Chapter 11: Internships part 2

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(edited June 8th 2021)

we go out on a patrol, Endeavor resolving small incidents as we go. Me and Todoroki are walking behind him watching what he does.

after that we go back to their house where Todoroki already lives. they have prepared a guest room for me to stay in. 

I set my bag down on my bed and lay down on the mattress. I'm tired, I should probably go to sleep. plus we are probably going to be doing a lot tomorrow. 

I crawl into the bed and doze off to sleep.

I wake up to a sharp stabbing pain in my stomach. I open my eyes to see Stain standing over me, one of his swords sticking out of me like a pin cushion. 

I try to scream but nothing comes out. I squeeze my eyes shut and when I open them again I'm laying on the floor at the USJ. I get up and see Mr.Aizawa getting pounded by that Nomu creature and Shigaraki smugly standing over him.

my classmates all stand around pointing at me, and police run in handcuffing me. I can't speak or hear. what is going on?

then I see Todoroki, I can hear him.

"wake up" he says and I sit up in a pool of my own sweat.

"we are going out on a patrol again, put your costume on"

I'm back at his house, that was a weird dream.

"I'm up" I say dragging myself out of bed. he leaves the room and I get ready.

I walk out of the guest bedroom and see Endeavor and Todoroki waiting for me.

"sorry." I apologize.

"it's fine, let's go." his father says leading us out the house.

"where are we patrolling today?" I ask chasing behind him with Todoroki by my side.

"Hosu City" he states.

"Hosu City?" I repeat

"but isn't that where that Hero Killer guy is at? are you sure that's safe?" I ask even though I know for sure that Stain is there.  after the argument between him and Shigaraki, Kurogiri had warped him back to Hosu. he said that he had 'more unworthy heroes to take care of'

"that's exactly why we are going there, if the Hero Killer is following his pattern, then we know where he'll show up next, and we'll be there to stop him." he says

I gulp in fear. we take another one of those black fancy cars to Hosu city and end up patrolling there all day looking for Stain, but to no avail.

soon it was dark out, we are walking down one of the streets when suddenly a pale blue creature gets thrown into the side of a building and starts attacking this couple. 

then a short old man comes out of nowhere and jumps to attack the beast but Endeavor already blasted it with flames.

"I was looking for the elusive hero killer but I guess this will do. Thanks old timer, I'm afraid I don't know you but I can handle this from here on out." he states in his loud booming voice.

the creature's flaming body finally goes out and I immediately recognize it.

"a Nomu?" I say to myself.

I didn't know Shigaraki was planning an attack tonight. Endeavor continues to beat the Nomu and I hear mine and Todoroki's phones go off.

we both pull our phones out and see that Deku sent his location to a groupchat with no context. we make eye contact both fearing the worst. the location is in Hosu City not far from where we are right now. we both take off running through the alley ways to get to Deku.

we come up on the location and see Deku hunched over on the ground and Lida laying in a pool of his blood with Stain standing over him about to stab him.

"GET AWAY FROM HIM!" Deku yells not noticing us running up behind him.

Todoroki blasts the Hero killer with a long stream of flames disorienting him and preventing him from stabbing Lida, thank god.

"Someone else to get in my way. today has been full of distractions." he mumbles.

"Deku, you need to give more details in times like this" Todoroki says holding up his phone.

"how did you guys get here so quickly?" Deku asks dumbfounded.

"we saw you sent us your location and figured you were in trouble. we both happened to be with Endeavor here in Hosu thank god." I say

the Hero killer notices me beside Todoroki.

"who's side are you on Maya?" he mocks and Deku makes a confused face at his words.

Todoroki charges at Stain and I pick up Lida and Deku and some pro hero who was also being attacked here with my quirk and I bring then over to us to get them away from Stain.

"you're just what they said you were, but you won't be taking anymore lives. Hero Killer" Todoroki says holding a flame in his hand.

"are you guys ok? you look hurt Lida" I say checking their wounds.

"I'm fine, but you can't let that guy get your blood. I think he controls his enemy's actions by swallowing it. That's how he got us!"

ok that makes sense now. I was wondering why Kurogiri was frozen in place last week at the bar when I first saw Stain.

"All I've got to do is keep my distance" Todoroki says.

"you've got good friends Ingenium, mostly." Stain says whipping a knife at Todoroki and attacking him at the same time.

I don't like that ominous 'mostly' he added. this maniac is going to blow my cover.

he blocks his attack with a sheet of ice and the Hero Killer jumps over it and pulls Todoroki by his collar to try and lick his scar but I hold out my hand sending him back a couple feet. 

Todoroki sends ice at him and continues to fight with him.

"just.. stop it.. his fight is with me!" Lida grunts still glued to the floor. 

"I inherited my brothers name! The Hero killer is.. Mine!" he continues.

"you're Ingenium now? strange, the ingenium I knew before had a look like that on his face. you've got a dark side, guess my family isn't the only one" Todoroki says still shooting ice at the Hero Killer.

"tell me about it" I grumble to myself.

"careful Todoroki!" Deku yells and then realizes he's regained movement.

Stain jumps up to stab the pro hero but is stopped midair by me. suddenly Deku blasts himself upward green lighting shooting off his body. he pulls him up into the air by his scarf and drags him along the walls of the buildings around us.

"I'm not sure why but I'm able to move now!" He yells.

Stain knocks him to the ground and he tumbles backward. 

"Deku dodge!" I yell as I see Stain approaching him with his sword.

he rolls out of the way and Todoroki sends ice shooting at him.

Deku goes back over to where I am behind Todoroki coughing. 

"he swallows a person's blood to freeze them, but I was the one freed first. I've got three different guess why, his quirk could be less effective the more people he has frozen, the amount ingested could play into how long it works, or there could even be a difference based on a person's blood type."

"so you've figured it out, bravo. very impressive."

I charge at him, with no plan in mind. just that I need to immobilize this guy and fast. and to do that I need to get closer. 

"Maya wait!" Deku yells but I ignore him.

as I run up to him he dodges me and escapes my field of view jumping behind me.

he takes out one of his swords, the cold blade feels like hot steel burning my flesh. he sliced open my lower back. my knees buckle and I fall to the floor. 

"MAYA!" Deku yells worried about me.

I feel my body freeze as he licks my blood of off his sword. 

"I'll distract him while you support me from behind." Deku says to Todoroki.

"remember what I said Maya, if you don't turn out right... I'll take care of you" he whispers in my ear sending chills down my frozen sliced up back. 



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