Chapter 9: Sport's Festival part 1

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(edited June 3nd 2021)

The sports festival is nearing, I'm prepared to give it my all. I want to do well on this because I know my mom will be watching, picking apart my every move and I need to do well to get scouted.

I had completely zoned out and not realized that class ended, the ringing of the bell awoke me from my trance of over thinking.

wait if class just ended why hasn't anyone left? oh.

I look at the door and see a crowd of people from other classes all talking to each other and staring at us.

"Do you have some sort of business with our class?" Lida asks them.

"why are you blocking our doorway? I WON'T LET YOU HOLD USTH HOSTAGE!" Mineta yells.

"they're scouting out the competition, idiots. we're the class the survived a real villain attack they want to see us with their own eyes" Bakugou says walking straight up to the crowd.

I get up from my desk and swing my bag over my shoulder. 
"let's just hope he doesn't explode anybody" I whisper to Deku making him giggle.

"at least now you know what a future pro looks like, NOW MOVE IT EXTRAS" he yells.

"you can't just call people extras just because you don't know who they are!" Lida exclaims making stiff gestures.

"so this is class 1-A? I thought you guys were impressive but you just sound like an ass" a purple haired boy says pushing his way to the front of the crowd.

"is everyone in the hero course delusional? or just you" he says angering Bakugou.

"how sad to come here and find a bunch of ego maniacs."


"HEY DON'T IGNORE ME!" he yells at Bakugou.

"these people don't matter, the only thing that's important is that I beat them" Bakugou says pushing his way through the crowd.

"fricking Bakugou just made everyone hate our class" I comment but everyone just ignores me.

"wanna walk to the train station together?" I ask Deku

"Yeah!" he replies excitedly

we make our way through the crowd and I pick up a few peoples whispers as we do.

"hey isn't that the girl who let the villains into the school?"

"I hear that she's working with the league of villains"

I lower my head and grab Deku's hand to get us out of there as fast as I could. once we emerge from the crowd I see his beat red face and drop his hand.

"oh uhm sorry!" I say with a slight smile.

"it's fine" he says staring at me with a smile.

"I'm so pumped for the sports festival!" I say enthusiastically.

"yeah me too" he says matching my energy

"this is the perfect chance for me to get scouted. I can't train through my mother's agency cause they closed sadly so I gotta do it the old fashioned way" I explain

once I got home from school I was immediately carted off to the basement for training. the festival is in two weeks meaning every night and every morning until then, I will be worked like a dog.

that on top of the hard training at school is wearing me out. after training I take a nice long hot shower and the pass out as soon as possible. sleeping is my favorite thing right now. 

before I knew it after weeks of training it was finally the morning of the festival.

this morning my mom was extra strict, after practice and made me recite battle moves while eating breakfast, also on top of that my mom would be coming to school with me today. 

"I will accept nothing less than first place young lady ya hear?" she says sternly waving a finger in my face.

"yes ma'am" I say grabbing my bag.

my mom coming to school with me means we get to drive so less walking. once we arrive my mom gets stuck in the security line while I'm allowed in because I'm a student. 

I enter the gates to see stalls selling different concessions, they all look delicious but I'm too nervous to eat.

"Hey did you hear that Telegirl's daughter is one of the first year students? can you imagine?" I hear the crowd talking, mostly about me and Todoroki because both our parents are famous pros.

I find a sign that says "participant waiting rooms" and I follow the blue arrow on it to the locker rooms.

I open my locker to see my gym uniform instead of my costume.

"aw man I was really hoping I'd get to wear my costume" I say glumly to Uraraka.

"at least everyone will be in uniforms! that'll keep things fair." she exclaims back to me

"I wonder what they have in store for us for the first round." Sato says.

"No matter what they've prepared, we must persevere" a bird boy says.

"right" a guy with six arms agrees

"everyone! get your game faces on!" Lida yells entering the room. 

I spot Deku and go over to sit by him.

"sup" I say plopping down next to him.

"oh hey Maya!" he says holding up a hand.

"Midoriya." I hear a stern voice call and Deku stands up.

"Hey Todoroki whats up?" he asks a littler frightened.

"from an objective standpoint, I think it's fairly clear that I'm stronger than you" he says and Deku gasps

"uh- um yeah" he says truthfully.

"However you've got All Might in your corner helping you out. I'm not here to pry about what's going on between you two, but know that I will beat you." he declares turning to walk away.

"Hey Todoroki!" I say energetically he turns to face me.

"what" he says with zero expression on his face.

"I'll beat you too!" I say holding up a fist at him.

"you won't" he says plainly and then leaves the room.

"psh he's so lame" I say going back to sit down with Deku.

I hear present mic doing the opening announcements, the game begins.



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