I loose my ego

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Hey fo,low me on Twitter @carterkanep
Leos pov
I walked down the streets of la debating weather or not to go to Cancers house or not. The day before I got a call from Capricorn. When I found out it was him I broke down. Literally I cried on the phone but Capricorn didn't notice I said it was my daughter ( I have no kids) . He told me Cancer was making a film and she needed all of us. I knew u should go because Cancer was my friend but still u couldn't bare seeing Capricorn again. I kept pacing the streets my fingers tapping my chin should I go or not . Finally after half an hour of debating I walked up to her house . It was huge and pink. The landscaping was magnificent with beautiful flowers and water features . I opened the front door and entered the house where I heard sounds from the far side of the room. I followed the noise and I saw him. I saw Capricorn. My heart began palpitating rapidly and I wanted to run away but it was to late.
"Leo you came" Cancer yelled. She ran up to me and gave me a huge hug.
"I missed you so much Leo " she said . I patted her back I truly did miss her but I missed Capricorn even more . After a few hours of reading out the script and learning the rules we had our lunch break. All the others socialized but I sat down in a corner by myself until cap came.....
"Hey Leo" he said standing by the door frame his blond hair falling in front his face.
"Um hi cap" I said tensing up.
"So ah how have you been after traveling the world an all"
"Uh well that was fun and well I married a billionaire and am retired ".
Capricorn gave me one of his skeptical looks.
"Oh well that's nice " he said but I heard the hurt in his voice.
"So how have you been" I asked him trying to ease the tension .
"I've been good business is booming , I have a penthouse in the city so yeah".
I smiled" that's good to know " I said then we just stared at each other thank god for Gemini .
"Hey guys" she said.
"Hey gem" I replied and just like that we began to converse.

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