Chapter 47: exposed DRAFT

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the next day at school I couldn't get my mind off of that kiss. Mr. Aizawa was talking about the work studies more, but I wasn't paying attention.

the thing that snapped me out of my trance was hearing my name called.

"Maya Suzuki please come here." Principal Nezu says in his weirdly cheerful tone as he's perched on the shoulder of a police officer.

behind him stands two other officers, I knew this day may come, but I always hoped it never would.

"okay" I say standing up from my seat, all the eyes in the room dart to me.

"what's this about?" Deku whispers to me.

"I love you..." I whisper back leaving him extremely concerned and confused.

I walk up to where the three men and mouse are standing in the doorway and nervously regard them.

"what's going on?" I ask playing dumb.

"let's step out into the hallway..." the detective who I recognize as the guy running the League of Villains case.


suddenly the class hears the sound of glass breaking. Mr. Aizawa, alarmed goes out into the hallway.

"stay here" he demands as he leaves.

in the hallway he sees, the three police officers and Principal Nezu falling to the ground, and his student Maya Suzuki, jumping out the broken window and flying up.

"Maya! stop!" he yells but she doesn't listen, he doesn't want to cancel her quirk because if he does, she'll fall to her death.

the class he had told to stay is now all piled into the doorway.

"what just happened?" Mina asks the question they were all thinking.

one of the police officers calls something into his radio.

"fugitive on the run, I repeat fugitive on the run" 

"did he say fugitive?" Kaminari whispers to Kirishima. they all gawk at the broken window, deep in confusion.

"stay here, I'm serious." Aizawa says running off with the officers and Nezu.

Deku, being the problem child he is, doesn't listen to him of course.  he ignores Lida's yells at him and jumps out the window, using his quirk to reverse the impact so he's uninjured.

he knows that for some reason, the police want Maya. she's probably scared right now, and went back to the dorms to pack a bag.

he runs all the way out to the heights alliance building, using full cowling to increase his speed. he runs straight up to her room to find her standing there, now wearing a dark hoodie and her harness.

"Maya! what's going on? they're saying you're a fugitive. this is all a mistake right?" he says huffing.

"right?" he says again after receiving no response.

she looks at him, guilt etched on her face.

"it's not a mistake..." she starts looking at the ground.

"I used to be with the villains, I'm the UA traitor." she says, fighting back the urge to cry.

"this whole time...?" he asks, dumbfounded.

"no, I joined them at a real low point in my life, I had just been kicked out of my house, everyone hated me and thought I was a villain. when they offered to take me in, it was like the one place where I was wanted. I was stupid" she explains.

"It was a split second decision, if I could take it back I would." she continues as he just stares at her, his lip quivering.

"did you know about the attack at the summer camp?" he asks, getting angry.

"well..." she starts, trying to dance around the subject.

"did you!?" he yells causing her to flinch.

"yes..." she says, her eyes welling up with tears.

"Deku, please I'm so sorry!" she yells

"we all could have died that day! including Kota! don't you care about that at all!? I almost died!" he screams, his words cut through Maya like knives.

she felt a pain in her chest.

"I never stopped beating myself up about that. I don't expect you to understand why I did what I did." she says

"it really is your fault All Might retired..." 

"I love you Deku." she tries but he refuses to look her in the eye.

"just go, you have ten seconds." he says clenching his fists.

she grabs her bag and turns to the balcony. 

"I hope that someday, you'll forgive me. I'll never stop loving you, Izuku..." she says before getting up on the railing and jumping off.


I sob on my way down, I feel empty inside. my heart was just ripped out and ran over by a car.

I fly all the way to some shady motel and book myself a room. 

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