❌Chapter 16: I must protect him {DELETED CHAPTER}

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I break away from Uraraka's tight embrace.

"and that concludes all of the practical exams." the robotic voice says.

"I'm gonna go change and then visit Deku, wanna come?" I ask Uraraka.

"no, you should go see him alone." she says giving me a permissive smile.

"ok then." I say returning her smile and leaving the Monitoring room.

I make my way to the women's changing room where I left all my stuff, I put on a sweater and a pair of shorts. 

I take out the two mini buns in my hair and pull it back into two larger messy buns lower down on my head.

I emerge from the locker room with my duffle bag in hand and head out of the building and back onto the school campus. 

I enter the large blue building and go upstairs toward the nurses office practically running.

"DEKU!" I yell swinging the door open but I am met with silence, then I realize that both Midoriya and Bakugou are out cold and Recovery girl isn't there. she must've already gone home.

I go to sit down in the chair beside Midoriya's bed and stare at him. he looks so adorable right now, despite all of the scraps and bruises. 

his hair looks so soft, would it be creepy if I were to just touch it?

I slowly reach my hand out and sort of pet him, it feels just as soft as it looks. 

he stirs in his sleep slowly opening his eyes.

I freeze my hand still in his hair and my face turns red.

I quickly pull my hand away and act like I totally wasn't creeping on him.

"Maya...?" he musters out.

"you scared me there Midoriya you looked like you got beat pretty badly..." I say surveying his injuries.

"yeah... heh" he says softly closing his eyes. he must be tired, I should let him rest for now.

I hear him start snoring and now I know he's for sure asleep. I lean over and lay a light kiss on his forehead before leaving.

on my walk home the sun is already setting and it's starting to get dark out. since the summer camp is coming up so soon, I should probably go visit the villains again.

I take the train over to the side of town where the hideout is. this time when I enter it's a lot more quiet.

Shigaraki is sitting at the bar with his head in his hands, he's looking at a picture.

I walk closer to him and tap him on his shoulder.

"What do you want" he mutters in his low raspy voice.

"oh uh... I'm-" I stammer

"spit it out" he says getting frustrated.

"well, one I have an update. I passed the exam so I will be going to the camp." I state proudly.

"whatcha lookin at?" I ask when I receive no response looking over his shoulder at the photo.

"is that... Deku? what do you want with him?" I ask

"it's none of your business, wait.... hey you're friends with the brat aren't you?" he asks me

"brat?" I ignore his question.

"this little shit is one of All Mights disciples, we must eliminate him...." he says looking back at the photo.

"w-what do you mean... All Mights disciples..." I ask him stuttering at his sudden proclamation.

"I'm not sure what it is, but All Might is training this kid. and his power is very similar to All Mights. I'm thinking he might be his kid. there have been rumors that All Might hasn't been all too powerful as of late. he's growing weaker, older, he needs someone to fill his shoes. and I think this boy is that someone" 

"w-what? why would we kill him, why d-does have to be so violent." I attempt to argue but my breath is shaky. he can't hurt Midoriya, I won't let him.

"we must kill him while he's still young and weak before he gets as strong as All Might.

"o-oh I s-see." I pretend to agree with him.

"oh uhm I got to go my m-mom wants me home." I stammer pretending like I got a text.

I turn around but he grabs my arm,

"you don't seem entirely on board with my plan, is there something you're not saying?" he asks getting all up in my face.

"what!? of course I am, it's just that all th-this murder-y stuff is kinda n-new to me." I lie.

he glares at me for what seems like forever, eventually he throws me to the ground by my arm.

"get used to it, weakling." he mutters going back to sit at his bar stool.

I pick up my bag and book it out the door, I am unable to hold back my tears any more.

I run all the way to the train. I take my seat and wipe my tears with my sleeve. some hero I am, I'm practically letting these people do whatever they want, and some villain I am I can't even stick with their values, not when their values involve killing people, or killing my friend.

I'm so stupid I should have fought him right there, but I ran. what is wrong with me?

"hey, are you ok honey?" a middle aged woman with a young kid asks me putting a hand on my shoulder.

"do you want me to call someone? are you lost?" she continues.

"I'm f-fine" I say sniffing.

"ok hun you just let me know if you need anything." she says still sounding concerned about me.

during the train ride home I calm myself down and stop crying. my eyes are red and puffy but I doubt my mom will notice.

the train screeches to a halt and I arrive at my stop. I get off the train and walk home. when I walk in my parents are on the couch watching tv in the dark.

"hey hun, how'd the exams go?" my dad asks

"good, I passed." I say leaving the living room and going into my room.

I enter my room dropping my bag on the floor and kicking off my shoes. what am I going to do?

I fall onto my bed sobbing into my pillow. 

I don't know what to do, if I tell people I'll probably be arrested. I can kiss my career as a pro hero good-bye.

what if I just tell Midoriya? as long as he doesn't freak out at least he'll know, he's the one they want to kill afterall.

I should have never joined the villains in the first place, I should have never told them about the camp, oh god I've made such a huge mess. 

I hope the Midoriya doesn't hate me, I'm directly connected to the people who are after him. I lied straight to his face, I'm a horrible person. I need to right my wrongs.

of all the things I don't know right now, there's one thing I know for sure...

 I must protect him.



(a/n why was this chapter deleted? at the time I didn't want her to rebel from the villains so early on, I decided to have her chose the heroes side at the encounter with shigaraki at the mall instead. I still like this chapter though and I probably would have wrote it like this too it's not that bad ig)

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