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"That's fine by me. After what you just told me to do, I don't want to consider you as my father anyway!" I yelled, storming off.

"You better wish your sorry ass doesn't get kicked out this tribe you ungrateful brat!" Igneel yelled.
"Go to hell old man!" I said angrily, running back into our territory.

Luce. Where are you? I need you.


(A/N): Helloooooo lovelies♥︎

Omg btw I'm so sorry about this update rn it's about 1am in the UK and I was writing this at about 9pm and I got distracted sorry guys....

How ya feeling? (Please reply to your lonely author-chan)

Wow. Look at me, fishing for comments. This is what I've become. *dramatic fainting*

Enjoy the chapter ~


(Lucy's POV)

Once I'd found Natsu I told him what happened, and it turns out that Igneel is exactly the same as my wonderful bitch of a mother.

And it's all because of me.

"H-hey, are you alright?" Natsu asked, embracing me in a warm hug. "You don't look to good."
"I-I'm fine." I stuttered, trying to hold back tears. I can't cry, not over this. I have to show people that I'm strong.

We spent most of the day walking around the male territory, and Natsu decided to test me to see if I could remember my way back to the hut. Well, I tried, but instead I managed to find this abnormally large arena.

"What's this?" I asked.
"It's the arena." Natsu told me. "Most days it's used as a training ground, but one day a year the other tribes gather here, and we battle."
"What for?" I questioned. "What's the point in that?"
"It's to see who is the strongest tribe." Natsu sighed. "The strongest tribe gets to do as they please as long as they don't cause havoc among the other tribes.

"Have we ever won?" I asked.
"No. We never win." Natsu sighed. I shivered as a gust of wind came along. The sun was beginning to set and the air was getting chillier.

"Wanna go back to the hut?" He suggested, hugging me tight.
"We can't." I replied bluntly. "My mother's there."
"So we'll kick her out." He smiled. "She hurt you, so there's no room for her in our house." I nodded in reply, slightly smiling into his chest.

We got back to the house, only to find that it wasn't just my mother in the hut.
"Oh I see, let's hold a bitching session in mine and Luce's house shall we?" Natsu blurted after barging in through the door. He saw my mother and Igneel talking through the window (with no glass) and got furious.

"That's no way to talk to a woman Natsu!" Igneel stood up with a rage and yelled back. "Never mind your elder!"
"Oh, so you actually respect women now!?" Natsu retorted. "I thought respect was only for insane people!"

"Natsu. I'm giving you one more chance to-" Igneel was interrupted.
"Get out of our house!" Natsu bellowed. "Both of you. NOW!"
Igneel left, but Layla refused to move.
"You can't tell me to do anything you rascal!" Layla stood up and began yelling too.

"But I can." I stood in front of Natsu. "I don't want you anywhere near this hut ever again."
"How dare you say that to me!?" Layla lifted her hand, and I closed my eyes, preparing for the harsh impact that was about to hit me in the face.

The harsh impact that never came.

I opened my eyes to see Natsu. He had a firm grip on Layla's wrist, and was staring her straight in the eye. Since he was only 15, he was only the same height as my mother, but trust me. He looked scary as shit.

"You even dare lay a finger on my Luce ever again, I will not hesitate to impale you with a spear and hang you from a tree so you can rot there until you die."

Damn. Feisty.

"You wouldn't dare."
"Try me."
"How do you think Lucy would feel?"
"Luce doesn't give two shits about your wellbeing."
"I can kick you out this tribe."
"At least I'll be away from you."

There was a silence, then Natsu let go of Layla's wrist, allowing her to leave our house. Natsu turned to face me, and his expression softened as soon as he saw me. I hadn't realised it, but as I was watching...

I broke down.

"L-Luce..?" Natsu stuttered. I, I can't do it anymore. I ran over towards Natsu and wrapped my arms tightly around him, crying into his chest.
"I'm so sorry Natsu." I wailed, and I felt his large, warm hands stroke my back in an attempt to calm me down.
"Sorry for what?" He whispered into my ear.

"This is all my fault. All this is because I wasn't ready. You're left behind, both our parents hate us and we're probably going to get kicked out of the tribe. It's all my fault Natsu, I'm so so sorry." I cried.

"Shhhh, it's not just your fault." He whispered. "It's our fault. Everything we do, we do together. I'd never let you solely take the blame for anything, ever. Just remember that, okay?"
"O-okay." I stuttered a reply.

"I think we should sleep." Natsu suggested, an I nodded. He picked me up bridal style and laid me on the bed. He then walked round and snuggled up to me, and I fell asleep in his embrace.


(Still Lucy's POV)

We woke up late the next morning to here loud bustling.
"W-what's going on?" I asked. Natsu got up and looked out the window, then a quiet gasp came from his mouth.
"What is it I asked?" Walking up the the window to have a look myself.

"It's the other tribes. They're here."

Word Count: 982

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