Chapter 17 Revelation

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Chapter 17

"Come on Maddy wake up before the other's show up and kill me!" Damon shook my arm.

 "Five more minutes..." I mumbled, covering my head with the pillow, as sunlight streamed through the barred bedroom windows.

"No, you need to get up now or so shall it be, I will drag you out of this bed kicking and screaming!" Damon groaned, pulling my arm.

I shot up, "You wouldn't."

"Oh I would," he smirked.

"Fine, why do I need to be awake now?" I looked over to Damon, placing my elbows on my knees.

"Emily wants you downstairs- so put on your boots, fix your hair, and come on." Damon commanded.

"Yes sir," I gave him a mock salute.

 He gave me a flat look, "Ha-ha."

 I rolled my eyes and put on my boots and did my hair in a high ponytail. I swear whatever this girl needed me for better be important.

"All done," I looked over to Damon, standing up from the bed.

"Okay, give me your wrists." he sighed,  grabbing the shackles.

"Ugh I hate being their stupid prisoner." I groaned putting my wrists out in front of me.

"Oh relax, at least you're not strapped on that table anymore." Damon commented putting on the shackles on. 

"Yeah, do you know why Emily wants me?" I asked, as we made our way down the empty hall.

 "Nope." Damon shrugged.

 "Sooo helpful," I said sarcastically.

 "Don't be like that I am your only friend," Damon grumbled crossing his arms. 

"I'm sorry Dam, please don't hate me." I pouted.

"I'd never hate you," he bumped my shoulder.

 "I know, you're too nice to do that." I smiled at him.

"I'm not too nice," he looked over to me.

"Yes you are and you know it." I laughed. 

Damon rolled his eyes and changed the subject, "Is it true you have a power?"

 "I don't know... They say royals do, but I guess mine didn't come or something..." I shrugged.

Damon was about to respond when we heard Emily and her minions discussing something.  "We need Damon to mark her, then we'll tell Cameron he threatened us into helping him get Madison." Emily whispered.

"But how?" Ryan asked.

 "Easy we get his mate and threaten to cut her throat if he doesn't do it," she smirked. 

I felt sick to my stomach.

"So either way Damon's going to die and that will be a problem off our backs. He isn't that bright... I thought by now he would have figured it out-" Evan chuckled.

Figured what out? 

"I know, I mean how hard is it to recognize your own sister?" Ryan laughed.

 I felt mine and Damon's mouth drop and eyes widen in shock. That means- oh that is totally sick! They want my brother to mark me. Someone please get me a barf bag.

"Did they just say brother?" I whispered to him in shock.

Damon didn't respond- he only nodded.

 "That means you're a royal too?" I looked over to him.

 He nodded once again.

 "Oh Madison your finally here!" Emily walked to where Damon and I were staring at each other in shock. I pulled a straight face. She can't know what I and Damon had just found out.

 "When did you get here?" Ryan asked suspiciously.

"We just got down, now why do you need me?" I looked at them scowling.

 "Well we are having a little trouble, your mate has sent a search party looking for you, so were going to need Damon to mark you tonight," she explained. 

THERE WAS NO WAY IN HELL I'M LETTING MY BROTHER MARK ME. I felt myself begin to hyperventilate. Breathe Maddy just breathe stay calm. 

That explains why I felt myself connect with his wolf. 

Okay, but we have got bigger problems we kinda need to get our mate here now so that my BROTHER doesn't mark me. 

Okay, okay relax I'll send Cameron's wolf an image of what this place looks like. He should be able to sense me now, since the wolf bane has worn off and they haven't realized yet. His wolf can find us easier because we have more energy. 

Good, now hurry up before I have a fucking panic attack.

Yeah, whatever.

And she was gone.

"Why tonight?" I croaked.

 "Because your annoying mate is too close."

Those words made me relived. If he could get here, before the marking or I stall long enough for him to get here, then I wouldn't get marked by my brother.

"Now you take her to the room and don't leave till she's marked." Evan commanded. 

"If you don't you know what'll happen..." Emily smirked.

Reluctantly Damon and I went back upstairs.

 "We need to get out of here," I gave Damon my wrists.

 "No fucking way." Damon said sarcastically.

 "Not the time, tell me where we are I'll tell my mate so his pack can come and you do the same because we don't know what things those psychos are capable of." 

"We're in the castle where the royals lived before they disappeared" I nodded and told my wolf to tell Cameron's.

 "Okay, tell your mate to tell her pack, but to also make sure she's on high alert, because we don't know when they could try and capture. Now let's try figuring out how to make these stupid powers work." he nodded in response and we got straight to work.


Did anyone see this coming?

What do you guys think of Damon?

The stories almost over which makes me kinda sad, but I can't wait to write another story.

So for now

Vote Comment and Follow :-)

Edited (8/17/14)

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