Year 3 Chapters 6 - 10

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Year 3 Chapter 6 - Animagus Race at Magical Creatures

The next day, all wizards and witches wake up early to start the day. I got up and changed, then went to go get Leo, who was still in his PJs in his bed.

"Leo! Wake up!" I pull the blanket off of him. He tries to grab it from me with his eyes closed but fails.

I laugh. "You big sleepy head! Come on, we have school!"

"But I don't wanna get up..." Leo mumbled in his sleep.

I sigh and take out my wand. "Levicorpus!" I say as Leo starts floating in the air above his bed.

He slightly opens his eyes, then yelps.

"I'm up! I'm up! I'm gonna get ready!"


"I will! Put me down!" I laugh and let him fall back down on the bed.

"Get ready okay? I'll meet you at breakfast!" I giggle and follow some of the Ravenclaw students out of the common room.


It's near the end of the day. I'm right now in Care for Magical Creatures. Hagrid is the teacher for some reason. In my class, I see Harry, Hermione, Ron, Draco, Keen, Ary, Aby, Heather, Mary, Sherryl, Berri, and Olivia. I don't know the rest of the wizards and witches.

"Alright, everyone!" Hagrid started to speak. He's at least twice the height as Aby.

"'Cause dis is the first day of Hogwarts, we're gonna have a little fun. Now, who here is an Animagus?"

Aby, Sherryl, and I raise our hands, along with some other students.

"Right den...not as much as I thought..." Hagrid mumbled.

"So! Today we are going to have an Animagus race. Everyone knows what an Animagus is correct?"

Some shake their heads no.

"Well then, who would like to demonstrate?"

Aby raises her hand high in the air. I, on the other hand, don't want to.

"Right! Miss Black, would you care to show us?"

"Yes!" Aby smiles and comes to the front of the class. Some students whisper while others giggle at the comments. I roll my eyes and try to ignore them.

"Will you shut up?" Berri whisper-yells. I burst out laughing and grin at Berri, who smiles. Everyone seems to have shut up now. Aby carefully approaches the center.

"Alright, so, don't be fooled, I'm still me, not this thing!" She twists into a wolf.

"AH!" Some girls jerk back. Aby turns back and smacks her forehead, her ring shines in the sunlight.

"So it is true!" Draco suddenly walks out to her. "Engaged to a ghost? Are you?"

"Back off Malfoy," she says.

"Alright, that would be enough," Hagrid says.

"Wait one more second." She turns to him. Aby whistles and Springtrap appears out of nowhere. Her eyes are green and she looks furious.

Now is my turn to slap my forehead.

What is she doing?! I think.

"Something she might regret..." Redwood says as he takes my hand and smakes my forehead for me a second time. I flinch, but don't say a word.

"Right. This is Springtrap. He is a very dangerous ghost, a bodyguard, and my boyfriend. If any of you dare mess with me, you come through him!" She points at Springtrap. He would have slapped his forehead as well if he were in a crowd of people he knew.

"What kind of illusions do you use?" Keen walks over and tries to put his hand through Springtrap, who takes his hand and slightly twists it, then let's go. Draco's face goes surprised and grabs his arm with his other hand.

"Alright, quit fooling around, put your ghost friend away and we continue the lesson," Hagrid said, clearly shocked.

"You have been warned," Aby says. Springtrap disappears in a cloud of black smoke.

A few girls sort of share a 'that girl is crazy' look. "I do not play around," She said and her eyes turn gray again.

"Why are you all staring at me like that?" She says after a couple of seconds.

"You showed us a ghost, how would we not stare?" A wizard called out.

"I- I- what?" Aby asks. "Ok, breathe." She mutters to herself. She takes out a small paper and she unfolds it, showing it to Hagrid.

"It has been proven I am diagnosed with DID, Dissociative Identity Disorder, please excuse Kitten." Aby nodded 'goodbye' to him and went back to stand by Sherryl, Marry, and Heather. People stared at her.

What have you done? I think to her, knowing she wouldn't reply.

"Uh, anyway, Mister Malfoy, see me after class. So! Let's get started with the race! All of you turn into your Animagus forms and line up."

Aby and Sherryl were the first to do so. The wolf and Guinea Pig lined up next to each other. Everyone else started doing so too. I saw a deer, some more cats, two dogs, and a black owl.

I smiled and turned into an owl as well. I flew up next to the black one.

"Nice! I thought I was the only one!" I heard a girl's voice. It was the owl. "I'm Heather."

"Cool! I know someone named Heather. I'm Leah."

"A pleasure to meet you!" We both smiled and flew into the air next to each other. Everyone else lined up on the forest floor.

The non - Animagi stood back and watched.

"Alright," Hagrid explains how the race works. "And most importantly, DO NOT push anyone, please." he finished. Hagrid lifts his big arm. "On your mark, get set....GO!"

Everyone ran, but Heather and I took a short cut by flying. Aby was in the lead at the floor, probably because she was a wolf. You don't find a mouse in the lead now, do you?

"So, how are you doing?" Heather asked me. We had the least pressure by flying, while the others ran as fast as possible.

"I am good, thank you," I smile.

"Great me, too! You must have flown before."

"Yeah. Sometimes I sneak around the castle after dark. It's so fun to fly with my owl!"

"Same! I've done that too! Many times actually."

"Great! We should fly around sometime." Heather suggests.

"We should." I say. "The funny thing is, we've known each other, yet don't know how we actually look like." I laugh.

"True, but we can show each other to ourselves afterward."

"Right!" I look down a curve, making sure I'm following the path. Heather does the same. "You know, I kind of want to know, on purpose!"

"That sounds fun. We should do it." We both laugh and make sure we're directly above Aby, who is far ahead of the others.

We were now coming up to the finish line.

"She seems a little off, I mean, did. Who is she?" Heather asks.

"That is one of my really good friends actually," I say. "She isn't crazy, she has a crazy story line, and fell in love with a ghost," I say. "If Aby wants to talk about it to you, she can."

"I'd love to hear a story!" Heather said.

I sigh. "I'll tell you later. What's your house?"

"It's Slytherin," she says with a frown.

"Really?" I ask.

"Yeah, not all Slytherins are bad!" She says.

"Yeah. I guess not!" I say happily.

"My parents are both Hufflepuff." She says. "They were pretty disappointed."

"Well, I think your amazing!" I state to her. "Ooh, the finish line is coming up! Should we tie?"

"I think the three of us are gonna tie...but you know, we'll try!" Heather smirks and flies along side of me. We fly just above Aby and finish right as she does.

Everyone gasps. So does Hagrid.

"We have a three way tie!" Hagrid shouts to us.

"So what do we do?" A non - animagus asks.

"Obvious! The 'engaged-with-a-ghost' girl is going out because she's crazy," Malfoy starts. "She's annoying," He points to me, "And she is in our house, so she's winning,"

I slapped my forehead with my feathery wings.

"That's not how it works Malfoy!" Even Keen stood up to that.

"Oh, you on pretty's side?" Malfoy points to me.

"No, I play by the rules." Keen says, and his eyes glint gold, as Malfoy steps away.

"So, this is how I look like," Heather says, when Keen, Malfoy and Hagrid were arguing.

She had black hair with gray eyes. She wore a Slytherin robe, and she clipped it with a pink heart which I thought was an amazing design.

"I love the heart addition,"

"Thanks! What do you look like?" Heather asked me. By now we could see the others racing to the fished.

I smiled and turned back. My hair was in a tight ponytail. I adjusted it.

"You look nice!" Heather smiled at me.

"Hey children," Aby walked up to us, her face was red.

Heather stared at her. I laughed.

"Heather, meet Aby. Aby, this is another Heather for you to know. Also...are you okay?" I giggled.

"What?" Aby looks at herself in a small mirror I hand to her. "Oh, I was running!" She said with a frightened expression.

Year 3 Chapter 7 - Heather and Kitten

"Oh and we were flying. It was actually very calming to watch you run as fast as you could."

"We were mostly relaxing." Heather added. She was a little taller than me, but shorter than Aby.

"Oh, I wasn't. I got tired in the middle of the race Kitten suggested to run for me!" Aby smiled, handing me back my mirror.

"Don't you like, her?" Heather asked.

"How so?" Aby asked with a shrug.

"She interrupted and embarrassed you in front of everyone." She was talking about Kitten.

"What? No!" Aby laughed thinking it was a joke. "She's like my best friend!"

"Oh...." Heather says, "Wait, what? Can I talk to her? I'm just curious."

"Kitten, ya in there?" Aby asks, looking up in the air.

"Yes of course I am...? Why would I not be...?" She says as Aby's eyes turn green.

"Woah! That's so cool!" I sigh and decided to sneak away. I wanted to talk to Hagrid.

"Not really.... Considering I am the one that is like.... Extra energy for when you need me...." Kitten said as I left.

"Hey, Hagrid," I walk up to him right as Keen and Malfoy do so as well.

The two glare at me. Keen's eyes flash gold again as he walks away. I need to figure out what's up with him.

"Yes Leah? How you doin'?" He asks.

"Good. So Hagrid, I wanted to talk to you...." I say.

"'Bout what?" Hagrid puts his hands on his hips.

"About Aby...I'm sorry about what happened earlier!"

"No matter! You did an amazing job on the race by the way." Hagrid then checked the watch that hung around his neck. "Class is over everyone!" he shouted, then faced me. "I'll see you later, right?"

I nodded and turned to leave.

"Hey Scamander," Keen walked up to me.

"What do you need?" I ask, annoyed.

"Good job at the race," His eyes glinted gold once again as he took out his hand for me to shake. I shook it, surprised..

"What's with your eyes?" I decide to ask.

"What do you mean?" He asks.

"I mean that they glint a golden color every now and then." I explain.

"What?" He seems confused.

"Yeah, I noticed too," Aby comes up to us. Then the last piece of the puzzle. Her eyes flickered a green.

"You have a split personality too?" I exclaim.

"What? Who...?" Kitten even busted in.

"You sounded weird," Keen laughed.

"Maybe he doesn't know yet. I would sometimes see my eyes glint green when I looked at the mirror,"

"What's a split personality?" Keen asked.

"When you have two or more identities, or personalities, sharing a body. The name sort of says it." Aby says with a shrug.

"What?" Keen was still confused.

"Nevermind..." I said pulling Aby away from him. "Let's go. What do you have next?" I asked her when we were far enough from Keen.

"I.... have...." Aby looks at her schedule. "Astronomy...."

"Me too!" I say, hyped up.

"Let's go then!" The two of us run up to Professor Trelawney's classroom.

"Ah, good that you're here." Trelawney said.

"Did we come late?" I ask.

"No, I predicted you would fall down the stairs if you went up to the steps three seconds early." She says. I could see Aby roll her eyes, smiling.

"Uh, ok, thanks..." I say and Aby and I sit down together at a table.

"Well that was a warm welcome," Aby says and we start snickering. The bell rang and class started.

"Welcome, to Astronomy everyone!"

Year 3 Chapter 8 - Stella or Star?

After Astronomy, we went to dinner and then the common room. Leo met us inside.

"How was class?" Leo asked us.

"Good! How about you?" I replies with a smile.

"Good. Did you guys have an Animagus race? That's what we did."

"You mean in Magical Creatures? Yep!"Aby answered.

"That's cool. I wish I was an Animagus." Leo shrugs.

"You practice, at the end of first year I was a wolf," Aby said.

"Oh, I knew I was an owl before school started." I say.

"Cool," Leo says.

"Abyssinian!" A girl calls out. I turn and see a girl with litteral galaxy looking hair. She had a smile on her face.

"Stella!" Aby smiles and Stella runs over.

"Hello! I'm super excited for our next classes tomorrow! Can I look at your schedule?"

"Sure, but we don't have any classes together."

"I know, but I still wanna see."

"Transfiguration, DADA, History, Herbology, Lunch, Potions, Charms, Care of Magical Creatures, and Astronomy." Aby says.

"Why lookie here, we have Lunch together." Stella put her hands on her hips. I laugh.

"Oh, and is this one of your friends?" She asks Aby, looking at me.

"Yes," Aby says.

"I'm Leah Wings Scamander!" I hold out my hand for her to shake.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Stella." Stella had blue, purple, pink, and black hair with white glitters as stars. Her eyes were gold and had some white in it, and had a cat slit. Her eyes reminded me of cat eyes basically.

"I love your eyes." I say.

"Oh thank you, my parents were confused why I was born this way until the letter came." Stella said.

"What do you mean?" I ask

"Oh, her parents are both muggles." Aby says.

"That makes more sense!" I smile. "If you can't tell, I'm pure blood."

"What does that mean?" Stella tilts her head.

"It just means I'm born from a witch and wizard. I have magical parents."

"Really? Who are they?"

I look at Stella with a surprised face.

"What?" she asks me. I shake my head and giggle.

"I like you." I grin. "My parents are Lorcan Scamander and Luna Lovegood. They're pretty well known in the wizard world, so I'm happy there's finally someone who doesn't know who I am!"

"Thank you, but how so?"

"You see..." Aby started answering for me. "When wizards are well known, their son/daughter become well known too. Leah doesn't like being the well known 'Leah Scamander'. Makes sense?" Stella nods in response. I notice she's a little shorter than me.

"Thanks for explaining Aby." I smile at her. She smiles back.

"Also, this is Leo." Aby points to Leo who waves.

"Nice to meet you Leo! Are you pure blood too?"

"I wish!" Leo laughed. "My mother is a muggle, but my father is a wizard. I'm half blood."

"I didn't know that!" I say to him.

"Yeah, me neither!" Aby agrees.

Leo shrugs. "Oh well. You know now."

"You learn something new everyday, or else then your day is wasted. My mother and father always said that." Stella says.

"That's a nice way to think about it." I say.

"That's it! Star!" Stella says unexpectedly.

"What?" Aby asks.

"On the first day I got here, you all had nicknames or shortened names. You can call me Star!" Stella said excitedly.

"Um, yeah, that sounds like a good idea." Aby says. "Star."

"I don't have a nickname." I say.

"Oh..." Stella says.

"Yeah! I don't have one either." Leo raises his hand.

"Ok, but I still want you to call me Star."

We all shrugged and nodded.

"Sure!" Aby said.

Yay!" Star jumped up excitedly

"Ok, I really need to go now." Aby says and heads to 4th year dormitories.

I shrug and follow her with Leo right behind me.

"Good night!" Everyone else says. "Sweet dreams!"

"You too!" Aby says. We all separate and go to bed.

"Night Leo!" I say to him. We hug, then he goes to the opposite side of the dormitory.

"Night Leah!" Aby tells me a few minutes later.

She has gotten in her cat PJs and gotten into bed. I slept near her, but she was surrounded by Maria and Heather.

Year 3 Chapter 9 - Just a Regular Day at Hogwarts

I wake up suddenly. I feel the hot sun of my face. It's so bright, that I can't see that well. Once my eyes adjust, I look around to find snow as far as I could see. I smiled and jumped out of my bed. As I jumped into the snow, the ground started to collapse under my feet. I gasped and ran onto the nearest tree. It started to collapse as well. Frightened, I tried turning into an owl, but for some reason, I couldn't. I tried again and again. It still didn't work.

What's happening!? I asked myself. I tried remembering how to turn into an animagus.

Okay...think about the shape and size...I think? I didn't really know. It just came naturally.

I fell to the ground and kept running.

"Help!" I called out. The snow turned into dust, and then quicksand! I screamed as I sunk into the thick mud. I looked around for anything to hang on too.

Then I noticed something. My bed was gone. In place of it was Hogwarts.

What the!? I yelled once more. The quicksand was up to my shoulders.

I looked around once more. I saw Hogwarts and an owl flying to me.

"Snowy!" I called. I had to lift my head to see. "Help!" All of a sudden, I saw Redwood above me instead of Snowy. He was pale blue and white. A little transparent. Just like Kitten.

I used all my strength to lift my arm out of the quicksand. "Help..." I was able to faintly say.

I closed my eyes as the quicksand disappeared and I fell in a deep dark hole.

I screamed as I fell for what felt like hours.


I got up with a start. I was in the grass laying on the ground. My head hurt, I felt dizzy, and it was too dark to see.

"Hello?" I called out. Nothing happened. A minute later, it became bright, and I could see everything.

Must be my Dragon Scales. I thought as I blinked a few times.


"Yes?" Redwood answered me.

I had the weirdest dream! I started walking around.

"I know."

What do you mean?

"I was there."

Really? Then is this another dream? I shivered as a cold breeze started blowing. Tall trees surrounded me at all sides. "No." Redwood answered me after a second of silence.

Well...can't you just teleport me?

"No. This is the Forbidden Forest. We can't risk anything."

I looked up at the dark sky to see a full moon.

My eyes went wide as I remembered Mary. She's a werewolf.

Redwood! We need to get out of here! I huddled behind a tree as I heard a twig snap. I breathed as quietly as possible. I try feeling around for my wand, but it's not with me.

Shoot! I thought as I heard a growl. How did I even get here!?

"Your nightmare caused you to sleep walk. You were about to run into a wall, so I kind made you walk through walls for a minute."


"Listen. You started wandering into the forest, so I went into your dream and did a spell that caused your friends to be in your dream too." I was silent.

I heard another growl.

I decided to run for it. I run one way, showing myself to the werewolf. I turned to see it running after me. Just in time, I moved the other way and run as fast as I could.

The werewolf was right behind me.

I tripped on a branch, but Redwood helped me keep my balance. I kept running, knowing that if I stopped, anything could happen.

I yelled once more for help. All I could see were branches and leaves. I couldn't see the moon or the exit out of the forest.Then, I hear something. A faint howl. I turn to my right and follow the sound. It doesn't sound like a werewolf at all. The one behind me still follows with a growl. I hear the howl again. This time louder. I run toward the unrealistic werewolf howl. The real werewolf ran after me. I see a hippogriff. I get memories.

Feathers? I think.

"What? NO! That's not even an animal!" Redwood could've slapped his forehead right now.

Not an animal? I turn on my dragon scales to see it isn't one at all. It's a person. Or two people. The two jump down and the second person disappears. I see a wolf, which kind of scared me, but I saw the familiar eyes and the smile.

"Aby!" I yell and run up to hug her.

"Hey Leah." Aby said.

The werewolf behind us growls and slows down.

"Mary!" Aby growls back.

"Wait, that's Mary?" I ask, huddling behind Heather, who was a jungle cat.

Year 3 Chapter 9 - Waremoon the Warewolf

"Mary, calm down," I Aby says, slightly stepping toward the warewolf, who growled. Aby stepped back cautiously, waiting for the uncontrollable warewolf to calm down. But she never did. Aby glared over to me, as if waiting for me to do something. I realize the two are both animagi and I quickly transform into an owl. The werewolf growed once more as the sun started to rise.

Aby barked at it, which caused it to glare and run to the Whomping Willow.

"Where is she going?" I asked staying alert.

"Shrieking Shack," Aby answered shortly. "Anyway, what are you doing here?"

"Oh, us, sleep walking," I said with a shrug.

"Who's us?" Heather asked with a confused look. Aby had the same face. We all turned back to normal before I answered.

"Well....." I paused and laughed nervously.

It's okay if I tell them right? I asked Redwood.

"Fine..." Redwood said with an annoyed tone.

Great! I smiled. "Redwood kind of...died...and in order to stay on Earth he kind of needed to go into someone's body...I think." I said to Aby and Heather.

"Yep." Redwood said for me. His voice was a little scratchy.

"Was that him just now?" Aby asked as we started walking back.

"Yeah..." I sighed. "He's been with me through half of the summer and now."

"He is very annoying," Aby said in a voice. I soon realized it was Kitten who was talking.

"Oh, look who decided to talk!" Redwood said for me.

"At least I do not control or force Aby to go anywhere unlike you!" Kitten said. "And plus I can also go out of my body unlike you," Kitten added and appeared next to Aby with a poof of white ash.

"At least I'm more powerful than you in all ways. You're just a teenager who is smarter than your other identity so you think you are better than everyone!" Redwood yelled at Kitten.

"You? More powerful?" Kitten laughed and dropped to the ground. She placed her hands on the grass and soon sand started to ooze out and soon instead of grass we were surrounded by a desert. "I pulled out all that sand from under the ground!" She announced proudly. She snapped her fingers and the sand swirled into the ground again. "I am more powerful than you think!" She snarled.

"Redwood!" I was able to say before he said something else.

"What!?" Redwood said to me.

"Stop!" I sighed and glared at Kitten, who looked to the ground and disappeared again, leaving a pile of white ash in the green grass.

"We should go now." I said looking the way of the sun. "T-thanks for saving me." I said right after.

"Of course you should be thankful!" Redwood yells.

"Not you!" I say.

"Your welcome?" Aby says confused.

"Come on." Heather takes her hand and pulls Aby into Hogwarts. I sigh and follow.

Year 3 Chapter 10 - Star and Snape

We go to breakfast to meet up with the rest of the Respecters, and Berri. No one really wants to sit with us, so Aby sits down, and Springtrap sits on her right, leaving the seat on the other side of Aby, open. I sit across from Aby, while Berri sits to my right, Heather on my left so she could talk to Spring. Sherryl was on the other side of Heather, and Mary was next to Springtrap. Around us, other Ravenclaw students left empty seats around us. It felt like we were on a whole separate island. We all waited for breakfast as Stella runs up to us. At that time, the food appears and we all grab a plate.

"Hey everyone!" Star says with a smile.

"Hey Star!" Aby waved. Star goes to sit next to her, which is where Springtrap was currently sitting.

Stella knows about Springtrap...right?

"Nope..." Redwood answers me.

"Um, you can sit on the other side of me!" Aby says suddenly. I could tell she wasn't trying not to be rude.

Star stops in confusion, thinks a little, then says. "Ok!" She goes to sit on the other side of Aby, making her sigh in relief.

"So, how was sleep?" Star asked.

"Good..." I mumbled. I didn't really want to talk about last night. I don't even think Mary remembers it, let alone, wants to talk about it!

"I loved classes." Stella rocks back and forth in her seat.

"Who's your favorite?" Aby ask. I was guessing everyone was expecting for her to say 'Hagrid!' or something.

"I find Professor Snape pretty interesting!" Stella says after a moment of though. "I really like his class, and I'm really interested in potions and DADA just like he is," She tatters, leaving us hanging with our mouths open. "What?" She asks.

"That's an achievement," Aby says, before getting back to eating.

"That really is!" Redwood agrees. "I didn't like him. No wonder Ginger is complaining about him sometimes..."

I shrug.

Word count - 4225

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