Love Won't Change Some Things

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 Two Days Later; Gouenji's POV

        "Yoshi, let's win today!" Endou shouted, pumping his fist into the air. "Aye!" the rest of the team shouted enthusiastically, though none of them matched up to Endou's fueled passion. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Inoue try to sneak to the door unoticed. "Hey, where're you going?" I asked without drawing attention to him, I mean her (gosh I will never be able to think of her as a girl no matter how much I try). She jumped, not literally of course. She probably didn't think that me or any other members of Raimon would see her try to sneak out. She was right about Raimon, as they were too busy doing last minute stretches and going over strategies, but I was her best friend. Of course I would notice.

        "I'll be back before the match starts," she squeaked, then scampered away.

Shizumi's POV

        I didn't know what I was doing, or where I was heading. All I knew was that I needed some alone time to freshen up before we faced Kidokawa Seishuu. Of course, I wasn't going to leave this building since the match was starting soon, but I just needed someplace to ease my mind so that I could focus later.

        A man wearing the referee jacket told me to go back quick since we only had five minutes left. I assured him that I will, that I just needed to think for a while. He was skeptical, but left me alone. I shuffled around some more, repeating that it would be alright, just play like you usually do. Then suddenly, I bumped into someone and that someone fell backward. My first instinct was to steady her since I had already slipped into Inoue Shizuro, but then my arms went limp as I realized who it was.

        "Hinata..." I whispered unintentionally. She blinked back, her eyelashes fluttering like a butterfly. She opened her mouth to speak, but no words came out. Finally, she greeted akwardly, "Oh hello, Inoue, long time no see." "You too," I replied, letting go of her forearm. She noticed my quick retraction and cut in hurriedly, "It's no problem."

        I couldn't help but smile. Hinata hasn't changed. She was still the same girl as when I left. That was a good thing, because if she did, then that would be my fault and I would never forgive myself. Even though we were both girls, I still held a special place for Hinata in my heart. But then I frowned, remembering those words of Musara's that had made me go crazy. "Yes it is," I said, taking a step back to put space between us, "You're Musara's now, aren't you?"

        Hinata blinked again and cocked her head to the side, looking at me like I have two heads. "What are you talking about?" she asked. I tried to search her eyes for traces of lies, but they were pure and sincere. "Aren't you and Musara a thing?" I asked, getting more and more confused by the second. Yet at the same time I was also getting a clue of what happened.

        "Who told you that?" she demanded. "Musara himself," I replied. For a moment, none of us said anything. Then as if she about to expload, she clenched her fists, and I could tell that it was taking her everything to not punch the wall. I was restraining myself from cussing at Musara that lying piece of shit out loud for the world to hear by biting hard on my tongue.

        "Did you believe him?" she asked quietly. I didn't reply, only looked at the ground shamefully. "You did, didn't you?" she continued, her voice rising, "Even after we promised to wait for each other until you came back." Hinata's voice was cracking, holding in tears that were about to come pouring out. "Gomensai," I whispered, still avoiding eye contact. "I wanted to call you so much after you left, but I didn't have your new phone number, and you never called me. And no matter how much I asked, bribed, or begged, no one could give me any information. It was as if you had disappeared from the face of the Earth. Then one year later you come on TV in Teikoku's team and I recognized you at first glance," Hinata spoke, her voice still wavering.

        This was the worst thing that could have ever happened. Even worse than being told off by the Mukata Triplets or Gouenji. Of all people, Hinata saw me fail. As a traitor. And a liar. I didn't deserve her. I didn't even deserve to play soccer.

        But Hinata's accusations didn't stop there. "Then soon I saw you again, playing for Raimon! And you cut your hair too. I was so happy that you were back, and I just had to see you. So I applied for manager for Kidokawa Seishuu's soccer team." ..Huh?

        "You aren't mad at me?" I asked. She shook her head frantically. "Of course not! Well, maybe a little, but not a grudge or thirst for revenge, nothing like that. I'm just glad I can see you again, even though I don't quite understand everything starting from why you dressed up as a girl. But we can talk about that later, you have to get to the field now.

        That was when I suddenly noticed the time on the watch that Hinata had on her wrist. Oh my god I'm late by a minute! Gouenji's gonna kill me. So will the rest of Raimon. Heck, Hibiki-kantoku might even decide to take me off the team.

        "I gotta go. See ya later!" I said to Hinata with a wave as I was about to run off. "Wait," she said and put her arms around my waist, hugging me tight from behind. "I'll love you no matter who you are," she murmured, “I don’t care because I love you.”

Don't worry about the yuri guys, it's just gonna be a puppy love kind of thing, nothing serious. (Think Mikusa and Rami from Arata: The Legend) Sorry for the short chapter and slow update. Next one might be either super short or super long, depends on if I decide to combine it with the match with Kidokawa Seishuu. Gomenasai, pdates may slow down to once a week:(

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