Getting to Know

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When the auto lights turned on Bee stopped in front of the garage. Morgan got out and looked at him.

"Hold on, I'll clear out the garage so you can stay in there." She told him and then turned around and walked to the left corner of the garage and disappeared around the corner.

He heard a grunt and something sliding on the floor. After a few minutes he watched as the lights warm up and flicker on through the windows of the white door in front of him.

He heard another grunt and saw movement and watched as the garage door opened.

Morgan pulled open the garage door to reveal a large spacious room it had hardly anything in it. A wooden shelf some tools, a jetski, and lawn equipment.

He rolled in slowly and stopped near the back. "Thanks"

She smiled. "Your welcome." She looked at the floor. "So....what are the other Autobots like?"

Bee was slightly surprised by the question.

"Well, there's Ratchet the medic, he's not really friendly at first, but after awhile he'll soften up. Then Jazz he's very friendly, and he lives up to his name... "

She smiled.

"Then there's Sideswipe and Sunstreaker, their twins..."

"Wait. Twins?" Morgan interrupted, surprised. "Your kind has twins?"

"Yes, its hard to explain so you'll have to ask Ratchet when you meet him."

She nodded. "Ok, continue."

"Their the best prankers I've ever seen." He continued. Morgan chuckled. "Ironhide, the weapons specialist. He seems creepy at first but he's not bad and he has a short temper.
Jetfire, the kindest mech you'll ever meet, smartest, and largest."

Her smile grew.

"I'm not kidding he's taller then Optimus Prime, our leader and he's tall. Optimus is kind, wise, and smart but sometimes his kindness can almost kill him.
Arcee is the only femme on earth at the moment. Short but fierce, a good fighter. I think you'll like her. Then finally Smokescreen, young, obnoxious but a good fighter, he's also fun to be around."

She nodded. "Sounds nice. You're enemies?"

"The Decepticons?"

"Yeah them, what are they like?"

"Well, their leader, Megatron and Second in Command, Starscream, are the ones you'll need to stay away from, well you need to stay away from all of them but especially them."


"Oh and Soundwave." He added.

She nodded. "I will.....well I have to go inside now its getting late and I have school tomorrow."

"I can take you to school tomorrow if you like."

She paused. "Sure thanks Bee."
She smiled and walked to the garage door, pausing and looked back Bee's alt form and then closed it.

(Sorry it's been awhile I just kept putting it off so I hope u like it thanks for reading.)

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