Chapter 11 Jungkook's Time

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"You made this in New Zealand, right?" Jimin asks curiously peeking over J-Hope's shoulder. Jimin wraps his arms around Hoseok's waist and rests his head on Hoseok's shoulder. "For Bon Voyage?"

Hoseok nods, oblivious to Jimin's attempt to cuddle. His hands work quickly as he makes his special toast. It's a toast sandwich covered with butter, strawberry jam, scrambled eggs, and bacon. He folds it into a triangle and smiles in satisfaction.

Jimin stares at the toast with hungry eyes. "I want some..."

Hoseok places the toasted sandwich on a plate and pushes past Jimin, "This is for Ara-sshi," he reminds Jimin, "I'll make some for us next."

Jungkook glances up from his phone, leaning heavily on the kitchen island. He pauses the video of how to make pancakes and watches Hoseok walk back down the hallway. Jimin slides up to Jungkook's side and throws his arm around Jungkook's shoulders.

"What?" Jungkook asks Jimin distractedly.

Jimin watches Hosoek leave and waits until he is out of sight before speaking. "This is weird. It's strange to see hyung break the rules like this."

Jungkook stands up from the counter and slips his phone back into his pocket. He glances back at Yoongi, Jin, and Namjoon sitting at the table speaking in low tones. Namjoon's expression is tense.

Something must have happened.

Taehyung enters the kitchen with long strides. He starts searching through the cabinets but finds nothing worth taking. He sneezes loudly, catching Jungkook off guard, and breaking his concentration on listening to his hyungs' conversation.

"What's going on?" Jungkook asks Taehyung, hoping he overheard them as he walked by.

Taehyung shrugs and looks over the gathered hyungs with mild interest. "It must be about Ara."

Jimin hops up onto the counter and kicks his legs in a rhythmic pattern. He looks in the direction of the hallway. "Hobi seems worried too. I think this is more serious than we thought."

"I hope everything is okay," Jungkook comments quietly. His gaze falls to the ground and begins to think about the various scenarios to cause this. Did somebody pass away? And why was Hosoek agree to let her stay here after moments of knowing her?

She seems nice, but that's hardly enough to allow her inside the dorm. Two years ago, Jin wasn't even allowed to bring his girlfriend into the dorm. And now a complete stranger is allowed inside?

Hoseok returns to the living room with a somber expression. He enters the kitchen and starts on another breakfast sandwich. Jungkook watches him closely trying to understand what's going on based on Hoseok's face but he gives nothing away.

"Hyung, do we have ice-cream?" Taehyung asks over his shoulder. He looks through the freeze section again.

"It's breakfast," Jimin chuckles, still on the counter. "Why do you need ice-cream?"

Taehyung's large dark eyes sadden with defeat. "Maybe it would help Ara feel better."

"That's very sweet," Hoseok comments, his voice is distant for his mind is elsewhere. "I'm sure she would. She's having a rough time."

"What's going on?" Jimin asks, tilting his head to the side. "Did something happen to her?"

Hoseok nods and finally turns to them. "She received a call from her boyfriend's phone but the caller was his new girlfriend." he grimaces at the thought, "The 'other woman' called her to warn Ara about the guy and how he is cheating on them. Ara is heartbroken. It doesn't help that she lost her apartment. She's exhausted right now. The poor girl has had a rough day."

"Whoa... her life sounds like a drama." Jimin scratches the side of his head. "That sounds horrible."

"What should we do?" Taehyung asks worriedly. "Do we leave her alone? What did she tell you?"

The corner of Hoseok's mouth pulls to the side. "She was trying to be polite. She was pretending like it was fine. She has a lot of anxiety. I think it's hard for her to express how she feels."

Jimin nods in understanding. "Yes, I could tell that was the case. But what should we do to help?"

"Namjoon says we should give her peace." Hoseok sighs as he butters another piece of toast. "I think she shouldn't be alone right now."

"If I knew her better, I'd take her out for noodles but..." Taehyung's eyes flicker with uncertainty. "She's still a stranger. I'm not sure what to do."

Jimin glances back at the gathering of older members in the dining room. "I think they're trying to figure it out too."

Jungkook runs his hand through his hair and leans against the counter. He shakes his head, "I don't know either."

He isn't sure if he trusts her completely. The anxiety in her heart is no lie and the fact that she isn't Army helps him believe in her situation of being homeless. He trusts Hoseok's judgment but she is still a stranger.

"Is she in the guest room?" Jimin asks after a moment of silence.

Hoseok nods.

"She acts afraid of us," Taehyung comments with a look of regret. "I don't know if she wants to see us."

"I think she's just nervous in general," Jimin assumes with a shrug of his narrow shoulders. "Though I'd be lying if I said she wasn't a little intimidated."

"We aren't scary," Taehyung complains, lowering his head. "Just loud."

Hoseok shakes his head as he finishes another toast sandwich. "She didn't know I was J-Hope before and was still nervous. It's her personality, it's not us."

The more Jungkook thinks about Ara, the more she reminds him of himself of the days of being a trainee. He remembers the stress he felt about the thought of debuting as a singer. The pressure that being an idol put on his shoulders. He was young, it was difficult to adjust to.

He wonders what she faces that causes her to be so afraid.

"Good thing she met you first," Jimin comments lightly, "you're the best at making people feel comfortable."

Hoseok smiles gratefully, "Thanks Jiminie."

"Hey guys!" Jin calls from the dining room, "Come here!"

The maknae line migrates from the kitchen and enters the dining room together. Hoseok remains in the kitchen and continues to make breakfast. Jungkook sits down beside Yoongi and watches Namjoon for the final verdict.

Namjoon rubs his puffy eyes and looks at the members through his fingers. "I think we can all agree that we're tired but I'm worried about Ara."

"What do we do to help her?" Jimin asks, sitting down beside Jin.

Yoogni adjusts the velcro strap on his shoulder sling with a focused look. His hair falls in front of his eyes, masking his expression. "I think she needs alone time."

"We can't just leave her in there," Jimin argues immediately. "She's all alone, she's heartbroken. I wouldn't want to be alone after finding out my lover was cheating on me."

"Maybe she prefers to be alone?" Jungkook offers, taking Yoongi's side on this.

"Not like this." Taehyung shakes his head, "This is different."

"It feels wrong to ignore her," Jin agrees, leaning back in his chair. He looks over the table before glancing over his shoulder. "I think we should try talking to her."

"All seven of us would be intimidating," Namjoon comments. "And I doubt she'll tell us anything. We are strangers, after all."

"So what do we do?"

All of the members fall silent until Taehyung's eyes light up with an idea.

"What if we did events--, activities with her? Not date but also date? Friend dates?"

Jungkook blinks at Taehyung, taking a moment to process the sentence.

Namjoon's eyes light up as well, understanding him. "You mean like hanging out with her one-on-one?"

"Doing date-like things but not actually dating?" Yoongi guesses with a curious look.

Taehyung nods quickly. "Yes."

"The question is if she's willing to come out of the bedroom," Jimin wonders out loud.

Jin yawns widely and rubs his exhausted eyes. "I don't know if I can stay awake long enough for that. It's worth a shot but I don't know how long I'll make it."

"Who goes first?"

"I will," Hoseok calls from the kitchen. "I'll eat with her. Maybe I can help her calm down."

"We can take shifts," Jimin suggests with a growing smile. "It'll be fun. We can help her feel better."

"Happy woman equals happy house," Yoongi chuckles.

"Let's do it," Namjoon clasps his hands together with a confident smile. His eyes are dead tired but he's determined.

Jungkook still isn't sure about this, but if everybody is okay with this then he'll try to be okay as well. All he has to do is wait until his time to hang out with Ara. Waiting will be torturous and make him feel nervous, but maybe it'll be easier to talk to her if the others go before him.

He hopes it goes well and they can all sleep soon.

Just hold on a little while longer.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed this chapter set from JK's point of view! I will have some chapters from the point of view of the other members too. They will always be in the third person with their name somehow in the chapter title! Have a wonderful day, lovelies! <3

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