Chapter 6: The USJ Incident part 4

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(edited June 2nd 2021)

I drop Deku into the water once we land and we trudge forward back towards the entrance where all of the villains are fighting Mr. Aizawa.

I turn back behind us to see all of the villains stuck to each other and yelling, those guys aren't gonna be moving for a while.

"I can't believe we managed to get all of them at once, it took everything I had to keep my composure, it was such a gamble. what if they'd had reserves underwater that we didn't know about? they could've..." Deku mutters indistinctly to himself.

"your creeping me out stop it." Tsu says

"Instead of second guessing what we did shouldn't we be thinking about our next move?" the frog continues.

"Yeah you're totally right-" he winces in pain at his broken fingers.

"Are you okay?" I say taking a look at his hand.

"y-yeah I'm fine don't worry about me" he says hiding his hand.

"if we follow the shore to the entrance, we can avoid the central plaza entirely." Deku changes the subject.

"good idea, that way we dont run into the villains Mr. Aizawa's facing off with over there." Tsu says.


"can he handle them on his own? maybe we should help him." I say feeling bad again about not telling anyone.

"are you trying to get usth killed or sthomething?" the short boy worries

"we shouldn't jump into the middle of a battle but maybe we can find a way to take a few guys out and lighten his load." Deku adds.

we swim over to the shoreline near the main plaza.

"Remember we're just here to sthee how thingsth are going right?" Mineta whispers

"yeah I know" I say creeping up along the edge.

"well get out of here the second it seems dangerous." Deku reassures him.

when we peek our heads above the shoreline we see Aizawa punching villains and using his scarf to throw them to the ground, he wraps two villains up and pulls them into the air and then slams them down kicking them each in the stomach.

then the blue haired guy starts running at him and he readies himself to fight him. 

he launches his scarf at him but he catches it, they collide in the middle and Mr. Aizawa elbows him in the stomach. but the blue haired man catches his fist and begins decaying his elbow revealing muscle underneath. he whispers something to Aizawa.

he grunts his arm turning to stone and falling apart onto the ground. 

"oh no" I whimper putting my hands over my mouth.

Mr. Aizawa punches him with his good arm and continues to fight even with his exposed muscle on his right elbow.

"don't you think you're a little out of your element here? Eraserhead" he says in that low raspy voice that sends chills down my spine. 

"despite all of this you didn't hesitate to jump into this fight, all to save your students." he continues. 

Mr. Aizawa continues fighting but he's growing weaker, this is draining his energy.

"and look at you're still standing! you really are so cool." the blue haired man remarks.

suddenly a large creature with a bird beak and exposed brain comes up behind Mr.Aizawa, I hold my hand out to move him away from Mr. Aizawa but nothing happens, whatever this thing is it's too strong and is fighting back my hold.

The creature reaches over and rips Mr.Aizawa's goggles off and swings him around bashing him into the ground splattering blood everywhere.

I jump out of the water to run at the beast, but I feel a hand wrap around my arm.

"no you can't go it's not safe." Deku says clearly also wanting to run. tears fill my eyes

"I- I have to save him, this is all my fault, I have to do something." I say tears streaming down my face.

I break out of his hold and book it towards the battle. I know I can't do anything to the large creature but maybe I can take out the blue haired man. I use my quirk to push him back and he finally notices me.

"you..." he mutters landing on his feet. he motions for some of his thugs to take care of me and they surround me.

I reach down at my belt and take out my metal balls. 

"bullet rain!" I yell shooting them towards the villains making each ball latch onto them, then using the balls to lift them up and drop them.

once I take out the four thugs, the blue haired man looks at me pleased. 

"impressive" he mutters.

I run back over to the shore to Deku and the others.

"woah you just took four guys out without batting an eye" Deku says in awe.

the creature continues to break Mr.Aizawa's bones like twigs and the blue haired man says something.

"he's the bio-engineered anti-symbol of piece, but you can call him 'Nomu'" 

The guy with the warp quirk appears next to the blue hair man and tells him something that makes him infuriated, he start scratching at his neck like a dog with fleas.

"there's no way we can win if dozens of pros show up, it's game over." he says anxiously.

"Damn it let's go home" he mutters. 

"Thasth amazing we're sthafe and we don't have to fight!" Mineta whisper yells while hugging Tsu and grabbing her boob Tsu notices and grabs him and drowns him.

"I have a real bad feeling about this." she says still hold his head under the water.

"yeah it seems weird that they'd retreat at this point" I worry. 

"oh and before we leave, let's make sure the symbol of peace is broken... let's make this hurt." the creepy man mutters charging at us holding a hand out. before I can even react his hand is on Tsu's face. but nothing happens.

"you really are so cool." he says turning around to face Aizawa who's eyes are bloodshot, he canceled his quirk with what little power he had left. 

Nomu slams his head into the ground and I yelp.

I just stare at him in shock, he wouldn't kill a kid would he?

"YOU LET HER GO NOW!" Deku yells charging at him with a fist.

he punches him creating a huge cloud of dust.

I can't see anything... 

the dust settles and his arm isn't broken, I look up to see Nomu towering over us with Deku's fist in his side, but it did no damage...

"this smash of yours, it's very powerful are you one of All Mights disciples? oh well it doesn't matter I'm done with you now." the blue haired man motions for the Nomu to kill Deku.

He grabs him by his collar and makes a fist to punch him but I rip him out of his arms using my quirk at the last second.

the blue haired man reaches out for Tsu again but is stopped when the doors swing open creating another dust cloud.

from the cloud emerges All Might wearing a yellow pinstripe suit. 

"have no fear students, I am here!" he yells heroically

while everyone stares in awe I float Deku back down into my arms.

"you ok?"

"yeah I'm fine, thank you" he says looking into my eyes. my face turning red.

Deku notices the dust cloud and sees the muscular man emerging.

"he's here... All Might." he breaths, relieved and his eyes glowing.



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