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Natsu sat up, staring into space for a little while, which got me worried. Is he trying to think!?
"You okay?" I asked him.
"Luce," He began. "You know before when I asked if you wanted to leave, and you said yes?" I nodded, recalling the moment.

"I meant leave the tribe."


(A/N): Woop here I am again with another chapterrr. Again, I apologise for the slow updates, but my first major maths exam was on the 25th May, and I have 4 more coming up soon ;-; so my top priority is revision XD

Well, enjoy the story!

|•|•| (Lucy's POV) |•|•|

"Leave the Tribe!" I exclaimed. "Are you insane!?"
"I probably am." He replied, staring me straight in the eye. He was serious. "But I feel like it's what we should do."
"Natsu," I sighed. "You know what the penalty is for leaving the tribe. I don't want you to go through that. To be frank, I don't want to go through it either."

"Then we just won't get caught." He retorted. "The finals will take place later tonight when it's dark, we can sneak out then because everyone will be watching the match."
"But people will know we're missing." I contradicted him. There was a short pause.
"So let's make sure they don't come looking for us for a long time." Natsu smirked up at me.


We were sat in our seats at the arena; it was pitch black outside and candles were scattered around the place, illuminating the entire arena. Me and Natsu were making our way over to our seats, when we spotted Igneel.
"You ready?" Natsu asked, and I nodded. Making my way over to my seat, I watched as Natsu shyly made his way over to Igneel. I couldn't hear what he was saying, and at first things looked a little awkward between the two of them, but eventually they were laughing and smiling together again.

At that point I'd spotted my mum Layla. Okay, I can do this. Breathe in. Breathe out. I stood up, ambling over to my mum, who'd just entered the arena.
"H-hi, mum." I smiled awkwardly, my eyes downcast. "I umm- I'd like to apologise for mine and Natsu's actions from the other day. We've thought it over and realised we were being rash with our decisions. I hope you can forgive us."

I looked up at her face, but my mum remained silent, so I continued.
"So we've decided to listen to you and make a baby-"
"Oh that's excellent news!" She exclaimed, embracing me in a warm hug. Wow, her mood just swung further than Tarzan on a vine. "So, have you done it yet?"
"We were deciding tonight." I told her. "And then we'd stay in the hut for a while just to make sure."

"Stay in the hut for... how long?" She questioned. It is believed that the longer you stay indoors - doing you know what - the higher chance you have of being pregnant. So basically the longer the better.
"A month." I told her, and her face lit up.
"Oh Lucy, I'm so proud of you!" She smiled. "I'm so so happy the both of you finally came to your senses! I'll make sure the whole tribe stays away from your hut for a month for you." I smiled sheepishly in reply, embracing her once again.

Of course, all this was a lie. We weren't having a baby just yet, but giving ourselves a month to get as far away as possible. That's plenty of time to be gone, and when a month has passed we'll be too far away for them to come and look for us.

"Thank you mum." I smiled at her. "I have to go back to Natsu now. I'm gonna try see if we can leave early." I smiled cheekily, and my mum squealed.
"Ooooo good luck to you both! Have fun!" My mum waved me off as I walked over to Natsu.

"How did it go?" Natsu asked me as I sat myself down beside him. We were sat a couple rows from the front, since the front was saved for the older hunters. I was seated next to Levy, and Natsu next to Gray, as we waited for the match to start.
"Perfect, you?" I retorted.
"Exactly according to plan." We both smiled at each other, interlocking our hands in a small, celebratory embrace.

Whilst we were back at our hut we missed three other fights. There was Yuno vs. Sinon, in which Yuno won. Kaneki vs. Asuna was the second match we missed, and Asuna won that one. Finally, there was a match between Touka and Mikasa, and Mikasa won.

There were three people left:  Yuno, Asuna and Mikasa. They'd all go against each other in a 1 vs. 1 vs. 1 match, which seemed pretty intense. But have you noticed one thing about the three finalists? They're all girls. More reason why our tribe is so stupid in not letting girls fight.

The match eventually started, and the both of us looked around. As we thought, our parents were gossiping with the guards, which means our escape plan was in full swing.
"Ready?" Natsu whispered in my ear, gently squeezing my hand. I nodded in reply, and we stood up out of our seats, making our way over to the arena's exit. Just like we suspected, the guards let us simply walk past, we just made sure to look insanely in love with each other as we walked past.

Once we were completely out of sight, we checked the fence to see if there were any guards. There weren't, since they were all watching the finale, so we stealthily jumped up a nearby tree, disappearing in the leaves as we snuck over the fence.

This is it. We're free.

(A/N): On another note, I wanted to see who you all think should win out of the three tribes... Should it be:

Asuna and the Alfheim Tribe?

Yuno and the Future Tribe?

Mikasa and the Titan Tribe?

Comment who you think should win! I'm very curious, and I'll make the one with the most votes the winner.

This is just because I'm bored and my wifi is too slow to load any K-Dramas ;-; I'm watching 'Fight My Way' right now and it's bloody hilarious I love it. (In between revision of course)

Anyway, thanks for reading~

Word Count: 1075

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