We all die part 7

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Omg guys this is probably my first ever Scorpio POV. YAY
Scorpio POV
I stood there in Virgo's room watching as her Pale , lifeless body fell to the floor. I still couldn't believe that she killed my son. My only child. My pride and my joy. After I shot Virgo I kinda expected Cancer to get mad at me saying that we shouldn't kill someone just because they killed our family but instead she watched me smiling.
"Thanks Scorpio I was going to kill her to just in a more brutal way than you."
I was shocked at her comment hut smiled.
"Now how do I hide this body?"
She laughed.
"Hmm usually on criminal shows when the dad kills his son's killer he wants the world to know it was him."
I shrugged.
"I can't leave Piper alone" I told her.
She nodded.
"Well I have a plan but it's gonna take a lot of work".
"If it could get me off the hook for murder then I'm in"
She smiled.
"No one would even know she is dead."
Aries POV
Today was my first official day on the job. I was really happy Hades was like the best person ever. I was going to help him judge the souls in the Hall of Judgement and I couldn't wait. I opened the doors and walked in and took my position next to Hades.
"Ready to start the best job ever?" He asked.
I smiled.
"Oh yeah".
"Doors be opened" Hades said.
Then the doors opened and in walked two people who I wasn't expecting year for at least the next 80 years.
"What the hades are you doing here" I exclaimed.
But instead of answering me Dawn and Ethan ran up to me and gave me a hug.
"Aries we missed you."
I laughed.
"You missed me so much that you had to die?" I asked.
Their faces fell.
"Virgo killed us" Dawn sad flatly. I was about to comment when Hades interrupted.
"Um well since you two ate kids and you can't possibly know right from young yet you are free to go to Elysium and you can visit Aries when he is off work ok".
The nodded told me goodbye then went to Paradise.
"Well that was awkward" I said to Hades who just gave me a haughty evil laugh.
"If you think that was bad wait till you see whose coming next."
At first I was confused but then the doors opened and in floated V,V,Virgo!!!!!!!!.
OK people let's just put this show on pause for a second so I could break the third wall as Aries.
Ok wait to I killed cancer which caused Cancer to kill me which caused Virgo to kill Dawn and Ethan which leaves me with who killed Virgo?
Virgo's POV
The instant the bullet penetrated me I died. I didn't last a minute not even a second after the piece of metal made contact with my heart muscles. As I floated towards Thantanos 's boat I felt a drachma appear in my hands. I was dead now and I was going into the underworld to be judged by Hades. This was going to be interesting. I handed Thantanos my drachma and we took off into the underworld. He dropped me off and I moves towards the doors of the hall and then they opened and revealed a shocked Aries and a laughing Hades.
"V,V,Virgo" Was all Aries could manage to say before fainting.
Hades laughed.
"Welcome Mrs. Virgo to the underworld."
I shivered as I walled towards the throne and cringed as the Scale fell from the roof and Hades began to weigh my good deeds and bad deeds. While he was doing this Aries woke up.
"Virgo what the hell are you doing here did Cancer kill you?" He asked increadibly serious.
"No" I answered "Scorpio did".
😚🤗😘🤗😄(ok sorry about the emojies just got a new phone and discovered the keypad has cool emojis not sure if u can see them though).
He sighed and then the scale was finished and I was going to torture. The worst place to go. I left without saying another word. I was to embarassed and well let's just say torture was well.........
Hey people how do u do 🤗🤓☻👿👣💅 waw some of these emojis are like really cool anyways how was ur week ? I mean first one out at skl mine was great except for the fact that i was in skl not at home. Tell me how u liked the chapter byez

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