Chapter 1: The Beginning

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Applicant Name: Maya Suzuki

Age: 15

Quirk: Telekinesis (she can move things with her mind)


(edited June 2nd 2021)

(quick lil a/n then I'll shut up, before you guys click off after the first chapter just know that the writing gets better. also at the moment that I'm adding this little message into here I have 54 published chapters and I plan to continue writing this fanfic til the end of the show. also I'm an artist and I really love to draw so I made a crap-ton of fanart for my own book that I started posting in some later chapters so keep an eye out for those. also if you don't already know I publish chapters for this fanfic everyday. please follow me to get notifications and also if you feel like it vote on the chapters! anyways that's it I'll let you enjoy my fanfic now! byeeeee)



"Maya wake up you have to get in your morning exercise before the test!" I hear my mom yelling and knocking at my door.

"mmf-" I respond with a groan and she opens my door and wheels in. It's so early that it is still dark in my room, but thats become the norm as of late.

since the UA entrance exams is coming up, mom hasn't let me have a moments rest. it's been contant training and studying for the past few months and I'm so tired.

thank god this is the last day of this hell.

"get up little lady today is very important, you must get into UA if you want to be a pro!" I feel her lift me out of bed and plop me on the floor using her quirk.

"mom it's so early plus we trained so late last night can't I sleep in just this once?" I say slouched over on the ground with my eyes half closed.

"are you talking back to me? get up and get dressed if your not in the kitchen in five minutes eating your breakfast I will drag you there myself." she yells leaving my room.

I can tell that she is getting annoyed with me so I slowly stand up and I put on a sweat suit. I grab my water bottle and head over to the kitchen where my dad is setting down a plate with eggs and bacon on it. 

the loud whirring of the blender my mom is using to make me a protein shake is rattling in my head. I sit in my chair and slouch over on the table, my muscles sore from the nonstop training. 

"eat your eggs sweetie you're gonna need the protein for today." my mom says with a grin

"yes ma'am." I say sitting up and grabbing my fork.

I start shoveling eggs into my mouth and my mom wheels over to give me my protein shake.

"drink up sweetie." she says with a smile. I finish my breakfast and chug my protein shake, the texture disgusts me so I always try and drink it in one gulp.

I finally finish the green liquid and set down my cup trying not to retch in front of my parents.

"are you excited for the exam? do you feel ready?" my dads cheerful voice asks

"yeah, I don't think its possible for me to be more ready than this" I say referencing the constant training.

"ok honey let's go down to the gym now and begin training." my mom says leaving the kitchen with me towing behind her.

"yes ma'am"  I say.

we enter the basement which my parents converted into a gym for me. the smell of rubber and BO fills the air.

I train for two hours until the sun rises then I am finally allowed to rest. I go back upstairs to shower and maybe relax if I have time.

when I get into the warm shower my body aches, I want to collapse on this tile and sleep so badly. this warm shower on this cold morning is just what I needed.

I stand there for a good five minutes with my eyes closed wishing I was in bed before I hear a knock at the door.

"what's taking you so long honey? hurry up you need to leave in an hour!" I hear my mom yelling from outside the door. 

I hurry up and finish my shower and get out wrapping my hair with a towel and drying myself off.

I go to my room and put on a clean sweat suit and collapse onto my bed. I lay there for maybe thirty seconds when I hear my mother's shrill voice calling me.

"you should leave now honey or else you'll be late." she yells

as much as I want to lay here I know I need to get up. it takes all my strength to leave my warm comfy bed and put my shoes on.

"you ready to make your mama proud?" my mom says smiling at me

"of course!" I answer feeling the excitement for the upcoming exam.

"good luck honey!" my dad calls out from the kitchen as he washes the dishes.

I wave them goodbye and then walk out the door ready to begin my journey.

I take the train and soon I arrive at the front gates of UA.

as I make my way up the path that leads to the main building, I feel the anxiety and fear of what it means if I fail this. 

I probably wont, but still... 

I feel this way anytime I have to take a test. theres always so much pressure by my mom to get a perfect score. 

I can't blame her thought, she just wants whats best for me. years ago, back when I was six, my mother was attacked by a villain. she managed to survive but was paralyzed from the waist down. ever since then, she has expected me to be her successor. 

before the incident, my mother was the number two hero. she expects me to surpass even All Might some day.

that's why she puts so much pressure on me. if I am to achieve greatness like she did, my grades must also reflect that. the last time I failed a test was in 5th grade, and that was not pretty. I can still hear the pure rage in my mother's voice as she lashed out at me.


"72%!?" she yells, the paper etched in red marker grasped tightly in her hand.

"I'm really sor-" I start but am cut off by a slap to the face.

"great heroes do not get 72s on their tests! do you think All Might would get a shameful grade such as this one!?" she screams grabbing me by my shirt collar, her breath is warm on my cheek as I fight back the urge to cry, that would only make things worse.

"I didn't become your personal trainer to see you get such awful grades like this. you're better than this Maya! I expect better! you are the daughter of the number 2 hero, start acting like it!" she continues her lecture as I sit there silently biting my inner cheek to keep myself calm.

"you need to start studying more! go to your room now! I don't want to see you until you've brought this grade up!" she yells pointing off into the direction my my room.

"yes ma'am" I whimper walking shamefully to my room to go sob into my pillow.


deep in thought about my childhood, I fail to notice the person standing directly in front of me and I bash right into him.

I stop him in mid air using my quirk and he freaks out because he is floating inches away from the ground

I stand him up wright and get a good look at his face. 

the boy is scrawny, has green messy hair and freckles spotted all over his cheeks. his face goes beet red when he sees me and just stares at me dumbfounded.

"sorry! I got lost in thought there, I didn't see you are you okay?" I ask the shaken boy

"eh..." he gawks

"um... okay then?" I say patting him on the shoulder and leaving him standing there in front of the school.

that kid was a little weird, he was probably just shocked or something.

I enter the large auditorium and take my seat next to a serious looking boy with dark hair and glasses. he stares straight forward intently watching the strange looking man who is talking up on stage.

what's with all the weirdos

I join the tall boy's gaze at the front of the auditorium and tune in to what the very strange looking man up front is saying.

"there are three types of faux villians for you to beat. each type is worth a different amount of points to raise your score use your quirk to defeat these robots. and keep things heroic attacking other examinees is a no-go ya dig?" the strange man says.

suddenly the serious boy next to me stands up shooting his arm up into the air.

"excuse me sir but I have a question." he announces

"hit me!" the teacher yells back

"on the printout you've listed four types of villains. not three. with all respect if this is an error on official UA materials it is shameful." he says very formally.

"Additionally, you with the unkempt hair" he says turning round and pointing to the boy I almost killed outside the school who is sitting behind us.

"you've been muttering this entire time stop it. if you can't bother to take this seriously leave." he continues.

"s-sorry" the nervous boy stammers, embarrassed.

that was a little harsh.

"thank you for the question examinee number 7-1-1-1, the fourth villain type is worth zero points and should be avoided, he's really more of an obstacle." the man explains.

"alright, are you kiddoes ready to go beyond?" he yells and the crowd erupts with a

"Plus Ultra!" 



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