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"Okay, I su-" Hide was cut off.

Yuno's swinging finally ended, and the whole arena was silent. My mouth was agape with shock, terror and disgust, my brain unable to comprehend exactly what I just witnessed. Hide was about to surrender....

And Yuno had beheaded him.


(A/N): HI EVERYBODY! IVE DECIDED TO COME BACK! I'm so sorry for just ditching this book (and the whole account) for such a long time, but I'm gonna try and be more active in this account again. [even if I'm uploading stories on another account damn I'm so un-loyal I'm sorry ;-;] Sorry I didn't update earlier, but I needed a little break from writing to re-gather inspiration (if that's what you wanna call it. Either that or I'm just hella lazy)

So thank you for not removing the book from your libraries, I really appreciate it, and I hope you enjoy the long overdue chapter! I'm not promising regular updates because my creativity will most likely be an on and off thing, especially with these big exams I have coming up.. :(((

But hey! Some updates is better than none, right? Be filled with positivity!!

PS~ I made another account called lubylu112 which is my BTS account, so you should go check it out and maybe even give it a cheeky follow ;) #ShamelessSPON I'm sorry again.


(Lucy's POV)

The whole arena was in complete shock, everyone was either crying, yelling or screaming. Suddenly I heard Ichiya's voice bellow over the chaos that had just erupted in front of me.
"Ladies and men, please would everybody return to their seats and calm down." People from the Ghoul Tribe went wild, especially the fighter called Kaneki who went running over to those 'game-makers', and there was almost a riot on our hands.

Calming everyone down took a while, but eventually everyone was seated and reasonably quiet. I heard the women sat behind me begin to chatter again;
"Have you ever witnessed something like this before?" One of the ladies asked the other.

"Only once," the other lady replied. "A couple years ago someone was murdered in the competition. It was brutal, but these kinds of things aren't against the rules."
"They should be," the first women sighed. "Killing someone in this way just isn't right."

I returned my attention back to the competition, seeing that it was continuing. Next up was Mikasa against Kirito, and after a long, hard battle, Mikasa won.

Then it was Gray's turn. He was up against Touka from The Ghoul Tribe, and even though I was routing for him, I couldn't bear to watch. He fought long and hard, but the majority of the fight was him taking blows. I was nearly in tears; he'd probably broken an arm and a rib, and in the end was unable to even stand.

"The winner is Touka from the Ghoul Tribe!" Ichiya yelled out, and the Ghoul Tribe burst out into cheer. Two older tribe members from our tribe dragged Gray out of the ring, but the thing I was most astonished at, was Juvia looking completely calm. She sat next to me, not the slightest bit worried about her precious 'Gray-Sama'. What's gotten into her?

"Juvia?" I asked. "Shall we go see if Gray's alright?"
"No. Juvia is staying here." She smiled at me.
"Aren't you worried?" I questioned.
"Gray-Sama is fine." She bluntly told me.

Right. Okay....

I hope Juvia's right.

Next up in the arena was Gajeel, against Sinon from The Alfheim Tribe. Sinon was very small, and was no good at close combat, but she was very nimble, and at a distance could do a lot of damage. Just like Gray, Gajeel was taking blows, except Sinon was firing what looked like... Wooden bullets?

(A/N): These 'Wooden Bullets' aren't like normal metal bullets coming from a gun. They're fired with a much weaker force than a gun, and they only penetrate about 0.5cm into your skin. (I made this up because it's my story so don't go shooting people with wooden bullets thanks XD)

The wooden bullets weren't doing much damage, but I noticed that Sinon was mostly aiming them all in the same place - around the heart.

She hit him in other places too; mainly the face. It looked like she got him near the eye, since I saw blood dripping down his face like tears, and she hit him around the ears too. My guess is that she can stop him from using his main senses - hearing and sight - so she can finish him off. Gajeel couldn't even get near her; she just moved too fast.

This is awful! In the end Gajeel was wandering around the arena, unable to hear or see Sinon, so she used her gun to knock him out.
"The winner is Sinon from the Alfheim Tribe!" Ichiya yelled, causing that tribe to burst into cheer. That's two of our three representatives out. I hope their okay...

Next up was Natsu, and god was I worried. He was against Asuna from the Alfheim tribe, and from the looks of things, they're pretty strong. I was on the edge of my seat from the very moment the fight commenced. Asuna was good. Very good. She looked really experienced, and she definitely knew what she was doing. Natsu was throwing punch after punch, occasionally hitting Asuna, but she wasn't attacking him back, just dodging.

She's trying to tire him out.

"Natsu!" I yelled. "She's trying to tire you out! Stop attacking!!" He heard me, because he then stopped recklessly throwing punches, allowing himself to catch his breath. Thank god. Wait, this isn't classed as cheating, right?

But as soon as I thought Natsu stood a chance, Asuna started attacking. A metal sword was the weapon she bore; it looked lightweight and easy to use. And despite the fact that Natsu had some type of armour to protect him, it wasn't going to last much longer. His armour was already beginning to break, he was -once again- being worn out by dodging blows, and was receiving his fair share too.

Natsu was losing, and I'm not gonna stand there and watch like the others. I can't. That's not human.

"Natsu!" I called out to the tiring man. He was now bleeding in a lot of places having been cut up by Asuna's blade, but refused to give in. "Stop this!"
"What!" He yelled back. "I'm fighting for my tribe!"
"Your Tribe doesn't give a shit about you!" I retorted, not caring who heard. "They don't care if you die! You're just another pawn in their game!"

Natsu ignored me, continuing to fight Asuna, when she took a gash to Natsu's side. He cried out in pain, grasping onto his side with his left hand, still dodging Asuna.
"NATSU!" I screamed. "Just surrender!" I felt my nails harshly dig into the palm of my hand. I was scared. Scared of what Asuna can do, scared of what the Tribe will allow, scared for Natsu's life.

"Please!" I called out, tears spilling down my red cheeks. "If not for you, do it for me!" He then went quiet, wouldn't talk to me, whilst he continued to dodge. He's thinking.

He doesn't have a lot of time left to think! If he keeps moving around like that, his wound will get worse and he'll lose a lot of blood. If he gets tired, the blow he receives could be fatal! Come on Natsu, don't risk your life for this stupid Tribe!

"Alright!" He yelled, in pain and out of breath. "I surrender!" Asuna stopped, and I took a sigh of relief. Thank god she's not like that Yuno girl. There were huge cheers from the Alfheim tribe, but our tribe only seemed to look at Natsu in disgust. How the hell could they do that!? Have any of these people ever fought in this ring? Risked their own lives for this shitty tribe??

I don't think so!

I looked back over to Natsu; he'd collapsed onto his knees as two tribe members were dragging him away. He sent me a worried glance, which scared the hell outta me.

So I ran after him.

Word Count: 1373

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