Chapter 9: The Sports Festival part 4

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(edited June 3nd 2021)

"so uh what now..."  I say filled with adrenaline from the exciting decision that I made all by myself.

"well right now you need to get back to the festival, people will notice if you go missing. afterwards we'll find you and give you a loyalty test, assuming you pass that then we will fill you in on our plan."

"what happens if I don't pass?" I ask

"you don't want to know" he says eerily.


"You've got fifteen minutes to form your teams" I hear Midnight's voice on the loudspeaker from here.

"you need to go now." he says motioning for the one called Kurogiri to open a portal beneath me.

I fall through and emerge on the other side back outside the stadium. by now Bakugo must've given up on finding me. I run back out into the field with a stupid grin on my face despite my puffy eyes and bruise face.

I see Deku with a bright red face nervously talking with Uraraka.

"hey guys!" I say still smiling.

"Maya! are you ok? you left all the sudden there." Deku notices my face and freaks out.


"oh uh.. Bakugo sorta beat me up heh..." I say with an awkward laugh.

"what an asshole" Uraraka comments.

"anyways do you guys wanna be a team?" I ask them they sort of turn to each other sucking their teeth.

"uh sure, but we gotta be careful. me being second place and you being first makes us huge targets." Deku says.

"for a game that requires so much teamwork it's smart to find people you communicate smoothly with. in fact with both of your quirks and one other person..." he trails off

"Ya know what I think I have a solid plan" he grabs both of our hands and drags us over to Lida.

"Lida!" he calls gaining his attention.

"how bout we team? Uraraka you and Maya will be horses and using a combination of all your quirks we would be able to maneuver around very easily. Uraraka can make us float, Lida will be our engine to propel us through the air, and Maya can be on offense and grab people's headband using her quirk"

"that's a good strategy but I'm afraid I must refuse your offer. Since the beginning I've been losing to you, don't take this as an insult your a great friend but if I continue to follow you I'll never get stronger..." he says pushing his glasses up on the bridge of his nose.

"I will try my best to defeat you guys." he says walking over to join Todoroki's group.

"hehe good your still alone!" I hear a strange person say behind me.

"TEAM UP WITH ME PERSON IN SECOND AND FIRST PLACE!" she yells getting all up in Deku's face making him uncomfortable.


"I'm a student in the support course, the names Mei Hatsume!" she says taking her goggles off.

"oh your that weirdo from the obstacle course." Uraraka says making me giggle.

"we haven't met but I want to use your guy's fame for my personal use."

"If I join you then I'll be in the spotlight, that way all my babies can get scouted!" she exclaims

"that's a little straight forward." I mumble.

"could you slow down a minute? did you bring babies here? I mean-" Uraraka starts but stops and glares at Hatsume as she gets uncomfortable close to Deku and I join her with her glaring.

"the support course makes gadgets to help heroes with their quirks. I packed a ton of powerful babies so I'm sure you'll find something that'll catch your eye." she says opening a crate full of technology.

I look inside but see nothing I like and when I stand back up I see Deku and Hatsume nerding out about a jet pack.

suddenly Deku walks away from our team and puts his hand on Tokoyami's shoulder.

"Join me" he says.

Tokoyami agrees and goes back with our team.

"Times up!" Midnight yells

"everyone get ready the show is about to begin."

I lift Deku using my powers and place him on Tokoyami Hatsume and Uraraka's shoulders.

I walk behind them and place my hands on his lower waist and I feel him tense up.

"damn you got some hard abs" I comment sort of to myself but he hears it and his whole face goes red. 

he's a lot more muscular than he looks.

"you guys ready?" He asks everyone trying to hide his red face.

"yup" I say

"yeah" Uraraka says

"yea" Hatsume answers

"yes" Tokoyami says.

the buzzer goes off and everyone immediately starts gunning for us.

"NOW!" he yells.

Uraraka touches all of us and makes us begin floating then I us my quirk to guide us through the air. everyone chases after us but we are floating just out of their grasp. 

"DON'T THINK FOR A SECOND YOU'RE SAFE!" Bakugo yells exploding upwards toward us but his explosive fist meets face to face with Dark Shadow.

"watch our surroundings everyone's after us!" Deku exclaims.

Kaminari attacks shoot electricity out everywhere but Dark Shadow absorbs the blast while all the others coming at us get electrocuted. 

Todoroki uses his right side to freeze them all in place and then chases after us. as he runs he pulls off the head bands of those around him.

we start to fly upwards again to dodge them and Dark Shadow attacks but is blocked by one of Yaoyorozu's objects. 

Todoroki chases after us making an ice wall around us so we cant run. we stand off staring at each other for a good minute before Lida uses his quirk to charge us.

"WHATCH OUT!" Deku yells but it's too late they have already grabbed our headband.

"I told you I'd do my best to beat you" Lida says sweat dripping down his face.

"Don't let them go!" Deku yells, we boost forward Deku making a fist and Todoroki getting ready to block it.

instead of punching him Deku slices through the air making Todoroki's fire fizzle out. he reaches out and grabs the top headband on around his neck. why didn't he go for all of them?

he looks at the headband in his palm and gasps.

"he tricked us!" he whimpers staring at the measly 70 points we got putting us  in 6th place.

"the game is almost over!" I hear Present Mic exclaim. 

there's ten seconds left, Tokoyami sends out dark shadow but is met with Kaminari's electricity blinding everyone nearby. Bakugo jumps away from his group to attack us at the same time.

he notices that Todoroki has the points and chances trajectory in midair to go after Icy Hot. just as he's about to read him Present Mic comes over the loudspeaker.


crap, my moms gonna kill me. theres no way sixth place is gonna fly.  I look up to the crowd to see her no longer in her place, she is now wheeling away. I don't have to see her face to know the look of sheer disappointment that's scoured across it.  

"DAMNIT!" I yell letting Deku fall to the ground and punching the air with the same kind of aggression that Bakugo uses. 

"Maya, it's ok well do better next year." Deku says wincing as he gets up off the ground.

"I'm not gonna live to see next year my mom will kill me." I say hunched over and huffing.

"let's take a look at the standings! in first place we have team Todoroki! in second place we have team Bakugo! in third place we have team TestuTet- wait... Team Shinso? when did they make a comeback."

"Maya... I'm really sorry." Deku apologizes to me, then I see Uraraka and Hatsume cheerfully pointing at Tokoyami.




(a/n I'm gonna post Chapter 9: The Sports Festival part 5 in like an hour once I finish writing it but here's this for now.)

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