Chapter 13 Ryan

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Chapter 13

When I woke up I was still sitting on the floor holding my knees. I sighed, standing up and winced at the pain in my body. I stretched stiffly and shook my head.


Everything that happened with Emily came back immediately. I need to stop her she can't kill Cameron. And let’s not forget all my friends and family. What am I going to do? She threatened to kill everyone I care about.

 "Hey babe" someone walked through the door.

It was Emily's pet guess she didn't tell him that I knew now.

Go with it my wolf advised.


I sighed; “Hey honey” I smiled ‘happily’.

  “Wanna go do something today?” he asked.

“Ya, I want you to tell me Emily’s plan?” I glared.

“What plan?” he questioned innocently.

"Stop faking it I know everything" I spat angrily at him.

"Finally you know how hard it was pretending to love you" he laughed.

 Anger and pain took over my body.

"You… You asshole!!! Why would you play me, and don't give me the crap Emily planted into your retarded skull can't you see she's fucking playing you!!! How blind and stupid can you actually be" I spat.

"You bitch don't disrespect me or my mate" he pushed me to the floor.

I've never seen him this way. He's never done anything to hurt me before.

"No wonder you were rejected, you were weak then and you’re weak now, even though you came back he's still with someone else, your pathetic how could you think I actually loved you" he spat.

Why not stab me in the heart with a knife it would be less painful.

"Hmm look at you" he smirked crouching down in front of me.

  "Weak, hideous, you’re a real disappointment for a mate, I have no idea what your friend saw in you but now that doesn't matter he has someone else too".

 I lifted up my hand and slapped him hard across the face.

"You’re an ass who can't realize when your being used, come on Ryan you can do it open your damn eyes how blind can you actually be" I sneered in anger.

"Don't you ever slap me again" he growled.

"Oh and what will you do run to your little puppet master" I crossed my arms over my chest.

"You have no idea what I'm capable of sweetheart didn't you ever wonder who killed your parents" he laughed.

 "Excuse me" I looked at him in shock.

"You heard me I have a very powerful family we use to be one of the strongest packs in this town" he smirked.

Oh! My, gosh

"One day a little girl went into our territory, we took her and she escaped. and then came back to play a prank on us can you guess who that little girl is" he looked pretty amused.

"YOU BASTERED!!!" I shouted.

"So you see sweet little Madison you have no idea what you’re dealing with" he smiled.

 "Why would you kill my parents they posed no threat" I narrowed my eyes.

"They didn't but you do and they were in the way so they were the perfect way to break you".

"What are you talking about what threat do I pose" I was confused now.

"You’re not a normal wolf Madison you’re a royal" what in the world is a royal?

"What's a royal" I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"You'll figure it out, I’ve already said too much" and with that he strolled out of the room.

My life has taken a turn for the strange. Why couldn't my life be simple?

Groaning I exited the room walking to my own room. As soon as I entered I slid down the door and put my head in my hands. What have I done to deserve this life?

I wish my parents were here. My mother would comfort me and my father would make corny jokes just so I'd crack a smile. These are the times I miss them most. What did Ryan mean I'm a royal? What is a royal in the first place? And why does it make me a threat?

A knock at my door made me jump a little but I stood up and opened it. Silently praying it wasn't Emily or Ryan. The person I saw though was not expected.


 Edited (8/15/14)

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