I betray my cousin (bad idea)

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Ok las chapter from prom its gonna be really emotional and Aries pov
I walked into the gym in my crisp black suit . I was looking sexy ( as usual ) then I heard shouting. I walked over and saw Cancer and Virgo covered in punch. Cancer was crying and Virgo looked pissed.
"Why the hell are you so annoying!" Virgo yelled.
Cancer sobbed even louder.
"It was an accident Virgo for the millionth time I'm sorry!"
Virgo picked up a chicken wing and threw it at Cancer .
Then Taurus slapped Virgo for doing that and Virgo started screaming . I don't know why but I felt the need to defend Virgo so I did. I punched Taurus to the face. Cancer screamed.
"Omg stop fighting !" She yelled her eyes red and puffy. By now the other Zodiacs were gathered around watching. I picked Taurus up by his collar and punched his face. He kicked me in my balls in self defense but I didn't care. Then he began bleating so I had to stop. I threw him in the floor and began to walk away when Cancer walked up to me.
She looked angry.
"Aries how could you!" She yelled.
I stared at her blankly I didn't know why I did it.
"Well" she said" speak !
"I don't know" I responded.
"Your my cousin Aries" she said .
Then I said something that I probably shouldn't of said what I was about to say.
"Well you know what Cancer just because I'm your cousin doesn't mean I have to poco up for you ok, I'm not your personal body guard you need to grow up!"
The hurt in her eyes was to much to explain. She looked at me and then ran away Piper going after her. Then Virgo came up to me .
"Thanks Aries " she said batting her beautiful eyes. ( I couldn't believe I said that)
"No problem" I replied. I stared at her. Virgo was unlike anyone in the school. She had dark smooth skin with long brown curls and her eyes big and green and her lips light brown lips.
"So uh do you want to dance" I asked out of nowhere.
"Sure" she replied. And I took her hand and we danced.
After an hour of dancing we strolled through the  park. Hand in hand.  As we strolled the moon light lit up Virgo 's face and she looked gorgeous and then I spoke what was on my mind .
"Virgo there is something I need to tell you"
She turned towards me and gestured for me to continue.
"I love you" she blushed like crazy but then spoke.
" I love you to" she replied.
Then we kissed . And kissed and kissed. The night was going to end amazing or so I thought. While we were kissing Piper and Cancer walked by and the look on their faces especially Cancer was indescribable .
"Omg Aries " she said . " I can't believe you "
"Why not" I snapped at her.
She looked hurt.
"Virgo has been so mean to me and now your dating her!"
I rolled my eyes.
"Um yeah look Cance just because she's mean to you it doesn't mean I have to hate you ok so if you have a problem solve it!"
She started to cry again.
"I came to this school because you asked me to , because you promised you would look out for me but now I know it's not true"
Then she left . I have no idea how I felt but I know it wasn't right.

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