge of his bunk and looked at Emar.

      "Buir, is there anything either of us need to know?" He asked as he was curious if Striker was going to be training with him. 

      "Indeed.  Striker and you will be training partners.  You will be in the same class.  Even though Striker has just got here, she can catch up with what you know." Their mother said as she looked between them.  "I will leave you two to get acquainted.  Be ready in dinner clothes by 1700 hours." That was the last thing she said before turning around and leaving the room.  The room was silent as either young warrior didn't know what to say.

    "Well want to read about some history and ask some questions?" Xvan asked as he got up and went to grab a datapad. 

     "Sure.  Like Emar said, I should probably start reading.  But first I need to change my clothes from these rags." She slid down the ladder and landed on the ground.  She saw a nice pile of clothes just sitting on the desk.  She assumed those were her new ones.  Striker walked over and she was right.  They were her new one's. 

      "Alright.  You change.  I won't look at you.  I'll even turn and face the wall." He said as he held a data pad in his hand.  Xvan walked back over to the bunks and stood facing them.  "Alright go ahead."

     Striker nodded and then took her old clothes off.  It slightly hurt as she moved around.  She grabbed her new top and put it on.  It went on nicely.  It wasn't too loose or too tight on her.  She was suprised they found the right size for her.  She finished in the matter of 2 maybe 3 minutes.  She was fighting with putting the boots one but that was the only thing. 

      "Hey Xvan, can you come help me put these boots on?" She asked as she looked over to him.  Xvan turned and then set the datapad down on his bunk. 

      "Sure sis." He said as he walked over to her and kneeled down to help her get her boots on correctly. 

----------------------------2 hours later-----------------------------

       The two sat on the ground on the room.  They talked about the Mandalorian culture and Xvan answered questions if his sister had any.  They say like this until they looked at the time. They gasped as they realized what time it was and quickly stopped what they were doing. 

      "We need to get dressed and ready! It's almost time for us to go." Xvan stated as he got up from his spot on the ground and walked over to the bunks.  He opened up the right drawer and pulled out some interesting looking clothes.  He closed it and then sat down on his bunk.  He took his boots off and started to take off his ordinary clothes that he wore around every day.

      "Xvan, do I have to wear that?" She asked as she looked at the clothes.

     "Sadly yes.  Now come to the left drawer and pull yours out.  Start getting dressed in those. We don't want to be late." He said as he pointed down toward the left drawer.

     Striker stood and then walked over quickly.  The two both rushed to get ready before they heard a knock you on the door.  Xvan looked at Striker and than the door.

    "Continue to get your boots on.  I'll answer it." He said as he turned amd walked toward the door.  The door slid open with a hiss and Emar was standing in the doorway.

     "You two ready?" She asked as she looked at him.

     "Yep! We're ready." Striker said as she walked over.  She has just finished getting her boots on.

    "That's good to hear.  Let's move out to all three of us aren't late." She said as she slightly chuckled.  Xvan stepped aside for Striker to walk out first and she took it and did so.  Xvan followed and the door hissed closed behind him and locked.  The trio walked through the halls quickly and to the dining area/canteen.  Striker was nervous but Xvan was fine and so was Emar.  They reassured her that everything was gonna be alright.

---------------------------‐--------‐-------------------------------------Thanks for reading.  Sorry I haven't updated in a while. Wanted to make this one extra long.

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