Chapter 18: Exclusion

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Today's the first day of summer break. it's funny that it's called "summer break" because it's not much of a break for me. 

summer break for me means rigorous training and constant reminders from my mom that even though it's summer break I'm not allowed to start slacking.

I get up at the ass crack of dawn to start my morning training, downing the awful protein shakes my mother made for me.

though I have to give her some credit, I can tell I'm getting stronger.

I put my earbuds in and sit on the bench to start with my arm curls.

"100 reps lets go!" my mom yells

"yes ma'am" I reply lifting and lowering the weight.

after I finish my morning training it's already noon, the smell of  bacon fills the air. I walk upstairs to find my dad hunched over the stove with sizzling bacon in a pan.

"that smells amazing!" I comment practically drooling.

"I'm making BLT's can you tell your mom?" he asks flipping the meat slices over.

"yup" I say whirling around to find my mom.

I tell her about the BLT's and then go shower.

I walk out of the steamy room and then into my room and I hear my phone go off.


where were you today? :Midoriya

Maya: what? did we have plans or somethin?

the girls put in a request to use the pool at the school I thought you knew about it :Midoriya

Maya: nobody told me ;-;

oh no I'm so srry. I missed you there :( :Midoriya


I place my phone down feeling a pit in my stomach. 

what do I expect from them, they all hate me anyways.

but not even Tsu or Uraraka invited me. that hurts. this hurts.

I sit on my bed and throw myself backward staring up at the ceiling. I guess this is what I get for being a villain. maybe I deserve this.

"Maya come eat!" I hear my dad from the kitchen.

"coming!" I yell back dragging myself off my bed.

I walk out into the kitchen and plop down at my seat sulking at my food.

"what's with the face? not hungry?" my dad asks in his usual cheerful tone.

"no it's not that..." I say glumly picking up the sandwich in front of me.

"what's wrong?" he asks looking at me with a concerned face.

"it's just that, apparently all of the kids in my class went to the school pool today but none of them invited me." I say taking a bite out of my sandwich.

"that's not very nice of them. are you okay?" he asks.

"yeah it just hurts ya know?" I say pushing down the pain I feel.

I finish my sandwich and thank my dad before returning to my room to wallow in my self hatred.

I lay on my bed for a good hour just staring up at the ceiling and regretting ever joining the villains.

after a while I figure I should start packing for the summer camp since we leave for it in a few days.

I start digging through my closet and get out a few of my uniforms along with some t-shirts and running shorts that I usually wear to bed. 

I should probably bring my harness and balls since we are going to be fighting villains. I want to be as prepared as possible since I am the only one that knows they are coming.

I finish packing and then I'm called out by my mom to start my afternoon training.



(a/n sorry for the short chapter I couldn't think of what to write here, this is more of a filler chapter really)

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