Chapter 46: The Date

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after school, everyone is sitting in the common room talking while I go upstairs to get ready.

I put on a lavender turtleneck with half-sleeves and a pair of high waisted shorts. I take a look at myself in the mirror and fluff up my hair before heading back down to where everyone is.


"Bakugo! thanks!" Kirishima says running over to him carrying the trash bag from his room.

"SURE!" he yells back reaching out a hand to grab it.

"I have some as well." Tokoyami announces raising his hand.

"HAND IT OVER!" Bakugo screams.

"take mine too!" Kaminari says

"thisth isth heavy" Mineta says dragging his bag, I don't even want to know what's in it 0-0.

"merci!" Aoyama exclaims


I walk over to the door passing by the girls who are all sitting at the couches and they notice I'm dressed in normal clothes and not my uniform.

"where are ya goin' Maya?" Mina asks 

"uh, to a cafe." I say being as vague as possible.

"with who?" she prys

"Mina" Tsu scolds but she continues.

"Deku..." I say hesitantly and she squeals

"I knew it!" 

"why'd you ask then?" Hagakure comments.

"that's so adorable!" Uraraka exclaims.

"have fun!" Yaoyorozu adds

"I love you two so much!" Mina exclaims as I walk out the door rolling my eyes with a smile.

once I'm out, I sit at a bench and wait for Deku to emerge. I go on my phone while I wait and after a couple of minutes I get impatient and send him a text.


Maya: where r u?

(Delivered 5:22 pm)


I wait a few more minutes and then see him running out of the building while zipping up his sweater.

"so sorry! I completely forgot!" he yells huffing.

he finally comes to a stop right in front of me and I get up from the bench.

"it's fine, you ready?" I ask him with a laugh and he looks up at me with a smile.


we set off on our walk to the cafe

"sorry I was so late, I was thinking about the work studies and got all in my head" he says 

"oh, I hope we get to do them, they sound like fun!" I reply

"I was trying to get a headstart on them by asking Gran Torino, the guy I interned with, if I could do mine with him but he said he couldn't. although he did recomend me to ask All Might's former sidekick." Deku explains.

"All Might had a sidekick?" I ask

"yeah! you didn't know? his name is Night eye!" he tells me.

"I feel like I've heard of him, I don't know much about All Might because my mom kinda hated him. he was the one thing standing between her and being the number 1 hero." I tell him looking up to the sky and thinking about all the times that she'd curse at the TV whenever All Might was onscreen.

"isn't it ironic that her daughter and pretty much All Might's son are togeth-" I stop myself, I'm not sure if our relationship has a label or not yet so I'll hold off for now.

"yeah it is" he agrees with me.

after a couple more minutes of walking and talking, we finally arrive at the cafe.

we take a seat at the same table we sat at months ago the last time we were here and give the waitress our orders.

"I'll have a peach tea, and a strawberry crepe please" I order

"can I get a green tea, and a cruller?" Deku asks.

the waitress nods and takes down our orders before leaving.

"so what's it like being All Might's disciple?" I ask him

"sh, not so loud!" he shushes me.


"it's pretty cool! at first I couldn't even handle the power, which kinda sucked but I got used to it" he tells me.

"yeah I remember, back when you would literally shatter if you used it" I laugh.

"if not for recovery girl, I would probably still be in bed right now just from the entrance exam injuries..." he says


our food finally arrives and we eat and continue talking and laughing. 

before long, it's time to go. we don't want to break curfew again...

just as we approach the dorm building, he grabs me by my waist. our faces are just inches apart.

I stare into his bright green eyes for a couple seconds before going in for the kiss.

I place my hand on the back of his head and my lips meet his.

(ignore the quality I was lazy :P) 



hey so um... don't be mad but I've decided to discontinue this series for the time being. thank you so much to those who are still reading after 80+ chapters. I may revisit this in the future maybe like after I finish season five or something. I just think that I'd rather consume the media than create it, it's too much stress trying to make Maya's story fit in with the ongoing story of my hero academia. I have some deleted chapters saved that I will be posting and two different alternate endings I had planned but decided to ditch I will post them all at once I won't make you guys wait. I love you guys so much! thank you for the support! <3 -mammoth

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