Chapter 33: Arriving at the Exam Location

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today is the morning of the licensing exam. I wake up to a facetime call from my mom and answer it.

"hey mom, what's up?" I ask rubbing my eyes since I just woke up.

"did you just wake up!?" I hear the annoyance in her voice, I'm about to be yelled at.

"uhm no?" I convincing lie. 

"young lady! you should've been up hours ago to train! today is your hero licensing exam, does that matter to you at all?" she continues her lecture.

"don't you want to be a hero? you have to ace this tes-" I cut her off by ending the call.

of course I want to be a hero, and I think I've finally found my motivation for it. before I would always say that its "my destiny to succeed my mother" and that "it's an honor to fulfill her legacy" but I hadn't realized how bad it was that my only motivation for being a hero was because that's what my mom wanted me to be.

being a hero will be my way to pay reparations for what I've done. I'm not going to turn myself in (because jail is scary, and my mom is scarier) instead I will save as many people as I possibly can in my lifetime to make up for retiring the Symbol of Peace. 

nothing I do will put a candle light to what that man can do, but if I can make a difference I'll be happy.

I crawl out of bed and put my uniform on. usually the pre-test anxiety for me is enough to kill any person but now that I don't live at home anymore, I can't face the repercussions of failing. 

I can finally breathe.

I take a look at myself in the mirror and strike a pose. I'm hawt. 

I continue my morning routine and then head out to the main building. 

"as you all know today is the Licensing exam." Mr. Aizawa says in his usual monotone voice. 

"grab your hero costumes and head outside to the buses." He motions to the wall containing all of the suitcases full of our costumes.

we each grab our cases and then go outside like he says to see the buses. we all load up and drive out to the provisional licensing exam location at the National Dagoba arena.

"ugh... I'm getting kind of nervous" Jiro groans.

"I wonder what they're gonna make usth do. ugh what if I can't get my licensth" Mineta whines 

"Mineta, don't ask if you can. say you will" Mr. Aizawa mutters.

"uh yeah right sthure! I've got thisth" Mineta says now suddenly confident.

"if you can pass this test and get your provisional licenses, then you novice eggs will hatch into chicks. you'll be semi-pros. I expect your best" Mr. Aizawa says to the class.

"I can't wait to be a heroic chicken!" Kaminari says holding up a fist.

"let's call out the usual you guys, on my mark! go plus-" Kaminari starts.

"ULTRA!" the whole class including some rando belts out.

"you know it's pretty rude to barge into other peoples huddles like that, Inasa" some purple haired dude wearing the same uniform as the rando scolds.

"what? pardon me. I AM SO VERY EXTREMELY SORRY!" he screams bowing so low that he bashes his head into the concrete.

"what the hell" I mutter very confused.

"who is this guy? I do not trust his enthusiasm" Kaminari says pointing at the rando.

"hey look at their uniforms" Jiro notices.

"they're from that famous school on the other side of Japan!" Sero comments.

"UA in the east, Shiketsu in the west" Bakugo mutters.


"woah blood" a girl who is also wearing the Shiketsu high uniform says looking at his forehead which is now bleeding from hitting it on the floor.

something about that girl seems so eerily familiar. 

"let's go" the purple haired boy who's with them says walking away.

"Inasa Yoarashi" Aizawa mumbles.

"do you know that guy Mr. Aizawa?" Hagakure asks

"Indeed, he's strong. he's the same year as you all and recieved the top scores for students admitted through recommendations but for some unknown reason he turned down his acceptance to UA and went to Shiketsu" Mr. Aizawa says.

"wait he's our age?" Deku asks in awe

"hold on is anyone else confused here? this guy says taht he loves our school but, he turned down his chance to enroll when it was offered?" Sero says.

"yeah what a weirdo" Mina comments.

"maybe, but he's the real deal. keep an eye on him" Mr. Aizawa adds

"Eraser!?" a energetic voice calls causing Mr. Aizawa to tense up.

"I'd know that scowl anywhere! I saw you on TV and at the sports festival but it's been a while since we were this close in person" a woman who I recognize as the pro hero Joke says while waving.

"she looks familiar" Deku mutters.

"let's get married!" she says walking up to Mr. Aizawa

"no" he says plainly causing her to crack up

"you're a real laugh-riot buddy!" she says between laughs.

"you're impossible, Joke"

"that's the pro hero Joke, the smile hero" I say to him and he immediately recognizes her.

"oh yeah! her quirk is outburst, she forces people around her to laugh which affects their ability to think and keeps them from being able to move. her fights against villains are always full of insanity!" he says his eyes lighting up as he nerds out.

"imagine! if I was your wife you'd have a future full of constant laughter!" she says holding a thumbs-up in Mr. Aizawa's face.

"that sounds like an actual nightmare" he mutters.

"it seems like you two are close" Tsu comments putting a finger to her chin

"our agencies were near each other, as young heroes striving to make a difference in the world, a mutual love bloomed!" she exclaims blushing.

"no it didn't" Mr. Aizawa retorts.

"I do miss your quick comebacks! you're my favorite person to tease, future husband!" she continues.

"so Joke, if you're here the must mean..." Mr. Aizawa starts.

"that's right! over here everyone, this is UA" she says motioning for a group of teenagers behind her to come forward.

"oh whoa! it really is Class A!" a dark haired plain looking boy at the front of the group says.

"wow, that's so amazing! I've seen them on TV before" a blonde girl with sharp teeth says patting the boy on the shoulder.

"these are my second years from Ketsubutsu Academy. this is class 2." she exclaims.

"hey I'm Shindo! seems like UA's had alotta trouble this year" the plain looking boy says grabbing Deku's hands.

"uh, yeah" Deku says uncomfortably

"but even so, you're all still aiming to become pro heroes despite those hardships!" he says moving down the line of students and grabbing Kaminari's hands.

"it's wonderful!" he continues, now holding Jiro's hands.

"Hearts full of fortitude! I believe that's what every hero in the world needs to have" the dark haired boy says holding a fist up

"And Maya it must've been hard for you, what with that whole Kidnapping incident." he says turning to me.

"uh..." I say caught off guard.

"you have an especially strong will don't you! today I'm going to do my best to learn from you I really hope you don't mind" he says grabbing my hands and looking into my eyes cuasing me to blush a bit from how close he is

"um thanks?" I say and then look over to Deku who's glaring at the dark haired boy. I've never seen such a look on that sweet boys face.

he drops my hands and continues talking with others in my class while the blonde girl approaches Todoroki.

"hey Todoroki can I get an autograph? you were so cool at the sports festival!" she says.

"uhh...." he stutters.

"seriously, stop fangirling" her classmate says to her.

"I'd be happy to sthine sthomthing for ya!" Mineta says creeping behind the girl.

"hey get your costumes on and head to orientation, there's no time to waste" Mr. Aizawa says turning around to go inside.

"it's weird, I always forget we're famous to other schools" Jiro comments.

"oh yeah, we're basically celebrities when it comes to hero course students. no pictures please!" Kaminari jokes.



(this is the 69th part I've published lol, nice :>) 

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