Chapter 3

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📷Harley's POV📷

I ran into class late because the office had me run an errand. As I entered the room after giving the teacher my note; I scanned the room. I noticed a semi-familiar looking guy, but he wasn't here last year. I am so confused on why he looks familiar. "Mr. Clark you are lucky Ms. Lawrence came in late. We only have twenty minutes left and i have an assignment for you guys."

Wait!! Mr. Clark?, the only person with that last name I know is Logan. I am pretty sure there hasn't been someone with that last name in a while. Mr. Carter was also talking to the familiar looking guy too. It can't be Logan though he needs to be at our old school. I cannot have someone from my past here especially not him; he knows too much about me and my family. That guy was a classified stalker; he can get you information on just about anyone. I am almost positive he looked up my family. "HARLEY! Pay attention in my class or I will not hesitate to give you detention."

"Yes sir, I won't let it happen again." He nodded and continued on.

"As I was saying class for half of this class you will be working in partners to do a research project and presentation. No you will not be able to pick your partner." I zoned out again, but I managed to hear him say the list of partners will be posted tomorrow outside of class. Great partners, I hate people yet i have to work with them. I swear teachers are trying to kill me. Dang I zoned out to the bell. Good thing I was already packed. As I made my way to the door someone grabbed my arm.

"Harley can i talk to you please?" I knew that voice, it was all to familiar. Logan was here and there was nothing I could do about it. I slowly turned around to meet the blue eyes that haunt my dreams. This time there was no sorrow or anger in them aimed at my brother; his eyes held nothing they were blank of all emotions."So it really was you I saw. Logan are you stalking me or something beacuse I would not expect you to come here?'

"No, I'm not stalking you. I have transfered schools to get away from bullying." He gave me a knowing look refering to Lucas. "Harley why are you even here beacuse all I remember is your popularity?" He was acting like he didn't know about Lucas; I know he must know though the whole town knew."

"Logan, stop playing dumb. I know you know about Lucas; everyone blames me even I blame me." He looked at me with sad eyes like he hated the fact I blamed myself.

"Harley even though I strongly dislike your brother, no one should have to bare this. He could have told you no and stood his ground, but he's a softy when it comes to you. So you better not blame yourself any.."


"Crap! We are late for class. I have to go logan; I can not talk to you any more." With that I ran to class. Dang Logan having to talk to me now. I thought he hated me.

A/N: Picture is of Lucas in his coma. :(

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